Raw File
\title{Infinite Order Interaction Family}
  An object describing the family of all Gibbs point processes
  with infinite interaction order.
  \bold{Advanced Use Only!}
  This structure would not normally be touched by
  the user. It describes the interaction structure
  of Gibbs point processes which have infinite order of interaction,
  such as the area-interaction process \cite{\link{AreaInter}}.
  Anyway, \code{inforder.family} is an object of class \code{"isf"}
  containing a function \code{inforder.family$eval} for
  evaluating the sufficient statistics of a Gibbs
  point process model taking an exponential family form. 
  \code{\link{AreaInter}} to create the area interaction process
  Other families:

  Baddeley, A. and Turner, R. (2000)
  Practical maximum pseudolikelihood for spatial point patterns.
  \emph{Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics}
  \bold{42}, 283--322.
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
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