![Logo](Docs/logo.png) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/spinicist/QUIT.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/spinicist/QUIT) Credit / Blame / Contact - Tobias Wood - tobias.wood@kcl.ac.uk This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. If you find the tools useful the author would love to hear from you. This is the updated version of QUIT based on ITK http://www.itk.org The previous version is here http://github.com/spinicist/old_quit ## Brief Description A collection of programs for processing quantitative MRI data, originally DESPOT but now a wider variety of techniques. ## Thanks Many thanks to Samuel Hurley for many, many suggestions. Thanks to Anna Combes, Amy McDowell and Sjoerd Vos for finding bugs in early versions. ## Documentation Documentation exists in Markdown format in the Docs folder, and is also available at http://spinicist.github.io/QUIT/ ## Installation Pre-compiled binaries are provided for Linux and Mac OS X in a .tar.gz archive from http://github.com/spinicist/QUIT/releases. Download the correct archive for your platform, untar it and then ensure that the binaries can be found via your `PATH` environment variable. The Linux binaries are built with Ubuntu 14.04 with GCC 6. If you need to run on an older version of Linux with a previous version of `glibc` then you will need to compile from source. For instructions on how to compile from source, please see the developer page in the documentation. ## Usage Example scripts for mcDESPOT processing are provided in the installation archive. These print usage instructions if you call them with no arguments. They take a set of filenames as input, and you will need to modify the scripts with your particular flip-angles and TRs. Each product has some basic usage instructions that will be printed with either the -h or --help options, e.g. `qimcdespot -h`. The majority of programs take the input filenames as arguments on the command-line, and in addition will read an input text file from `stdin`. For further details, see the (documentation)[https://spinicist.github.io/QUIT], which is also available in the `Docs` folder. ## Getting Help If you can't find an answer to a problem in the documentation or help strings, you can open an (issue)[https://github.com/spinicist/QUIT/issues], post a question on (Neurostars)[https://neurostars.org] or find the main developer on Twitter (@spinicist).