ShowModels <- function(covx=ifelse(is.null(empirical),4,max(empirical$c)), x=NULL, y=NULL,, method=NULL, empirical=NULL, model=NULL, param=NULL, all.param=NULL, PracticalRange=FALSE, legend = TRUE, register=0, ...){ stopifnot(all(covx>=0)) if (length(covx)>1) { covx <- covx[covx>0] covx <- c(0, sort(c(max(covx)/10000, covx))) } else { covx <- c(0,seq(covx/10000, covx, l=100)) } scr <- split.screen(figs=rbind( c(0.01,0.60,0.01,0.49), c(0.62,0.99,0.01,0.49), c(0.01,0.60,0.51,0.99), c(0.62,0.99,0.51,0.99))) if (isnullX <- is.null(x)) { if (!is.null(y)) stop("x is null, but not y") } if (!is.null(y)) { ll <- list(...) opts <- lapply(names(ll), pmatch,c("col","zlim"),no=0) if (length(opts)==0) opts <- 0 else opts <- as.integer(opts) if (sum(index <- (opts==1))==1) col <- ll[index][[1]] else { if (exists("image.default")) ## R-1.3.0 onwards text <- paste("col <-", paste(as.character(as.list(args(image.default))$col), collapse="("),")") else ## R-1.2.3 text <- paste("col <-", paste(as.character(as.list(args(image))$col), collapse="("),")") eval(parse(text=text)) } if (!(missing.zlim <- (sum(index <- (opts==2))!=1))) zlim <- ll[index][[1]] cn <- length(col) if (cn==1) stop ("more than one colour must be given!") lwd <- 1 y.i <- 0.03 if (big.legend <- (cn>50)) { filler <- vector("character",length=(cn-3)/2) if (cn>80) y.i <- 2.4 / cn } else { filler <- vector("character",length=cn-2) if (cn==2) { lwd <- 5 y.i <- 1 } else if (cn<30) { y.i <- 0.9 / (cn-2) lwd <- 1 + 10/(cn-2) } } lu.x <- min(x) lu.y <- max(y) } runif(1) rs <- .Random.seed screen(scr[4]) maxrow<- 14 namen <- GetModelNames() n <- length(namen) par(mar=c(0,0,2,0)) ncol <- 1 + as.integer( (n-1) / maxrow) top <- min(maxrow+1,n,na.rm=TRUE) plot(-1,-1,xlim=c(0,ncol),ylim=c(1,top+1),axes=FALSE) maintitle <- "Models" title(main=maintitle) for (i in 1:n) { text(as.integer((i-1) / maxrow), top - (i-1) %% maxrow, labels=paste(namen[i]),adj=c(0,0)) } p <- .C("GetParameterIndices",integer(1),integer(1),integer(1), scale=integer(1), kappa=integer(1),lastkappa=integer(1),integer(1),integer(1)) p <- lapply(p,function(k) k+1) nkappa <- p$lastkappa - p$kappa + 1 globals <- rbind(c("Variogram","CovarianceFct"), c("practical range","math. def")) ##"" to note numericals shortglobals <- rbind(c("Vario","CovFct"), c("pract","math")) ##"" to note numericals globmin <- c(1,1) globmax <- c(2,2) globminsteps <- c(1,1) globmaxsteps <- c(1,1) if (is.null(empirical)) glob <- c(2,2-PracticalRange) else { glob <- c(1,2-PracticalRange) screen(scr[3]) par(mar=c(2,2,0,0)) ylim <- range(empirical$e, na.rm=TRUE) plot(empirical$c, empirical$e, pch="*",xlim=range(covx, na.rm=TRUE), ylim=ylim) } nglob <- length(glob) mins <- c(-Inf,0,0,0.001,rep(-Inf,nkappa)) minsteps <- c(0.0001,0.0001,0.0001,0.0001,rep(0.0001,nkappa)) maxsteps <- c(1,1,1,1,rep(1,nkappa)) maxs <- c(Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,rep(Inf,nkappa)) pnames <- c("mean","variance","nugget","scale","a","b","c","d","e") currentparam <- list() if (unknown.par <- is.null(all.param)) all.param <- c(0,1,0,1) else stopifnot(length(all.param)==4) for (i in 1:n) currentparam[[i]] <- c(all.param,rep(1,.C("GetNrParameters", as.integer(i-1), k=integer(1))$k)) i <- .C("GetModelNr","cone",nr=integer(1))$nr + 1 currentparam[[i]] <- c(all.param,rep(0.5,.C("GetNrParameters", as.integer(i-1), k=integer(1))$k)) currentparam[[.C("GetModelNr","cauchy",nr=integer(1))$nr+1]] <- c(all.param,2) currentparam[[.C("GetModelNr","cauchytbm",nr=integer(1))$nr+1]] <- c(all.param,1,1,2) currentparam[[.C("GetModelNr","power",nr=integer(1))$nr+1]] <- c(all.param,2) if (unknown.par) { all.param[p$scale] <- 0.3 } currentparam[[.C("GetModelNr","bessel",nr=integer(1))$nr+1]] <- c(all.param,1) currentparam[[.C("GetModelNr","wave",nr=integer(1))$nr+1]] <- c(all.param) currentparam[[.C("GetModelNr","gengneiting",nr=integer(1))$nr+1]] <- c(all.param,1,3) special <- rep(0,n) paramAdiscrete1 <- 1 special[.C("GetModelNr","gengneiting",nr=integer(1))$nr+1] <- paramAdiscrete1 covlist <- c("bessel","cauchy","cauchytbm","circular", "cone","cubic","exponential","gaussian", "gencauchy","gengneiting","gneiting","gneitingdiff", "holeeffect", "hyperbolic","nugget","pentamodel","power", "qexponential","spherical","stable","wave", "whittlematern") exprlist <- c(expression(2^a *Gamma(a+1)*x^{-a}* J[a](x)), expression((1+x^2)^{-a}), expression((1+(1-b/c)*x^a)*(1+x^a)^{-b/a-1}), expression((1-2/pi*(x *sqrt(1-x^2)+asin(x))) * (x<1)), expression("C(x) not available"), expression((1-7*x^2 + 8.75 *x^3 - 3.5* x^4+0.75 *x^6)*(x<1)), expression(e^{-x}), expression(exp(-x^2)), expression((1+x^a)^{-b/a}), expression("formula see help page for CovarianceFct"), expression((1 + 8 *s *x + 25* s^2* x^2 + 32* s^3 *x^3)*(1-s* x)^8 * (x<1)), expression((1 + 8 *x/b + 25 *(x/b)^2 + 32* (x/b)^3)*(1-x/b)^8 * 2^{1-a} *Gamma(a)^{-1}* x^a* K[a](x)*(x<1) ), expression(e^{-a* x}* cos(x)), expression(const[a][b][c] * (c^2 +x^2)^{b/2} * K[b](sqrt(a(c^2 + x^2)))), expression((x==0)), expression(( 1 - 22*x^2/3 +33 *x^4 - 77*x^5/2 + 33* x^7/2 - 11* x^9/2 + 5 *x^11 /6)*(x<1)), expression((1-x)^a * (x<1)), expression((2*e^{-x}-a*e^{-2*x})/(2-a)), expression((1 - 1.5* x + 0.5* x^3)*(x<1)), expression(exp(-x^a)), expression(sin(x)/x ), expression(2^{1-a}* Gamma(a)^{-1}* x^a * K[a](x)) ) expr <- NULL for (i in 1:n) { j <- pmatch(namen[i],covlist) if (! expr[i] <- exprlist[j] else expr[j] <- "C(x) unknown" } DeleteRegister(register) oldPracticalRange <- RFparameters()$PracticalRange RFparameters(PracticalRange=2-glob[2]) first <- TRUE repeat { #screen(scr[4]);title(main=maintitle,col="red") screen(scr[4],new=FALSE) if (first && (!is.null(model))) { first <- FALSE covnr <- as.integer(.C("GetModelNr", as.character(model), nr = integer(1))$nr) + 1 if ((covnr<=0) || (covnr>n)) { cat("warning: unknown covariance model") next; } else { if (!is.null(param)) currentparam[[covnr]] <- param } } else { if (length(loc <-locator(1))==0) break; loc <- lapply(loc,floor) covnr <- (1+top-loc$y) + maxrow * loc$x if ((covnr<=0) || (covnr>n) || (loc$y<0) || (loc$y>top)) next; } cov <- namen[covnr]; cp <- length(currentparam[[covnr]]) currentp <- cp + nglob ##screen(scr[4]);title(main=maintitle,col="black") textcol2 <- "red" locy <- nglob repeat { ##erase.screen(scr[2]) screen(scr[2]) par(mar=c(0,0,2,0)) plot(-1,-1,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,currentp+1.5),axes=FALSE) if (textcol2=="black") title(main=cov,col=textcol2) else title(paste("*",main=cov,"*"),col=textcol2) lines(c(0.5,0.5),c(-0.1,currentp+0.5),col="lightgrey") if (locynglob) { locy <- locy - nglob if (spec <- (locy>=p$kappa) && (special[covnr]!=0)) { spec <- FALSE switch(special[covnr], { ##paramAdiscrete1 if (locy==p$kappa) { spec <- TRUE currentparam[[covnr]][locy] <- min(maxs[locy], max(mins[locy], currentparam[[covnr]][locy] + sign(loc$x-0.5))) } } ) } if (!spec) currentparam[[covnr]][locy] <- min(maxs[locy],max(mins[locy], currentparam[[covnr]][locy] + 2 * (loc$x-0.5) * maxsteps[locy] + sign(loc$x-0.5) * minsteps[locy])) } text(0,currentp+1,lab=expr[covnr],adj=c(0,0)) positions <- ( 1:(currentp+1) )[-c(nglob+1)] - 1 labels <- rep("-----",length(positions)) labels[(1:nglob)[globals[,2]!=""]] <- shortglobals[globals[,2]!="",1] text(0,positions,labels=labels,adj=c(0,0),col="blue") labels <- rep("+++++",length(positions)) labels[(1:nglob)[globals[,2]!=""]] <- shortglobals[globals[,2]!="",2] text(1,positions,labels=labels,adj=c(1,0),col="red") txt <- globals[cbind(c(1,2),glob)] txt[globals[,2]==""] <- globals[globals[,2]=="",1] text(0.5, (1:nglob)-1, labels=txt, adj=c(0.5,0)) text(0.5, nglob+(1:cp), labels=paste(pnames[1:cp]," (", format(currentparam[[covnr]],d=3),")",sep=""), adj=c(0.5,0)) if (textcol2=="black") break; ##erase.screen(scr[3]) screen(scr[3]) par(mar=c(2,2,0,0)) eval(parse(text=paste("covvalue <- ",globals[1,glob[1]], "(covx,model=cov,param=currentparam[[covnr]],dim=2-is.null(y))"))) if ([1])) { plot(0,0,col=0,axes=FALSE) text(0,0,label="plot not available",adj=c(0.5,0.5)) } else { if (!is.null(empirical) && (glob[1]==1)) ylim <- range(covvalue,empirical$e, na.rm=TRUE) else ylim <- range(covvalue, na.rm=TRUE) plot(covx[1], covvalue[1], type="p", xlim=range(covx, na.rm=TRUE), ylim=ylim) lines(covx[-1],covvalue[-1]) if (!is.null(empirical) && (glob[1]==1)) { points(empirical$c, empirical$e, pch="*") } } if (!isnullX) { screen(scr[1],FALSE) if (!is.null(y)) lines(range(x),range(y),col="grey") if ( set.seed(rs) z <- GaussRF(x,y,model=cov,param=currentparam[[covnr]],grid=TRUE, register=register,method=method) ##erase.screen(scr[1]) screen(scr[1]) par(mar=c(2,2,0,0)) if (is.null(z)) { plot(0,0,col=0,axes=FALSE) text(0,0,label="image not available",adj=c(0.5,0.5)) } else { if (is.null(y)) { plot(x,z,...) } else { image(x,y,z,...) if (legend) { if (missing.zlim) zlim <- range(z) if (big.legend) ml <- c(format(mean(zlim),d=2),filler) else ml <- NULL legend(lu.x, lu.y, y.i=y.i, x.i=0.1, legend=c(format(zlim[2],d=2),filler, ml, format(zlim[1],d=2)), lty=1, lwd=lwd, col=col[length(col):1]) } } } # is.null(z) } repeat { screen(scr[2],FALSE) if (length(loc <-locator(1))==0) { locy <- nglob; textcol2 <- "black"; break; } locy <- floor(loc$y) if (locy>currentp+1) {locy <- nglob; textcol2 <- "black"; break;} if ((locy>=0) && (locy<=currentp)&& (locy!=nglob) && (loc$x>=0)) break; } } } RFparameters(PracticalRange=oldPracticalRange) close.screen(scr) if (exists("covnr")) return(list(model=cov,param=currentparam[[covnr]], PracticalRange=as.logical(2-glob[2]))) else return(NULL) }