# fields, Tools for spatial data # Copyright 2004-2007, Institute for Mathematics Applied Geosciences # University Corporation for Atmospheric Research # Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html # test of rdist.near library( fields) options(echo=FALSE) test.for.zero.flag<- 1 set.seed(123) x1<- matrix( runif(2*20), ncol=2) x2<- matrix( runif(2*10), ncol=2) fields.rdist.near( x1,x2, delta=.75)-> look temp<- matrix( NA, nrow(x1),nrow(x2)) temp[ look$ind] <- look$ra temp2<- rdist( x1, x2) temp2[ temp2> .75] <- NA temp[ is.na( temp)]<- 0 temp2[ is.na( temp2)]<- 0 test.for.zero( temp, temp2) # test of constructing covariance matrix # and also versions of Wendland function # default taper is wendland k=2. DD<- rdist( x1,x2) temp<- Wendland2.2(DD, theta=.8) temp2<- Wendland( DD, theta=.8, dimension=2, k=2) test.for.zero( temp, temp2) stationary.taper.cov( x1,x2, Taper="Wendland2.2", Taper.args= list( theta=.8), spam.format=FALSE )-> look temp0<- look stationary.taper.cov( x1,x2, Taper="Wendland2.2", Taper.args= list( theta=.8), spam.format=TRUE )-> look temp1<- spam2full( look) test.for.zero( temp1, temp0) stationary.taper.cov( x1,x2, Taper="Wendland", Taper.args= list( theta=.8, k=2), spam.format=TRUE )-> look temp1b<- spam2full( look) temp2<- Wendland2.2(DD, theta=.8) * Exponential(DD) temp3<- wendland.cov(x1,x2, k=2, theta=.8) * Exponential(DD) temp4<- Wendland(DD, k=2, dimension=2, theta=.8)* Exponential(DD) test.for.zero( temp1, temp0, rel=FALSE) test.for.zero( temp1b, temp0, rel=FALSE) test.for.zero( temp2, temp0, rel=FALSE) test.for.zero( temp2, temp3,rel=FALSE) test.for.zero( temp2, temp4,rel=FALSE) set.seed( 256) rv<- runif( nrow(x2)) # test of multiply stationary.taper.cov( x1, x2, C= rv)-> look temp2<-stationary.taper.cov( x1,x2) spam2full(temp2)%*%(rv)-> look2 test.for.zero( look, look2) # set.seed( 123) temp<- matrix( 1:48, ncol=6, nrow=8) temp[ sample( 1:48, 20)] <- 0 as.spam( temp)-> temp2 test.for.zero( spam2full(temp2), temp ) spam2spind( temp2)-> temp3 test.for.zero( spind2full( temp3), temp) test.for.zero( spind2spam( temp3),temp2) # test that ordering works MM<- nrow( temp3$ind) ix<- sample( 1:MM,MM) # shuffle temp3 temp3$ind<- temp3$ind[ix,] temp3$ra<- temp3$ra[ix] test.for.zero( spind2spam( temp3),temp2) # temp<- temp[1:4, 1:5] for help file # set.seed( 234) CC<- matrix( rnorm( 64), 8,8) A<- ( CC)%*% t(CC) as.spam( A)-> As test.for.zero( solve( As), solve( A)) set.seed( 233) CC<- diag( 1, 8) CC[4,1:8] <- rnorm(8) CC[7,1:8] <- rnorm(8) A<- ( CC)%*% t(CC) as.spam( A)-> As test.for.zero( solve( As), solve( A)) data( ozone2) x<- ozone2$lon.lat y<- ozone2$y[16,] Krig(x,y, cov.function = "stationary.taper.cov", theta=1.5, give.warnings=FALSE, cov.args= list( spam.format=FALSE, Taper.args= list( theta=2.0,k=3) ) ) -> out1 Krig(x,y, cov.function = "stationary.taper.cov", lambda=2.0, theta=1.5, cov.args= list( spam.format=TRUE, Taper.args= list( theta=2.0,k=3) ) ) -> out2 temp1<- predict( out1,lambda=2.0) temp2<- predict( out2) test.for.zero( temp1, temp2) cat( "All done with SPAM tests", fill=TRUE) options(echo=TRUE)