Tip revision: 70e973c2d935e4ff2cb080d7feef0dd08c23e061 authored by sabelarl on 07 July 2021, 12:56:38 UTC
Tip revision: 70e973c
#' Adjusted version of the DS-LMM method. It applies a different threshold for
#' the minimum number of cells; it only considers selected population & marker
#' combinations for the analysis of the differential expresssion; it specifies
#' the contrasts between disease groups.
testDS_LMM_adjusted <- function (d_counts, d_medians, formula, contrast, weights = TRUE,
markers_to_test = NULL, min_cells = 100, min_samples = NULL,
contrast_extra = F, contrast_extra_con = NULL)
# if (is.null(min_samples)) {
# min_samples <- ncol(d_counts)/3
# }
if (!is.null(markers_to_test)) {
markers_to_test <- markers_to_test
else {
markers_to_test <- metadata(d_medians)$id_state_markers
counts <- assays(d_counts)[["counts"]]
cluster_id <- rowData(d_counts)$cluster_id
## Threshold of minimum number of cells per cluster:
# tf <- counts >= min_cells
# ix_keep <- apply(tf, 1, function(r) sum(r) >= min_samples)
ix_keep <- apply(counts, 1, function(r) sum(r) > min_cells) # threshold per cluster, not per sample
counts <- counts[ix_keep, , drop = FALSE]
cluster_id <- cluster_id[ix_keep]
if (is.logical(weights)) {
if (weights) {
weights <- colSums(counts)
else {
weights <- NULL
else if (is.numeric(weights)) {
stopifnot(length(weights) == ncol(d_counts))
## REMOVE this because we specify contrast below
# if (ncol(contrast) == 1 & nrow(contrast) > 1) {
# contrast <- t(contrast)
# }
### In order to see which cell pop and marker we're analysing:
state_names <- names(assays(d_medians))[markers_to_test]
state_names <- state_names[state_names != "CD39"]
foo <- as.list(assays(d_medians)[state_names])
bar <- foo
meds <- rbindlist(lapply(names(bar), function(a) {
aa <-[[a]], keep.rownames = T)
aa[, marker := a]
setnames(aa, 'rn', 'pops')
meds <- meds[pops %in% cluster_id] # keep only pops with enough cells (>100 per cluster)
meds[, unique := paste(pops, marker, sep = "_")]
meds <- meds[unique %in% state_dt$unique] # Keep only selected combination marker-pop
# Remove combinations marker-pop with zero expression
limit <- ncol(meds[, 2:ncol(meds)])*2/3 # set limit at third samples (at max 0 expression in 2/3 of samples)
meds <- meds[rowSums(meds==0, na.rm=TRUE) < limit, ]
combi <- unique(meds$unique)
meds <- as.matrix(meds, rownames = meds$unique)
meds_all <-"rbind", as.list(assays(d_medians)[state_names]))
p_vals <- c()
for (i in combi) {
p_vals[i] <- tryCatch({
y <- meds[i,]
print(y[length(y)]) # print cluster name and marker
to_remove <- c(1, length(y), length(y)-1)
y <- y[-to_remove]
data_i <- cbind(, weights), formula$data)
data_i$y <- as.numeric(data_i$y)
if ("age" %in% colnames(data_i)) {
data_i$age <- as.numeric(data_i$age) # if added to the model
if ("pmd_hours" %in% colnames(data_i)) {
data_i$pmd_hours <- as.numeric(data_i$pmd_hours) # if added to the model
if (formula$random_terms) {
fit <- lmer(formula$formula, data = data_i,
weights = weights)
else {
fit <- lm(formula$formula, data = data_i, weights = weights)
print(summary(fit)) # print model
### Create contrast (from
name.coef <- names(coef(fit))#[["sample_id"]])
n.coef <- length(name.coef)
contr <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = n.coef,
dimnames = list("contrast", name.coef))
contr[1, contrast] <- 1 # choose among: conditionms, conditionad, age, genderm, pmd_hours
if (contrast_extra) {
contr[1, contrast_extra_con] <- -1
}# C[1, "conditionms"] <- -1 # optional, if you want to compare to other than intercept (control)
test <- glht(fit, contr)
}, error = function(e) NA)
### Reduce multiple testing adjustment
#Adjust per pop + Keep only p_vals of state markers of interest per cell pop
pvals_dt <-, keep.rownames = T)
setnames(pvals_dt, "rn", "unique")
# Keep only selected markers:
pvals_dt <- merge(pvals_dt, state_dt)[, c("unique", "p_vals", "pop", "marker")]
padj_dt <- c()
for (popu in unique(pvals_dt$pop)) {
pop_vals <- pvals_dt[pop == popu]
pop_vals[, p_adj := p.adjust(p_vals, method = "fdr")]
padj_dt <- rbind(padj_dt, pop_vals)
setnames(padj_dt, c("pop", "p_vals", "marker"), c("cluster_id", "p_val", "marker_id"))
# padj_dt <- padj_dt[, c("p_val", "cluster_id", "p_adj", "marker_id")]
padj_dt <-
res <- padj_dt
### This is not necessary anymore, since we just return the list of pvals and padjs:
# p_adj <- p.adjust(p_vals[!], method = "fdr")
# stopifnot(length(p_vals) == length(p_adj))
# out <- data.frame(p_val = p_vals, p_adj = p_adj, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# row_data <-, nrow = length(p_adj), ncol = ncol(out)))
# colnames(row_data) <- colnames(out)
# cluster_id_nm <- as.numeric(cluster_id)
# s <- seq(0, nlevels(cluster_id) * (length(state_names) -
# 1), by = nlevels(cluster_id))
# r1 <- rep(cluster_id_nm, length(state_names))
# r2 <- rep(s, each = length(cluster_id_nm))
# stopifnot(length(s) == length(state_names))
# stopifnot(length(r1) == length(r2))
# rows <- r1 + r2
# row_data[rows, ] <- out
# clus <- factor(rep(levels(cluster_id), length(state_names)),
# levels = levels(cluster_id))
# stat <- factor(rep(state_names, each = length(levels(cluster_id))),
# levels = state_names)
# stopifnot(length(clus) == nrow(row_data), length(stat) ==
# nrow(row_data))
# row_data <- cbind(data.frame(cluster_id = clus, marker_id = stat,
# stringsAsFactors = FALSE), row_data)
# col_data <- colData(d_medians)
# res <- SummarizedExperiment(meds_all, rowData = row_data,
# colData = col_data)
return(list(res = res, meds = meds))