% file sn/man/ais.Rd % This file is a component of the package 'sn' for R % copyright (C) 2004-2013 Adelchi Azzalini %--------------------- \name{ais} \alias{ais} \docType{data} \encoding{UTF-8} \title{Australian Institute of Sport data} \description{Data on 102 male and 100 female athletes collected at the Australian Institute of Sport, courtesy of Richard Telford and Ross Cunningham. } \usage{data(ais)} \format{ A data frame with 202 observations on the following 13 variables. \tabular{rll}{ [,1]\tab \code{sex}\tab a factor with levels: \code{female}, \code{male}\cr [,2]\tab \code{sport}\tab a factor with levels: \code{B_Ball}, \code{Field}, \code{Gym}, \code{Netball}, \code{Row},\cr \tab\tab \code{Swim}, \code{T_400m}, \code{Tennis}, \code{T_Sprnt}, \code{W_Polo}\cr [,3]\tab \code{RCC}\tab red cell count (numeric)\cr [,4]\tab \code{WCC}\tab white cell count (numeric)\cr [,5]\tab \code{Hc}\tab Hematocrit (numeric)\cr [,6]\tab \code{Hg}\tab Hemoglobin (numeric)\cr [,7]\tab \code{Fe}\tab plasma ferritin concentration (numeric)\cr [,8]\tab \code{BMI}\tab body mass index, weight/(height)\eqn{^2}{²} (numeric)\cr [,9]\tab \code{SSF}\tab sum of skin folds (numeric)\cr [,10]\tab \code{Bfat}\tab body fat percentage (numeric)\cr [,11]\tab \code{LBM}\tab lean body mass (numeric)\cr [,12]\tab \code{Ht}\tab height, cm (numeric)\cr [,13]\tab \code{Wt}\tab weight, kg (numeric)\cr } } \details{The data have been made publicly available in connection with the book by Cook and Weisberg (1994).} \references{ Cook and Weisberg (1994), \emph{An Introduction to Regression Graphics}. John Wiley & Sons, New York. } \examples{ data(ais, package="sn") pairs(ais[,c(3:4,10:13)], col=as.numeric(ais[,1]), main = "AIS data") } \keyword{datasets}