/* Fri Aug 15 16:29:47 EDT 1997 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Matrix Market I/O library for ANSI C Roldan Pozo, NIST (pozo@nist.gov) See http://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket for details and sample calling programs. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTICE Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Neither the Author nor the Institution (National Institute of Standards and Technology) make any representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. This software is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */ #include #include #include #include #include "mmio.h" int mm_is_valid(MM_typecode matcode) { if (!mm_is_matrix(matcode)) return 0; if (mm_is_dense(matcode) && mm_is_pattern(matcode)) return 0; if (mm_is_real(matcode) && mm_is_hermitian(matcode)) return 0; if (mm_is_pattern(matcode) && (mm_is_hermitian(matcode) || mm_is_skew(matcode))) return 0; return 1; } int mm_read_banner(FILE *f, MM_typecode *matcode) { char line[MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char banner[MM_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH]; char mtx[MM_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH]; char crd[MM_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH]; char data_type[MM_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH]; char storage_scheme[MM_MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH]; char *p; mm_clear_typecode(matcode); if (fgets(line, MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH, f) == NULL) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF; if (sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %s %s", banner, mtx, crd, data_type, storage_scheme) != 5) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF; /* these tokens are compared to lower-case constants */ for (p=mtx; *p!='\0'; *p=tolower(*p),p++); /* convert to lower case */ for (p=crd; *p!='\0'; *p=tolower(*p),p++); for (p=data_type; *p!='\0'; *p=tolower(*p),p++); for (p=storage_scheme; *p!='\0'; *p=tolower(*p),p++); /* check for banner */ if (strncmp(banner, MatrixMarketBanner, strlen(MatrixMarketBanner)) != 0) return MM_NO_HEADER; /* first field should be "mtx" */ if (strcmp(mtx, MM_MTX_STR) != 0) return MM_NOT_MTX; mm_set_matrix(matcode); /* second field describes whether this is a sparse matrix (in coordinate storgae) or a dense array */ if (strcmp(crd, MM_SPARSE_STR) == 0) mm_set_sparse(matcode); else if (strcmp(crd, MM_DENSE_STR) == 0) mm_set_dense(matcode); else return MM_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; /* third field */ if (strcmp(data_type, MM_REAL_STR) == 0) mm_set_real(matcode); else if (strcmp(data_type, MM_COMPLEX_STR) == 0) mm_set_complex(matcode); else if (strcmp(data_type, MM_PATTERN_STR) == 0) mm_set_pattern(matcode); else if (strcmp(data_type, MM_INT_STR) == 0) mm_set_integer(matcode); else return MM_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; /* fourth field */ if (strcmp(storage_scheme, MM_GENERAL_STR) == 0) mm_set_general(matcode); else if (strcmp(storage_scheme, MM_SYMM_STR) == 0) mm_set_symmetric(matcode); else if (strcmp(storage_scheme, MM_HERM_STR) == 0) mm_set_hermitian(matcode); else if (strcmp(storage_scheme, MM_SKEW_STR) == 0) mm_set_skew(matcode); else return MM_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE; return 0; } int mm_write_mtx_crd_size(FILE *f, int M, int N, int nz) { if (fprintf(f, "%d %d %d\n", M, N, nz) != 3) return MM_COULD_NOT_WRITE_FILE; else return 0; } int mm_read_mtx_crd_size(FILE *f, int *M, int *N, int *nz ) { char line[MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; int num_items_read; /* set return null parameter values, in case we exit with errors */ *M = *N = *nz = 0; /* now continue scanning until you reach the end-of-comments */ do { if (fgets(line,MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH,f) == NULL) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF; }while (line[0] == '%'); /* line[] is either blank or has M,N, nz */ if (sscanf(line, "%d %d %d", M, N, nz) == 3) return 0; else do { num_items_read = fscanf(f, "%d %d %d", M, N, nz); if (num_items_read == EOF) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF; } while (num_items_read != 3); return 0; } int mm_read_mtx_array_size(FILE *f, int *M, int *N) { char line[MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; int num_items_read; /* set return null parameter values, in case we exit with errors */ *M = *N = 0; /* now continue scanning until you reach the end-of-comments */ do { if (fgets(line,MM_MAX_LINE_LENGTH,f) == NULL) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF; }while (line[0] == '%'); /* line[] is either blank or has M,N, nz */ if (sscanf(line, "%d %d", M, N) == 2) return 0; else /* we have a blank line */ do { num_items_read = fscanf(f, "%d %d", M, N); if (num_items_read == EOF) return MM_PREMATURE_EOF; } while (num_items_read != 2); return 0; } int mm_write_mtx_array_size(FILE *f, int M, int N) { if (fprintf(f, "%d %d\n", M, N) != 2) return MM_COULD_NOT_WRITE_FILE; else return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /******************************************************************/ /* use when I[], J[], and val[]J, and val[] are already allocated */ /******************************************************************/ int mm_read_mtx_crd_data(FILE *f, int M, int N, int nz, int I[], int J[], double val[], MM_typecode matcode) { int i; if (mm_is_complex(matcode)) { for (i=0; i