# How Katib v1alpha3 tunes hyperparameter automatically in a Kubernetes native way See the following guides in the Kubeflow documentation: * [Concepts](https://www.kubeflow.org/docs/components/hyperparameter-tuning/overview/) in Katib, hyperparameter tuning, and neural architecture search. * [Getting started with Katib](https://kubeflow.org/docs/components/hyperparameter-tuning/hyperparameter/). * Detailed guide to [configuring and running a Katib experiment](https://kubeflow.org/docs/components/hyperparameter-tuning/experiment/). ## Example and Illustration After install Katib v1alpha3, you can run `kubectl apply -f katib/examples/v1alpha3/random-example.yaml` to try the first example of Katib. Then you can get the new `Experiment` as below. Katib concepts will be introduced based on this example. ``` # kubectl get experiment random-example -n kubeflow -o yaml apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v1alpha3 kind: Experiment metadata: ... name: random-example namespace: kubeflow spec: algorithm: algorithmName: random maxFailedTrialCount: 3 maxTrialCount: 12 metricsCollectorSpec: collector: kind: StdOut objective: additionalMetricNames: - accuracy goal: 0.99 objectiveMetricName: Validation-accuracy type: maximize parallelTrialCount: 3 parameters: - feasibleSpace: max: "0.03" min: "0.01" name: --lr parameterType: double - feasibleSpace: max: "5" min: "2" name: --num-layers parameterType: int trialTemplate: goTemplate: rawTemplate: |- apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: name: {{.Trial}} namespace: {{.NameSpace}} spec: template: spec: containers: - name: {{.Trial}} image: docker.io/kubeflowkatib/mxnet-mnist command: - "python3" - "/opt/mxnet-mnist/mnist.py" - "--batch-size=64" {{- with .HyperParameters}} {{- range .}} - "{{.Name}}={{.Value}}" {{- end}} {{- end}} restartPolicy: Never status: ... ``` #### Experiment When you want to tune hyperparameters for your machine learning model before training it further, you just need to create an `Experiment` CR like above. To learn what fields are included in the `Experiment.spec`, see the detailed guide to [configuring and running a Katib experiment](https://kubeflow.org/docs/components/hyperparameter-tuning/experiment/). #### Trial For each set of hyperparameters, Katib will internally generate a `Trial` CR with the hyperparameters key-value pairs, job manifest string with parameters instantiated and some other fields like below. `Trial` CR is used for internal logic control, and end user can even ignore it. ``` # kubectl get trial -n kubeflow NAME STATUS AGE random-example-fm2g6jpj Succeeded 4h random-example-hhzm57bn Succeeded 4h random-example-n8whlq8g Succeeded 4h # kubectl get trial random-example-fm2g6jpj -o yaml -n kubeflow apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v1alpha3 kind: Trial metadata: ... name: random-example-fm2g6jpj namespace: kubeflow ownerReferences: - apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v1alpha3 blockOwnerDeletion: true controller: true kind: Experiment name: random-example uid: c7bbb111-de6b-11e9-a6cc-00163e01b303 spec: metricsCollector: collector: kind: StdOut objective: additionalMetricNames: - accuracy goal: 0.99 objectiveMetricName: Validation-accuracy type: maximize parameterAssignments: - name: --lr value: "0.027435456064371484" - name: --num-layers value: "4" - name: --optimizer value: sgd runSpec: |- apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: name: random-example-fm2g6jpj namespace: kubeflow spec: template: spec: containers: - name: random-example-fm2g6jpj image: docker.io/kubeflowkatib/mxnet-mnist command: - "python3" - "/opt/mxnet-mnist/mnist.py" - "--batch-size=64" - "--lr=0.027435456064371484" - "--num-layers=4" - "--optimizer=sgd" restartPolicy: Never status: completionTime: 2019-09-24T01:38:39Z conditions: - lastTransitionTime: 2019-09-24T01:37:26Z lastUpdateTime: 2019-09-24T01:37:26Z message: Trial is created reason: TrialCreated status: "True" type: Created - lastTransitionTime: 2019-09-24T01:38:39Z lastUpdateTime: 2019-09-24T01:38:39Z message: Trial is running reason: TrialRunning status: "False" type: Running - lastTransitionTime: 2019-09-24T01:38:39Z lastUpdateTime: 2019-09-24T01:38:39Z message: Trial has succeeded reason: TrialSucceeded status: "True" type: Succeeded observation: metrics: - name: Validation-accuracy value: 0.981489 startTime: 2019-09-24T01:37:26Z ``` #### Suggestion Katib will internally create a `Suggestion` CR for each `Experiment` CR. `Suggestion` CR includes the hyperparameter algorithm name by `algorithmName` field and how many sets of hyperparameter Katib asks to be generated by `requests` field. The CR also traces all already generated sets of hyperparameter in `status.suggestions`. Same as `Trial`, `Suggestion` CR is used for internal logic control and end user can even ignore it. ``` # kubectl get suggestion random-example -n kubeflow -o yaml apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v1alpha3 kind: Suggestion metadata: ... name: random-example namespace: kubeflow ownerReferences: - apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v1alpha3 blockOwnerDeletion: true controller: true kind: Experiment name: random-example uid: c7bbb111-de6b-11e9-a6cc-00163e01b303 spec: algorithmName: random requests: 3 status: ... suggestions: - name: random-example-fm2g6jpj parameterAssignments: - name: --lr value: "0.027435456064371484" - name: --num-layers value: "4" - name: --optimizer value: sgd - name: random-example-n8whlq8g parameterAssignments: - name: --lr value: "0.013743390382347042" - name: --num-layers value: "3" - name: --optimizer value: sgd - name: random-example-hhzm57bn parameterAssignments: - name: --lr value: "0.012495283371215943" - name: --num-layers value: "2" - name: --optimizer value: sgd ``` ## What happens after an `Experiment` CR created When a user created an `Experiment` CR, Katib controllers including experiment controller, trial controller and suggestion controller will work together to achieve hyperparameters tuning for user Machine learning model.
1. A `Experiment` CR is submitted to Kubernetes API server, Katib experiment mutating and validating webhook will be called to set default value for the `Experiment` CR and validate the CR separately. 2. Experiment controller create a `Suggestion` CR. 3. Suggestion controller create the algorithm deployment and service based on the new `Suggestion` CR. 4. When Suggestion controller verifies that the algorithm service is ready, it calls the service to generate `spec.request - len(status.suggestions)` sets of hyperparamters and append them into `status.suggestions` 5. Experiment controller finds that `Suggestion` CR had been updated, then generate each `Trial` for each new hyperparamters set. 6. Trial controller generates job based on `runSpec` manifest with the new hyperparamters set. 7. Related job controller (Kubernetes batch Job, kubeflow PytorchJob or kubeflow TFJob) generated Pods. 8. Katib Pod mutating webhook is called to inject metrics collector sidecar container to the candidate Pod. 9. During the ML model container runs, metrics collector container in the same Pod tries to collect metrics from it and persists them into Katib DB backend. 10. When the ML model Job ends, Trial controller will update status of the corresponding `Trial` CR. 11. When a `Trial` CR goes to end, Experiment controller will increase `request` field of corresponding `Suggestion` CR if in need, then everything goes to `step 4` again. Of course, if `Trial` CRs meet one of `end` condition (exceeds `maxTrialCount`, `maxFailedTrialCount` or `goal`), Experiment controller will take everything done.