# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license using Dates, Random isdefined(Main, :PhysQuantities) || @eval Main include("testhelpers/PhysQuantities.jl") using .Main.PhysQuantities # Compare precision in a manner sensitive to subnormals, which lose # precision compared to widening. function cmp_sn(w, hi, lo, slopbits=0) if !isfinite(hi) if abs(w) > floatmax(typeof(hi)) return isinf(hi) && sign(w) == sign(hi) end if isnan(w) && isnan(hi) return true end return w == hi end if abs(w) < subnormalmin(typeof(hi)) return (hi == zero(hi) || abs(w - widen(hi)) < abs(w)) && lo == zero(hi) end # Compare w == hi + lo unless `lo` issubnormal z = widen(hi) + widen(lo) if !issubnormal(lo) && lo != 0 if slopbits == 0 return z == w end wr, zr = roundshift(w, slopbits), roundshift(z, slopbits) return max(wr-1, zero(wr)) <= zr <= wr+1 end # round w to the same number of bits as z zu = asbits(z) wu = asbits(w) lastbit = false while zu > 0 && !isodd(zu) lastbit = isodd(wu) zu = zu >> 1 wu = wu >> 1 end return wu <= zu <= wu + lastbit end asbits(x) = reinterpret(Base.uinttype(typeof(x)), x) function roundshift(x, n) xu = asbits(x) lastbit = false for i = 1:n lastbit = isodd(xu) xu = xu >> 1 end xu + lastbit end subnormalmin(::Type{T}) where T = reinterpret(T, Base.uinttype(T)(1)) function highprec_pair(x, y) slopbits = (Base.Math.significand_bits(typeof(widen(x))) + 1) - 2*(Base.Math.significand_bits(typeof(x)) + 1) hi, lo = Base.add12(x, y) @test cmp_sn(widen(x) + widen(y), hi, lo) hi, lo = Base.mul12(x, y) @test cmp_sn(widen(x) * widen(y), hi, lo) y == 0 && return nothing hi, lo = Base.div12(x, y) @test cmp_sn(widen(x) / widen(y), hi, lo, slopbits) nothing end @testset "high precision" begin # Because ranges rely on high precision arithmetic, test those utilities first for (I, T) in ((Int16, Float16), (Int32, Float32), (Int64, Float64)), i = 1:10^3 i = rand(I) >> 1 # test large values below hi, lo = Base.splitprec(T, i) @test widen(hi) + widen(lo) == i @test endswith(bitstring(hi), repeat('0', Base.Math.significand_bits(T) ÷ 2)) end for (I, T) in ((Int16, Float16), (Int32, Float32), (Int64, Float64)) x = T(typemax(I)) Δi = ceil(I, eps(x)) for i = typemax(I)-2Δi:typemax(I)-Δi hi, lo = Base.splitprec(T, i) @test widen(hi) + widen(lo) == i @test endswith(bitstring(hi), repeat('0', Base.Math.significand_bits(T) ÷ 2)) end for i = typemin(I):typemin(I)+Δi hi, lo = Base.splitprec(T, i) @test widen(hi) + widen(lo) == i @test endswith(bitstring(hi), repeat('0', Base.Math.significand_bits(T) ÷ 2)) end end # # This tests every possible pair of Float16s. It takes too long for # # ordinary use, which is why it's commented out. # function pair16() # for yu in 0x0000:0xffff # for xu in 0x0000:0xffff # x, y = reinterpret(Float16, xu), reinterpret(Float16, yu) # highprec_pair(x, y) # end # end # end for T in (Float16, Float32) # skip Float64 (bit representation of BigFloat is not available) for i = 1:10^5 x, y = rand(T), rand(T) highprec_pair(x, y) highprec_pair(-x, y) highprec_pair(x, -y) highprec_pair(-x, -y) end # Make sure we test dynamic range too for i = 1:10^5 x, y = rand(T), rand(T) x == 0 || y == 0 && continue x, y = log(x), log(y) highprec_pair(x, y) end end end asww(x) = widen(widen(x.hi)) + widen(widen(x.lo)) astuple(x) = (x.hi, x.lo) function cmp_sn2(w, hi, lo, slopbits=0) if !isfinite(hi) if abs(w) > floatmax(typeof(hi)) return isinf(hi) && sign(w) == sign(hi) end if isnan(w) && isnan(hi) return true end return w == hi end if abs(w) < subnormalmin(typeof(hi)) return (hi == zero(hi) || abs(w - widen(hi)) < abs(w)) && lo == zero(hi) end z = widen(hi) + widen(lo) w == z && return true zu, wu = asbits(z), asbits(w) while zu > 0 && !isodd(zu) zu = zu >> 1 wu = wu >> 1 end zu = zu >> slopbits wu = wu >> slopbits return wu - 1 <= zu <= wu + 1 end @testset "TwicePrecision" begin # TwicePrecision test. These routines lose accuracy if you form # intermediate subnormals; with Float16, this happens so frequently, # let's only test Float32. let T = Float32 Tw = widen(T) slopbits = (Base.Math.significand_bits(Tw) + 1) - 2*(Base.Math.significand_bits(T) + 1) for i = 1:10^5 x = Base.TwicePrecision{T}(rand()) y = Base.TwicePrecision{T}(rand()) xw, yw = asww(x), asww(y) @test cmp_sn2(Tw(xw+yw), astuple(x+y)..., slopbits) @test cmp_sn2(Tw(xw-yw), astuple(x-y)..., slopbits) @test cmp_sn2(Tw(xw*yw), astuple(x*y)..., slopbits) @test cmp_sn2(Tw(xw/yw), astuple(x/y)..., slopbits) y = rand(T) yw = widen(widen(y)) @test cmp_sn2(Tw(xw+yw), astuple(x+y)..., slopbits) @test cmp_sn2(Tw(xw-yw), astuple(x-y)..., slopbits) @test cmp_sn2(Tw(xw*yw), astuple(x*y)..., slopbits) @test cmp_sn2(Tw(xw/yw), astuple(x/y)..., slopbits) end end x1 = Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}(1) x0 = Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}(0) xinf = Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}(Inf) @test Float64(x1+x0) == 1 @test Float64(x1+0) == 1 @test Float64(x1+0.0) == 1 @test Float64(x1*x0) == 0 @test Float64(x1*0) == 0 @test Float64(x1*0.0) == 0 @test Float64(x1/x0) == Inf @test Float64(x1/0) == Inf @test Float64(xinf*x1) == Inf @test isnan(Float64(xinf*x0)) @test isnan(Float64(xinf*0)) @test isnan(Float64(xinf*0.0)) @test isnan(Float64(x0/x0)) @test isnan(Float64(x0/0)) @test isnan(Float64(x0/0.0)) x = Base.TwicePrecision(PhysQuantity{1}(4.0)) @test x.hi*2 === PhysQuantity{1}(8.0) @test_throws ErrorException("Int is incommensurate with PhysQuantity") x*2 # not a MethodError for convert @test x.hi/2 === PhysQuantity{1}(2.0) @test_throws ErrorException("Int is incommensurate with PhysQuantity") x/2 end @testset "ranges" begin @test size(10:1:0) == (0,) @testset "colon" begin @inferred((:)(10, 1, 0)) @inferred((:)(1, .2, 2)) @inferred((:)(1., .2, 2.)) @inferred((:)(2, -.2, 1)) @inferred((:)(1, 0)) @inferred((:)(0.0, -0.5)) end @testset "indexing" begin L32 = @inferred(range(Int32(1), stop=Int32(4), length=4)) L64 = @inferred(range(Int64(1), stop=Int64(4), length=4)) @test @inferred(L32[1]) === 1.0 && @inferred(L64[1]) === 1.0 @test L32[2] == 2 && L64[2] == 2 @test L32[3] == 3 && L64[3] == 3 @test L32[4] == 4 && L64[4] == 4 @test @inferred(range(1.0, stop=2.0, length=2))[1] === 1.0 @test @inferred(range(1.0f0, stop=2.0f0, length=2))[1] === 1.0f0 @test @inferred(range(Float16(1.0), stop=Float16(2.0), length=2))[1] === Float16(1.0) let r = 5:-1:1 @test r[1]==5 @test r[2]==4 @test r[3]==3 @test r[4]==2 @test r[5]==1 end @test @inferred((0.1:0.1:0.3)[2]) === 0.2 @test @inferred((0.1f0:0.1f0:0.3f0)[2]) === 0.2f0 @test @inferred((1:5)[1:4]) === 1:4 @test @inferred((1.0:5)[1:4]) === 1.0:4 @test (2:6)[1:4] == 2:5 @test (1:6)[2:5] === 2:5 @test (1:6)[2:2:5] === 2:2:4 @test (1:2:13)[2:6] === 3:2:11 @test (1:2:13)[2:3:7] === 3:6:13 @test isempty((1:4)[5:4]) @test_throws BoundsError (1:10)[8:-1:-2] let r = typemax(Int)-5:typemax(Int)-1 @test_throws BoundsError r[7] end end @testset "length" begin @test length(.1:.1:.3) == 3 @test length(1.1:1.1:3.3) == 3 @test length(1.1:1.3:3) == 2 @test length(1:1:1.8) == 1 @test length(1:.2:2) == 6 @test length(1.:.2:2.) == 6 @test length(2:-.2:1) == 6 @test length(2.:-.2:1.) == 6 @test length(2:.2:1) == 0 @test length(2.:.2:1.) == 0 @test length(1:0) == 0 @test length(0.0:-0.5) == 0 @test length(1:2:0) == 0 @test length(Char(0):Char(0x001fffff)) == 2097152 @test length(typemax(UInt64)//one(UInt64):1:typemax(UInt64)//one(UInt64)) == 1 end @testset "keys/values" begin keytype_is_correct(r) = keytype(r) == eltype(keys(r)) valtype_is_correct(r) = valtype(r) == eltype(values(r)) @test keytype_is_correct(1:3) @test keytype_is_correct(1:.3:4) @test keytype_is_correct(.1:.1:.3) @test keytype_is_correct(Int8(1):Int8(5)) @test keytype_is_correct(Int16(1):Int8(5)) @test keytype_is_correct(Int16(1):Int8(3):Int8(5)) @test keytype_is_correct(Int8(1):Int16(3):Int8(5)) @test keytype_is_correct(Int8(1):Int8(3):Int16(5)) @test keytype_is_correct(Int64(1):Int64(5)) @test keytype_is_correct(Int64(1):Int64(5)) @test keytype_is_correct(Int128(1):Int128(5)) @test keytype_is_correct(Base.OneTo(4)) @test keytype_is_correct(Base.OneTo(Int32(4))) @test valtype_is_correct(1:3) @test valtype_is_correct(1:.3:4) @test valtype_is_correct(.1:.1:.3) @test valtype_is_correct(Int8(1):Int8(5)) @test valtype_is_correct(Int16(1):Int8(5)) @test valtype_is_correct(Int16(1):Int8(3):Int8(5)) @test valtype_is_correct(Int8(1):Int16(3):Int8(5)) @test valtype_is_correct(Int8(1):Int8(3):Int16(5)) @test valtype_is_correct(Int64(1):Int64(5)) @test valtype_is_correct(Int64(1):Int64(5)) @test valtype_is_correct(Int128(1):Int128(5)) @test valtype_is_correct(Base.OneTo(4)) @test valtype_is_correct(Base.OneTo(Int32(4))) end @testset "findall(::Base.Fix2{typeof(in)}, ::Array)" begin @test findall(in(3:20), [5.2, 3.3]) == findall(in(Vector(3:20)), [5.2, 3.3]) let span = 5:20, r = -7:3:42 @test findall(in(span), r) == 5:10 r = 15:-2:-38 @test findall(in(span), r) == 1:6 end end @testset "findfirst" begin @test findfirst(isequal(7), 1:2:10) == 4 @test findfirst(==(7), 1:2:10) == 4 @test findfirst(==(10), 1:2:10) == nothing @test findfirst(==(11), 1:2:10) == nothing end @testset "reverse" begin @test reverse(reverse(1:10)) == 1:10 @test reverse(reverse(typemin(Int):typemax(Int))) == typemin(Int):typemax(Int) @test reverse(reverse(typemin(Int):2:typemax(Int))) == typemin(Int):2:typemax(Int) end @testset "intersect" begin @test intersect(1:5, 2:3) == 2:3 @test intersect(-3:5, 2:8) == 2:5 @test intersect(-8:-3, -8:-3) == -8:-3 @test intersect(1:5, 5:13) == 5:5 @test isempty(intersect(-8:-3, -2:2)) @test isempty(intersect(-3:7, 2:1)) @test intersect(1:11, -2:3:15) == 1:3:10 @test intersect(1:11, -2:2:15) == 2:2:10 @test intersect(1:11, -2:1:15) == 1:11 @test intersect(1:11, 15:-1:-2) == 1:11 @test intersect(1:11, 15:-4:-2) == 3:4:11 @test intersect(-20:-5, -10:3:-2) == -10:3:-7 @test isempty(intersect(-5:5, -6:13:20)) @test isempty(intersect(1:11, 15:4:-2)) @test isempty(intersect(11:1, 15:-4:-2)) #@test intersect(-5:5, 1+0*(1:3)) == 1:1 #@test isempty(intersect(-5:5, 6+0*(1:3))) @test intersect(-15:4:7, -10:-2) == -7:4:-3 @test intersect(13:-2:1, -2:8) == 7:-2:1 @test isempty(intersect(13:2:1, -2:8)) @test isempty(intersect(13:-2:1, 8:-2)) #@test intersect(5+0*(1:4), 2:8) == 5+0*(1:4) #@test isempty(intersect(5+0*(1:4), -7:3)) @test intersect(0:3:24, 0:4:24) == 0:12:24 @test intersect(0:4:24, 0:3:24) == 0:12:24 @test intersect(0:3:24, 24:-4:0) == 0:12:24 @test intersect(24:-3:0, 0:4:24) == 24:-12:0 @test intersect(24:-3:0, 24:-4:0) == 24:-12:0 @test intersect(1:3:24, 0:4:24) == 4:12:16 @test intersect(0:6:24, 0:4:24) == 0:12:24 @test isempty(intersect(1:6:2400, 0:4:2400)) @test intersect(-51:5:100, -33:7:125) == -26:35:79 @test intersect(-51:5:100, -32:7:125) == -11:35:94 #@test intersect(0:6:24, 6+0*(0:4:24)) == 6:6:6 #@test intersect(12+0*(0:6:24), 0:4:24) == AbstractRange(12, 0, 5) #@test isempty(intersect(6+0*(0:6:24), 0:4:24)) @test intersect(-10:3:24, -10:3:24) == -10:3:23 @test isempty(intersect(-11:3:24, -10:3:24)) @test intersect(typemin(Int):2:typemax(Int),1:10) == 2:2:10 @test intersect(1:10,typemin(Int):2:typemax(Int)) == 2:2:10 @test intersect(reverse(typemin(Int):2:typemax(Int)),typemin(Int):2:typemax(Int)) == reverse(typemin(Int):2:typemax(Int)) @test intersect(typemin(Int):2:typemax(Int),reverse(typemin(Int):2:typemax(Int))) == typemin(Int):2:typemax(Int) @test intersect(UnitRange(1,2),3) == UnitRange(3,2) @test intersect(UnitRange(1,2), UnitRange(1,5), UnitRange(3,7), UnitRange(4,6)) == UnitRange(4,3) @test intersect(1:3, 2) === intersect(2, 1:3) === 2:2 @test intersect(1.0:3.0, 2) == intersect(2, 1.0:3.0) == [2.0] end @testset "sort/sort!/partialsort" begin @test sort(UnitRange(1,2)) == UnitRange(1,2) @test sort!(UnitRange(1,2)) == UnitRange(1,2) @test sort(1:10, rev=true) == 10:-1:1 @test sort(-3:3, by=abs) == [0,-1,1,-2,2,-3,3] @test partialsort(1:10, 4) == 4 end @testset "in" begin @test 0 in UInt(0):100:typemax(UInt) @test last(UInt(0):100:typemax(UInt)) in UInt(0):100:typemax(UInt) @test -9223372036854775790 in -9223372036854775790:100:9223372036854775710 @test -9223372036854775690 in -9223372036854775790:100:9223372036854775710 @test -90 in -9223372036854775790:100:9223372036854775710 @test 10 in -9223372036854775790:100:9223372036854775710 @test 110 in -9223372036854775790:100:9223372036854775710 @test 9223372036854775610 in -9223372036854775790:100:9223372036854775710 @test 9223372036854775710 in -9223372036854775790:100:9223372036854775710 @test !(3.5 in 1:5) @test (3 in 1:5) @test (3 in 5:-1:1) #@test (3 in 3+0*(1:5)) #@test !(4 in 3+0*(1:5)) let r = 0.0:0.01:1.0 @test (r[30] in r) end let r = (-4*Int64(maxintfloat(Int === Int32 ? Float32 : Float64))):5 @test (3 in r) @test (3.0 in r) end @test !(1 in 1:0) @test !(1.0 in 1.0:0.0) end @testset "in() works across types, including non-numeric types (#21728)" begin @test 1//1 in 1:3 @test 1//1 in 1.0:3.0 @test !(5//1 in 1:3) @test !(5//1 in 1.0:3.0) @test Complex(1, 0) in 1:3 @test Complex(1, 0) in 1.0:3.0 @test Complex(1.0, 0.0) in 1:3 @test Complex(1.0, 0.0) in 1.0:3.0 @test !(Complex(1, 1) in 1:3) @test !(Complex(1, 1) in 1.0:3.0) @test !(Complex(1.0, 1.0) in 1:3) @test !(Complex(1.0, 1.0) in 1.0:3.0) @test !(π in 1:3) @test !(π in 1.0:3.0) @test !("a" in 1:3) @test !("a" in 1.0:3.0) @test !(1 in Date(2017, 01, 01):Dates.Day(1):Date(2017, 01, 05)) @test !(Complex(1, 0) in Date(2017, 01, 01):Dates.Day(1):Date(2017, 01, 05)) @test !(π in Date(2017, 01, 01):Dates.Day(1):Date(2017, 01, 05)) @test !("a" in Date(2017, 01, 01):Dates.Day(1):Date(2017, 01, 05)) end end @testset "indexing range with empty range (#4309)" begin @test (3:6)[5:4] == 7:6 @test_throws BoundsError (3:6)[5:5] @test_throws BoundsError (3:6)[5] @test (0:2:10)[7:6] == 12:2:10 @test_throws BoundsError (0:2:10)[7:7] end # indexing with negative ranges (#8351) for a=AbstractRange[3:6, 0:2:10], b=AbstractRange[0:1, 2:-1:0] @test_throws BoundsError a[b] end # avoiding intermediate overflow (#5065) @test length(1:4:typemax(Int)) == div(typemax(Int),4) + 1 @testset "overflow in length" begin Tset = Int === Int64 ? (Int,UInt,Int128,UInt128) : (Int,UInt,Int64,UInt64,Int128, UInt128) for T in Tset @test_throws OverflowError length(zero(T):typemax(T)) @test_throws OverflowError length(typemin(T):typemax(T)) @test_throws OverflowError length(zero(T):one(T):typemax(T)) @test_throws OverflowError length(typemin(T):one(T):typemax(T)) if T <: Signed @test_throws OverflowError length(-one(T):typemax(T)-one(T)) @test_throws OverflowError length(-one(T):one(T):typemax(T)-one(T)) end end end @testset "loops involving typemin/typemax" begin n = 0 s = 0 # loops ending at typemax(Int) for i = (typemax(Int)-1):typemax(Int) s += 1 @test s <= 2 end @test s == 2 s = 0 for i = (typemax(Int)-2):(typemax(Int)-1) s += 1 @test s <= 2 end @test s == 2 s = 0 for i = typemin(Int):(typemin(Int)+1) s += 1 @test s <= 2 end @test s == 2 # loops covering the full range of integers s = 0 for i = typemin(UInt8):typemax(UInt8) s += 1 end @test s == 256 s = 0 for i = typemin(UInt):typemax(UInt) i == 10 && break s += 1 end @test s == 10 s = 0 for i = typemin(UInt8):one(UInt8):typemax(UInt8) s += 1 end @test s == 256 s = 0 for i = typemin(UInt):1:typemax(UInt) i == 10 && break s += 1 end @test s == 10 # loops past typemax(Int) n = 0 s = Int128(0) for i = typemax(UInt64)-2:typemax(UInt64) n += 1 s += i end @test n == 3 @test s == 3*Int128(typemax(UInt64)) - 3 # loops over empty ranges s = 0 for i = 0xff:0x00 s += 1 end @test s == 0 s = 0 for i = Int128(typemax(Int128)):Int128(typemin(Int128)) s += 1 end @test s == 0 end @testset "sums of ranges" begin @test sum(1:100) == 5050 @test sum(0:100) == 5050 @test sum(-100:100) == 0 @test sum(0:2:100) == 2550 end @testset "overflowing sums (see #5798)" begin if Sys.WORD_SIZE == 64 @test sum(Int128(1):10^18) == div(10^18 * (Int128(10^18)+1), 2) @test sum(Int128(1):10^18-1) == div(10^18 * (Int128(10^18)-1), 2) else @test sum(Int64(1):10^9) == div(10^9 * (Int64(10^9)+1), 2) @test sum(Int64(1):10^9-1) == div(10^9 * (Int64(10^9)-1), 2) end end @testset "Tricky sums of StepRangeLen #8272" begin @test sum(10000.:-0.0001:0) == 5.00000005e11 @test sum(0:0.001:1) == 500.5 @test sum(0:0.000001:1) == 500000.5 @test sum(0:0.1:10) == 505. end @testset "broadcasted operations with scalars" begin @test broadcast(-, 1:3) === -1:-1:-3 @test broadcast(-, 1:3, 2) === -1:1 @test broadcast(-, 1:3, 0.25) === 1-0.25:3-0.25 @test broadcast(+, 1:3) === 1:3 @test broadcast(+, 1:3, 2) === 3:5 @test broadcast(+, 1:3, 0.25) === 1+0.25:3+0.25 @test broadcast(+, 1:2:6, 1) === 2:2:6 @test broadcast(+, 1:2:6, 0.3) === 1+0.3:2:5+0.3 @test broadcast(-, 1:2:6, 1) === 0:2:4 @test broadcast(-, 1:2:6, 0.3) === 1-0.3:2:5-0.3 @test broadcast(-, 2, 1:3) === 1:-1:-1 end @testset "operations between ranges and arrays" begin @test all(([1:5;] + (5:-1:1)) .== 6) @test all(((5:-1:1) + [1:5;]) .== 6) @test all(([1:5;] - (1:5)) .== 0) @test all(((1:5) - [1:5;]) .== 0) end @testset "tricky floating-point ranges" begin for (start, step, stop, len) in ((1, 1, 3, 3), (0, 1, 3, 4), (3, -1, -1, 5), (1, -1, -3, 5), (0, 1, 10, 11), (0, 7, 21, 4), (0, 11, 33, 4), (1, 11, 34, 4), (0, 13, 39, 4), (1, 13, 40, 4), (11, 11, 33, 3), (3, 1, 11, 9), (0, 10, 55, 0), (0, -1, 5, 0), (0, 10, 5, 0), (0, 1, 5, 0), (0, -10, 5, 0), (0, -10, 0, 1), (0, -1, 1, 0), (0, 1, -1, 0), (0, -1, -10, 11)) r = start/10:step/10:stop/10 a = Vector(start:step:stop)./10 ra = Vector(r) @test r == a @test isequal(r, a) @test r == ra @test isequal(r, ra) @test hash(r) == hash(a) @test hash(r) == hash(ra) if len > 0 l = range(start/10, stop=stop/10, length=len) la = Vector(l) @test a == l @test r == l @test isequal(a, l) @test isequal(r, l) @test l == la @test isequal(l, la) @test hash(l) == hash(a) @test hash(l) == hash(la) end end @test 1.0:1/49:27.0 == range(1.0, stop=27.0, length=1275) == [49:1323;]./49 @test isequal(1.0:1/49:27.0, range(1.0, stop=27.0, length=1275)) @test isequal(1.0:1/49:27.0, Vector(49:1323)./49) @test hash(1.0:1/49:27.0) == hash(range(1.0, stop=27.0, length=1275)) == hash(Vector(49:1323)./49) @test [prevfloat(0.1):0.1:0.3;] == [prevfloat(0.1), 0.2, 0.3] @test [nextfloat(0.1):0.1:0.3;] == [nextfloat(0.1), 0.2] @test [prevfloat(0.0):0.1:0.3;] == [prevfloat(0.0), 0.1, 0.2] @test [nextfloat(0.0):0.1:0.3;] == [nextfloat(0.0), 0.1, 0.2] @test [0.1:0.1:prevfloat(0.3);] == [0.1, 0.2] @test [0.1:0.1:nextfloat(0.3);] == [0.1, 0.2, nextfloat(0.3)] @test [0.0:0.1:prevfloat(0.3);] == [0.0, 0.1, 0.2] @test [0.0:0.1:nextfloat(0.3);] == [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, nextfloat(0.3)] @test [0.1:prevfloat(0.1):0.3;] == [0.1, 0.2, 0.3] @test [0.1:nextfloat(0.1):0.3;] == [0.1, 0.2] @test [0.0:prevfloat(0.1):0.3;] == [0.0, prevfloat(0.1), prevfloat(0.2), 0.3] @test [0.0:nextfloat(0.1):0.3;] == [0.0, nextfloat(0.1), nextfloat(0.2)] end function loop_range_values(::Type{T}) where T for a = -5:25, s = [-5:-1; 1:25; ], d = 1:25, n = -1:15 denom = convert(T, d) strt = convert(T, a)/denom Δ = convert(T, s)/denom stop = convert(T, (a + (n - 1) * s)) / denom vals = T[a:s:(a + (n - 1) * s); ] ./ denom r = strt:Δ:stop @test [r;] == vals @test [range(strt, stop=stop, length=length(r));] == vals n = length(r) @test [r[1:n];] == [r;] @test [r[2:n];] == [r;][2:end] @test [r[1:3:n];] == [r;][1:3:n] @test [r[2:2:n];] == [r;][2:2:n] @test [r[n:-1:2];] == [r;][n:-1:2] @test [r[n:-2:1];] == [r;][n:-2:1] end end @testset "issue #7420 for type $T" for T = (Float32, Float64,) # BigFloat), loop_range_values(T) end @testset "issue #20373 (unliftable ranges with exact end points)" begin @test [3*0.05:0.05:0.2;] == [range(3*0.05, stop=0.2, length=2);] == [3*0.05,0.2] @test [0.2:-0.05:3*0.05;] == [range(0.2, stop=3*0.05, length=2);] == [0.2,3*0.05] @test [-3*0.05:-0.05:-0.2;] == [range(-3*0.05, stop=-0.2, length=2);] == [-3*0.05,-0.2] @test [-0.2:0.05:-3*0.05;] == [range(-0.2, stop=-3*0.05, length=2);] == [-0.2,-3*0.05] end function range_fuzztests(::Type{T}, niter, nrange) where {T} for i = 1:niter, n in nrange strt, Δ = randn(T), randn(T) Δ == 0 && continue stop = strt + (n-1)*Δ # `n` is not necessarily unique s.t. `strt + (n-1)*Δ == stop` # so test that `length(strt:Δ:stop)` satisfies this identity # and is the closest value to `(stop-strt)/Δ` to do so lo = hi = n while strt + (lo-1)*Δ == stop; lo -= 1; end while strt + (hi-1)*Δ == stop; hi += 1; end m = clamp(round(Int, (stop-strt)/Δ) + 1, lo+1, hi-1) r = strt:Δ:stop @test m == length(r) @test strt == first(r) @test Δ == step(r) @test_skip stop == last(r) l = range(strt, stop=stop, length=n) @test n == length(l) @test strt == first(l) @test stop == last(l) end end @testset "range fuzztests for $T" for T = (Float32, Float64,) range_fuzztests(T, 2^15, 1:5) end @testset "Inexact errors on 32 bit architectures. #22613" begin @test first(range(log(0.2), stop=log(10.0), length=10)) == log(0.2) @test last(range(log(0.2), stop=log(10.0), length=10)) == log(10.0) @test length(Base.floatrange(-3e9, 1.0, 1, 1.0)) == 1 end @testset "ranges with very small endpoints for type $T" for T = (Float32, Float64) z = zero(T) u = eps(z) @test first(range(u, stop=u, length=0)) == u @test last(range(u, stop=u, length=0)) == u @test first(range(-u, stop=u, length=0)) == -u @test last(range(-u, stop=u, length=0)) == u @test [range(-u, stop=u, length=0);] == [] @test [range(-u, stop=-u, length=1);] == [-u] @test [range(-u, stop=u, length=2);] == [-u,u] @test [range(-u, stop=u, length=3);] == [-u,0,u] @test first(range(-u, stop=-u, length=0)) == -u @test last(range(-u, stop=-u, length=0)) == -u @test first(range(u, stop=-u, length=0)) == u @test last(range(u, stop=-u, length=0)) == -u @test [range(u, stop=-u, length=0);] == [] @test [range(u, stop=u, length=1);] == [u] @test [range(u, stop=-u, length=2);] == [u,-u] @test [range(u, stop=-u, length=3);] == [u,0,-u] v = range(-u, stop=u, length=12) @test length(v) == 12 @test [-3u:u:3u;] == [range(-3u, stop=3u, length=7);] == [-3:3;].*u @test [3u:-u:-3u;] == [range(3u, stop=-3u, length=7);] == [3:-1:-3;].*u end @testset "range with very large endpoints for type $T" for T = (Float32, Float64) largeint = Int(min(maxintfloat(T), typemax(Int))) a = floatmax() for i = 1:5 @test [range(a, stop=a, length=1);] == [a] @test [range(-a, stop=-a, length=1);] == [-a] b = floatmax() for j = 1:5 @test [range(-a, stop=b, length=0);] == [] @test [range(-a, stop=b, length=2);] == [-a,b] @test [range(-a, stop=b, length=3);] == [-a,(b-a)/2,b] @test [range(a, stop=-b, length=0);] == [] @test [range(a, stop=-b, length=2);] == [a,-b] @test [range(a, stop=-b, length=3);] == [a,(a-b)/2,-b] for c = largeint-3:largeint s = range(-a, stop=b, length=c) @test first(s) == -a @test last(s) == b @test length(s) == c s = range(a, stop=-b, length=c) @test first(s) == a @test last(s) == -b @test length(s) == c end b = prevfloat(b) end a = prevfloat(a) end end # issue #20380 let r = LinRange(1,4,4) @test isa(r[1:4], LinRange) end @testset "range with 1 or 0 elements (whose step length is NaN)" begin @test issorted(range(1, stop=1, length=0)) @test issorted(range(1, stop=1, length=1)) end # near-equal ranges @test 0.0:0.1:1.0 != 0.0f0:0.1f0:1.0f0 # comparing and hashing ranges @testset "comparing and hashing ranges" begin Rs = AbstractRange[1:1, 1:1:1, 1:2, 1:1:2, map(Int32,1:3:17), map(Int64,1:3:17), 1:0, 1:-1:0, 17:-3:0, 0.0:0.1:1.0, map(Float32,0.0:0.1:1.0),map(Float32,LinRange(0.0, 1.0, 11)), 1.0:eps():1.0 .+ 10eps(), 9007199254740990.:1.0:9007199254740994, range(0, stop=1, length=20), map(Float32, range(0, stop=1, length=20))] for r in Rs local r ar = Vector(r) @test r == ar @test isequal(r,ar) @test hash(r) == hash(ar) for s in Rs as = Vector(s) @test isequal(r,s) == (hash(r)==hash(s)) @test (r==s) == (ar==as) end end end @testset "comparing UnitRanges and OneTo" begin @test 1:2:10 == 1:2:10 != 1:3:10 != 1:3:13 != 2:3:13 == 2:3:11 != 2:11 @test 1:1:10 == 1:10 == 1:10 == Base.OneTo(10) == Base.OneTo(10) @test 1:10 != 2:10 != 2:11 != Base.OneTo(11) @test Base.OneTo(10) != Base.OneTo(11) != 1:10 end # issue #2959 @test 1.0:1.5 == 1.0:1.0:1.5 == 1.0:1.0 #@test 1.0:(.3-.1)/.1 == 1.0:2.0 @testset "length with typemin/typemax" begin let r = typemin(Int64):2:typemax(Int64), s = typemax(Int64):-2:typemin(Int64) @test first(r) == typemin(Int64) @test last(r) == (typemax(Int64)-1) @test_throws OverflowError length(r) @test first(s) == typemax(Int64) @test last(s) == (typemin(Int64)+1) @test_throws OverflowError length(s) end @test length(typemin(Int64):3:typemax(Int64)) == 6148914691236517206 @test length(typemax(Int64):-3:typemin(Int64)) == 6148914691236517206 for s in 3:100 @test length(typemin(Int):s:typemax(Int)) == length(big(typemin(Int)):big(s):big(typemax(Int))) @test length(typemax(Int):-s:typemin(Int)) == length(big(typemax(Int)):big(-s):big(typemin(Int))) end @test length(UInt(1):UInt(1):UInt(0)) == 0 @test length(typemax(UInt):UInt(1):(typemax(UInt)-1)) == 0 @test length(typemax(UInt):UInt(2):(typemax(UInt)-1)) == 0 @test length((typemin(Int)+3):5:(typemin(Int)+1)) == 0 end # issue #6364 @test length((1:64)*(pi/5)) == 64 @testset "issue #6973" begin r1 = 1.0:0.1:2.0 r2 = 1.0f0:0.2f0:3.0f0 r3 = 1:2:21 @test r1 + r1 == 2*r1 @test r1 + r2 == 2.0:0.3:5.0 @test (r1 + r2) - r2 == r1 @test r1 + r3 == convert(StepRangeLen{Float64}, r3) + r1 @test r3 + r3 == 2 * r3 end @testset "issue #7114" begin let r = -0.004532318104333742:1.2597349521122731e-5:0.008065031416788989 @test length(r[1:end-1]) == length(r) - 1 @test isa(r[1:2:end],AbstractRange) && length(r[1:2:end]) == div(length(r)+1, 2) @test r[3:5][2] ≈ r[4] @test r[5:-2:1][2] ≈ r[3] @test_throws BoundsError r[0:10] @test_throws BoundsError r[1:10000] end let r = range(1/3, stop=5/7, length=6) @test length(r) == 6 @test r[1] == 1/3 @test abs(r[end] - 5/7) <= eps(5/7) end let r = range(0.25, stop=0.25, length=1) @test length(r) == 1 @test_throws ArgumentError range(0.25, stop=0.5, length=1) end end # issue #7426 @test [typemax(Int):1:typemax(Int);] == [typemax(Int)] #issue #7484 let r7484 = 0.1:0.1:1 @test [reverse(r7484);] == reverse([r7484;]) end @testset "issue #7387" begin for r in (0:1, 0.0:1.0) local r @test [r .+ im;] == [r;] .+ im @test [r .- im;] == [r;] .- im @test [r * im;] == [r;] * im @test [r / im;] == [r;] / im end end # Preservation of high precision upon addition let r = (-0.1:0.1:0.3) + broadcast(+, -0.3:0.1:0.1, 1e-12) @test r[3] == 1e-12 end @testset "issue #7709" begin @test length(map(identity, 0x01:0x05)) == 5 @test length(map(identity, 0x0001:0x0005)) == 5 @test length(map(identity, UInt64(1):UInt64(5))) == 5 @test length(map(identity, UInt128(1):UInt128(5))) == 5 end @testset "issue #8531" begin smallint = (Int === Int64 ? (Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16,Int32,UInt32) : (Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16)) for T in smallint @test length(typemin(T):typemax(T)) == 2^(8*sizeof(T)) end end # issue #8584 @test (0:1//2:2)[1:2:3] == 0:1//1:1 # issue #12278 @test length(1:UInt(0)) == 0 @testset "zip" begin i = 0 x = 1:2:8 y = 2:2:8 xy = 1:8 for (thisx, thisy) in zip(x, y) @test thisx == xy[i+=1] @test thisy == xy[i+=1] end end @testset "issue #9962" begin @test eltype(0:1//3:10) <: Rational @test (0:1//3:10)[1] == 0 @test (0:1//3:10)[2] == 1//3 end @testset "converting ranges (issue #10965)" begin @test promote(0:1, UInt8(2):UInt8(5)) === (0:1, 2:5) @test convert(UnitRange{Int}, 0:5) === 0:5 @test convert(UnitRange{Int128}, 0:5) === Int128(0):Int128(5) @test promote(0:1:1, UInt8(2):UInt8(1):UInt8(5)) === (0:1:1, 2:1:5) @test convert(StepRange{Int,Int}, 0:1:1) === 0:1:1 @test convert(StepRange{Int128,Int128}, 0:1:1) === Int128(0):Int128(1):Int128(1) @test promote(0:1:1, 2:5) === (0:1:1, 2:1:5) @test convert(StepRange{Int128,Int128}, 0:5) === Int128(0):Int128(1):Int128(5) @test convert(StepRange, 0:5) === 0:1:5 @test convert(StepRange{Int128,Int128}, 0.:5) === Int128(0):Int128(1):Int128(5) @test_throws ArgumentError StepRange(1.1,1,5.1) @test promote(0f0:inv(3f0):1f0, 0.:2.:5.) === (0:1/3:1, 0.:2.:5.) @test convert(StepRangeLen{Float64}, 0:1/3:1) === 0:1/3:1 @test convert(StepRangeLen{Float64}, 0f0:inv(3f0):1f0) === 0:1/3:1 @test promote(0:1/3:1, 0:5) === (0:1/3:1, 0.:1.:5.) @test convert(StepRangeLen{Float64}, 0:5) === 0.:1.:5. @test convert(StepRangeLen{Float64}, 0:1:5) === 0.:1.:5. @test convert(StepRangeLen, 0:5) == 0:5 @test convert(StepRangeLen, 0:1:5) == 0:1:5 @test convert(LinRange{Float64}, 0.0:0.1:0.3) === LinRange{Float64}(0.0, 0.3, 4) @test convert(LinRange, 0.0:0.1:0.3) === LinRange{Float64}(0.0, 0.3, 4) @test convert(LinRange, 0:3) === LinRange{Int}(0, 3, 4) @test promote('a':'z', 1:2) === ('a':'z', 1:1:2) @test eltype(['a':'z', 1:2]) == (StepRange{T,Int} where T) end @testset "LinRange ops" begin @test 2*LinRange(0,3,4) == LinRange(0,6,4) @test LinRange(0,3,4)*2 == LinRange(0,6,4) @test LinRange(0,3,4)/3 == LinRange(0,1,4) @test broadcast(-, 2, LinRange(0,3,4)) == LinRange(2,-1,4) @test broadcast(+, 2, LinRange(0,3,4)) == LinRange(2,5,4) @test -LinRange(0,3,4) == LinRange(0,-3,4) @test reverse(LinRange(0,3,4)) == LinRange(3,0,4) end @testset "Issue #11245" begin io = IOBuffer() show(io, range(1, stop=2, length=3)) str = String(take!(io)) # @test str == "range(1.0, stop=2.0, length=3)" @test str == "1.0:0.5:2.0" end @testset "issue 10950" begin r = 1//2:3 @test length(r) == 3 i = 1 for x in r @test x == i//2 i += 2 end @test i == 7 end @testset "repr" begin # repr/show should display the range nicely # to test print_range in range.jl replrepr(x) = repr("text/plain", x; context=IOContext(stdout, :limit=>true, :displaysize=>(24, 80))) @test replrepr(1:4) == "1:4" @test repr("text/plain", 1:4) == "1:4" @test repr("text/plain", range(1, stop=5, length=7)) == "1.0:0.6666666666666666:5.0" @test repr("text/plain", LinRange{Float64}(1,5,7)) == "7-element LinRange{Float64}:\n 1.0,1.66667,2.33333,3.0,3.66667,4.33333,5.0" @test repr(range(1, stop=5, length=7)) == "1.0:0.6666666666666666:5.0" @test repr(LinRange{Float64}(1,5,7)) == "range(1.0, stop=5.0, length=7)" @test replrepr(0:100.) == "0.0:1.0:100.0" # next is to test a very large range, which should be fast because print_range # only examines spacing of the left and right edges of the range, sufficient # to cover the designated screen size. @test replrepr(range(0, stop=100, length=10000)) == "0.0:0.010001000100010001:100.0" @test replrepr(LinRange{Float64}(0,100, 10000)) == "10000-element LinRange{Float64}:\n 0.0,0.010001,0.020002,0.030003,0.040004,…,99.95,99.96,99.97,99.98,99.99,100.0" @test sprint(show, UnitRange(1, 2)) == "1:2" @test sprint(show, StepRange(1, 2, 5)) == "1:2:5" end @testset "Issue 11049 and related" begin @test promote(range(0f0, stop=1f0, length=3), range(0., stop=5., length=2)) === (range(0., stop=1., length=3), range(0., stop=5., length=2)) @test convert(LinRange{Float64}, range(0., stop=1., length=3)) === LinRange(0., 1., 3) @test convert(LinRange{Float64}, range(0f0, stop=1f0, length=3)) === LinRange(0., 1., 3) @test promote(range(0., stop=1., length=3), 0:5) === (range(0., stop=1., length=3), range(0., stop=5., length=6)) @test convert(LinRange{Float64}, 0:5) === LinRange(0., 5., 6) @test convert(LinRange{Float64}, 0:1:5) === LinRange(0., 5., 6) @test convert(LinRange, 0:5) === LinRange{Int}(0, 5, 6) @test convert(LinRange, 0:1:5) === LinRange{Int}(0, 5, 6) function test_range_index(r, s) @test typeof(r[s]) == typeof(r) @test [r;][s] == [r[s];] end test_range_index(range(0.1, stop=0.3, length=3), 1:2) test_range_index(range(0.1, stop=0.3, length=3), 1:0) test_range_index(range(1.0, stop=1.0, length=1), 1:1) test_range_index(range(1.0, stop=1.0, length=1), 1:0) test_range_index(range(1.0, stop=2.0, length=0), 1:0) function test_range_identity(r::AbstractRange{T}, mr) where T @test -r == mr @test -Vector(r) == Vector(mr) @test isa(-r, typeof(r)) @test broadcast(+, broadcast(+, 1, r), -1) == r @test 1 .+ Vector(r) == Vector(1 .+ r) == Vector(r .+ 1) @test isa(broadcast(+, broadcast(+, 1, r), -1), typeof(r)) @test broadcast(-, broadcast(-, 1, r), 1) == mr @test 1 .- Vector(r) == Vector(1 .- r) == Vector(1 .+ mr) @test Vector(r) .- 1 == Vector(r .- 1) == -Vector(mr .+ 1) @test isa(broadcast(-, broadcast(-, 1, r), 1), typeof(r)) @test 1 * r * 1 == r @test 2 * r * T(0.5) == r @test isa(1 * r * 1, typeof(r)) @test r / 1 == r @test r / 2 * 2 == r @test r / T(0.5) * T(0.5) == r @test isa(r / 1, typeof(r)) @test (2 * Vector(r) == Vector(r * 2) == Vector(2 * r) == Vector(r * T(2.0)) == Vector(T(2.0) * r) == Vector(r / T(0.5)) == -Vector(mr * T(2.0))) end test_range_identity(range(1.0, stop=27.0, length=10), range(-1.0, stop=-27.0, length=10)) test_range_identity(range(1f0, stop=27f0, length=10), range(-1f0, stop=-27f0, length=10)) test_range_identity(range(1.0, stop=27.0, length=0), range(-1.0, stop=-27.0, length=0)) test_range_identity(range(1f0, stop=27f0, length=0), range(-1f0, stop=-27f0, length=0)) test_range_identity(range(1.0, stop=1.0, length=1), range(-1.0, stop=-1.0, length=1)) test_range_identity(range(1f0, stop=1f0, length=1), range(-1f0, stop=-1f0, length=1)) @test reverse(range(1.0, stop=27.0, length=1275)) == range(27.0, stop=1.0, length=1275) @test [reverse(range(1.0, stop=27.0, length=1275));] == reverse([range(1.0, stop=27.0, length=1275);]) end @testset "PR 12200 and related" begin for _r in (1:2:100, 1:100, 1f0:2f0:100f0, 1.0:2.0:100.0, range(1, stop=100, length=10), range(1f0, stop=100f0, length=10)) float_r = float(_r) big_r = broadcast(big, _r) big_rdot = big.(_r) @test big_rdot == big_r @test typeof(big_r) == typeof(big_rdot) @test typeof(big_r).name === typeof(_r).name if eltype(_r) <: AbstractFloat @test isa(float_r, typeof(_r)) @test eltype(big_r) === BigFloat else @test isa(float_r, AbstractRange) @test eltype(float_r) <: AbstractFloat @test eltype(big_r) === BigInt end end @test_throws DimensionMismatch range(1., stop=5., length=5) + range(1., stop=5., length=6) @test_throws DimensionMismatch range(1., stop=5., length=5) - range(1., stop=5., length=6) @test_throws DimensionMismatch range(1., stop=5., length=5) .* range(1., stop=5., length=6) @test_throws DimensionMismatch range(1., stop=5., length=5) ./ range(1., stop=5., length=6) @test_throws DimensionMismatch (1:5) + (1:6) @test_throws DimensionMismatch (1:5) - (1:6) @test_throws DimensionMismatch (1:5) .* (1:6) @test_throws DimensionMismatch (1:5) ./ (1:6) @test_throws DimensionMismatch (1.:5.) + (1.:6.) @test_throws DimensionMismatch (1.:5.) - (1.:6.) @test_throws DimensionMismatch (1.:5.) .* (1.:6.) @test_throws DimensionMismatch (1.:5.) ./ (1.:6.) function test_range_sum_diff(r1, r2, r_sum, r_diff) @test r1 + r2 == r_sum @test r2 + r1 == r_sum @test r1 - r2 == r_diff @test r2 - r1 == -r_diff @test Vector(r1) + Vector(r2) == Vector(r_sum) @test Vector(r2) + Vector(r1) == Vector(r_sum) @test Vector(r1) - Vector(r2) == Vector(r_diff) @test Vector(r2) - Vector(r1) == Vector(-r_diff) end test_range_sum_diff(1:5, 0:2:8, 1:3:13, 1:-1:-3) test_range_sum_diff(1.:5., 0.:2.:8., 1.:3.:13., 1.:-1.:-3.) test_range_sum_diff(range(1., stop=5., length=5), range(0., stop=-4., length=5), range(1., stop=1., length=5), range(1., stop=9., length=5)) test_range_sum_diff(1:5, 0.:2.:8., 1.:3.:13., 1.:-1.:-3.) test_range_sum_diff(1:5, range(0, stop=8, length=5), range(1, stop=13, length=5), range(1, stop=-3, length=5)) test_range_sum_diff(1.:5., range(0, stop=8, length=5), range(1, stop=13, length=5), range(1, stop=-3, length=5)) end # Issue #12388 let r = 0x02:0x05 @test r[2:3] == 0x03:0x04 end @testset "Issue #13738" begin for r in (big(1):big(2), UInt128(1):UInt128(2), 0x1:0x2) local r rr = r[r] @test typeof(rr) == typeof(r) @test r[r] == r # these calls to similar must not throw: @test size(similar(r, size(r))) == size(similar(r, length(r))) end end @testset "sign, conj, ~ (Issue #16067)" begin A = -1:1 B = -1.0:1.0 @test sign.(A) == [-1,0,1] @test sign.(B) == [-1,0,1] @test typeof(sign.(A)) === Vector{Int} @test typeof(sign.(B)) === Vector{Float64} @test conj(A) === A @test conj(B) === B @test .~A == [0,-1,-2] @test typeof(.~A) == Vector{Int} end @testset "conversion to Array" begin r = 1:3 a = [1,2,3] @test convert(Array, r) == a @test convert(Array{Int}, r) == a @test convert(Array{Float64}, r) == a @test convert(Array{Int,1}, r) == a @test convert(Array{Float64,1}, r) == a end @testset "OneTo" begin let r = Base.OneTo(-5) @test isempty(r) @test length(r) == 0 @test size(r) == (0,) end let r = Base.OneTo(3) @test !isempty(r) @test length(r) == 3 @test size(r) == (3,) @test step(r) == 1 @test first(r) == 1 @test last(r) == 3 @test minimum(r) == 1 @test maximum(r) == 3 @test r[2] == 2 @test r[2:3] === 2:3 @test_throws BoundsError r[4] @test_throws BoundsError r[0] @test broadcast(+, r, 1) === 2:4 @test 2*r === 2:2:6 @test r + r === 2:2:6 k = 0 for i in r @test i == (k += 1) end @test intersect(r, Base.OneTo(2)) == Base.OneTo(2) @test intersect(r, 0:5) == 1:3 @test intersect(r, 2) === intersect(2, r) === 2:2 @test findall(in(r), r) === findall(in(1:length(r)), r) === findall(in(r), 1:length(r)) === 1:length(r) io = IOBuffer() show(io, r) str = String(take!(io)) @test str == "Base.OneTo(3)" end let r = Base.OneTo(7) @test findall(in(2:(length(r) - 1)), r) === 2:(length(r) - 1) @test findall(in(r), 2:(length(r) - 1)) === 1:(length(r) - 2) end @test convert(Base.OneTo, 1:2) === Base.OneTo{Int}(2) @test_throws ArgumentError("first element must be 1, got 2") convert(Base.OneTo, 2:3) @test_throws ArgumentError("step must be 1, got 2") convert(Base.OneTo, 1:2:5) @test Base.OneTo(1:2) === Base.OneTo{Int}(2) @test Base.OneTo(1:1:2) === Base.OneTo{Int}(2) @test Base.OneTo{Int32}(1:2) === Base.OneTo{Int32}(2) @test Base.OneTo(Int32(1):Int32(2)) === Base.OneTo{Int32}(2) @test Base.OneTo{Int16}(3.0) === Base.OneTo{Int16}(3) @test_throws InexactError(:Int16, Int16, 3.2) Base.OneTo{Int16}(3.2) end @testset "range of other types" begin let r = range(0, stop=3//10, length=4) @test eltype(r) == Rational{Int} @test r[2] === 1//10 end let a = 1.0, b = nextfloat(1.0), ba = BigFloat(a), bb = BigFloat(b), r = range(ba, stop=bb, length=3) @test eltype(r) == BigFloat @test r[1] == a && r[3] == b @test r[2] == (ba+bb)/2 end let (a, b) = (rand(10), rand(10)), r = range(a, stop=b, length=5) @test r[1] == a && r[5] == b for i = 2:4 x = ((5 - i) // 4) * a + ((i - 1) // 4) * b @test r[i] == x end end end @testset "issue #23178" begin r = range(Float16(0.1094), stop=Float16(0.9697), length=300) @test r[1] == Float16(0.1094) @test r[end] == Float16(0.9697) end # issue #20382 let r = @inferred((:)(big(1.0),big(2.0),big(5.0))) @test eltype(r) == BigFloat end @testset "issue #14420" begin for r in (range(0.10000000000000045, stop=1, length=50), 0.10000000000000045:(1-0.10000000000000045)/49:1) local r @test r[1] === 0.10000000000000045 @test r[end] === 1.0 end end @testset "issue #20381" begin r = range(-big(1.0), stop=big(1.0), length=4) @test isa(@inferred(r[2]), BigFloat) @test r[2] ≈ big(-1.0)/3 end @testset "issue #20520" begin r = range(1.3173739f0, stop=1.3173739f0, length=3) @test length(r) == 3 @test first(r) === 1.3173739f0 @test last(r) === 1.3173739f0 @test r[2] === 1.3173739f0 r = range(1.0, stop=3+im, length=4) @test r[1] === 1.0+0.0im @test r[2] ≈ (5/3)+(1/3)im @test r[3] ≈ (7/3)+(2/3)im @test r[4] === 3.0+im end # ambiguity between (:) methods (#20988) struct NotReal; val; end Base.:+(x, y::NotReal) = x + y.val Base.zero(y::NotReal) = zero(y.val) Base.rem(x, y::NotReal) = rem(x, y.val) Base.isless(x, y::NotReal) = isless(x, y.val) @test (:)(1, NotReal(1), 5) isa StepRange{Int,NotReal} isdefined(Main, :Furlongs) || @eval Main include("testhelpers/Furlongs.jl") using .Main.Furlongs @testset "dimensional correctness" begin @test length(Vector(Furlong(2):Furlong(10))) == 9 @test length(range(Furlong(2), length=9)) == 9 @test Vector(Furlong(2):Furlong(1):Furlong(10)) == Vector(range(Furlong(2), step=Furlong(1), length=9)) == Furlong.(2:10) @test Vector(Furlong(1.0):Furlong(0.5):Furlong(10.0)) == Vector(Furlong(1):Furlong(0.5):Furlong(10)) == Furlong.(1:0.5:10) end @testset "issue #22270" begin linsp = range(1.0, stop=2.0, length=10) @test typeof(linsp.ref) == Base.TwicePrecision{Float64} @test Float32(linsp.ref) === convert(Float32, linsp.ref) @test Float32(linsp.ref) ≈ linsp.ref.hi + linsp.ref.lo end @testset "issue #23300" begin x = -5:big(1.0):5 @test map(Float64, x) === -5.0:1.0:5.0 @test map(Float32, x) === -5.0f0:1.0f0:5.0f0 @test map(Float16, x) === Float16(-5.0):Float16(1.0):Float16(5.0) @test map(BigFloat, x) === x end @testset "broadcasting returns ranges" begin x, r = 2, 1:5 @test @inferred(x .+ r) === 3:7 @test @inferred(r .+ x) === 3:7 @test @inferred(r .- x) === -1:3 @test @inferred(x .- r) === 1:-1:-3 @test @inferred(x .* r) === 2:2:10 @test @inferred(r .* x) === 2:2:10 @test @inferred(r ./ x) === 0.5:0.5:2.5 @test @inferred(x ./ r) == 2 ./ [r;] && isa(x ./ r, Vector{Float64}) @test @inferred(r .\ x) == 2 ./ [r;] && isa(x ./ r, Vector{Float64}) @test @inferred(x .\ r) === 0.5:0.5:2.5 @test @inferred(2 .* (r .+ 1) .+ 2) === 6:2:14 end @testset "Bad range calls" begin @test_throws ArgumentError range(1) @test_throws ArgumentError range(nothing) @test_throws ArgumentError range(1, step=4) @test_throws ArgumentError range(nothing, length=2) @test_throws ArgumentError range(1.0, step=0.25, stop=2.0, length=5) end @testset "issue #23300#issuecomment-371575548" begin for (start, stop) in ((-5, 5), (-5.0, 5), (-5, 5.0), (-5.0, 5.0)) @test @inferred(range(big(start), stop=big(stop), length=11)) isa LinRange{BigFloat} @test Float64.(@inferred(range(big(start), stop=big(stop), length=11))) == range(start, stop=stop, length=11) @test Float64.(@inferred(map(exp, range(big(start), stop=big(stop), length=11)))) == map(exp, range(start, stop=stop, length=11)) end end @testset "Issue #26532" begin x = range(3, stop=3, length=5) @test step(x) == 0.0 @test x isa StepRangeLen{Float64,Base.TwicePrecision{Float64},Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}} end @testset "Issue #26608" begin @test_throws BoundsError (Int8(-100):Int8(100))[400] @test_throws BoundsError (-100:100)[typemax(UInt)] @test_throws BoundsError (false:true)[3] end module NonStandardIntegerRangeTest using Test struct Position <: Integer val::Int end Position(x::Position) = x # to resolve ambiguity with boot.jl:728 struct Displacement <: Integer val::Int end Displacement(x::Displacement) = x # to resolve ambiguity with boot.jl:728 Base.:-(x::Displacement) = Displacement(-x.val) Base.:-(x::Position, y::Position) = Displacement(x.val - y.val) Base.:-(x::Position, y::Displacement) = Position(x.val - y.val) Base.:-(x::Displacement, y::Displacement) = Displacement(x.val - y.val) Base.:+(x::Position, y::Displacement) = Position(x.val + y.val) Base.:+(x::Displacement, y::Displacement) = Displacement(x.val + y.val) Base.:(<=)(x::Position, y::Position) = x.val <= y.val Base.:(<)(x::Position, y::Position) = x.val < y.val Base.:(<)(x::Displacement, y::Displacement) = x.val < y.val # for StepRange computation: Base.Unsigned(x::Displacement) = Unsigned(x.val) Base.rem(x::Displacement, y::Displacement) = Displacement(rem(x.val, y.val)) Base.div(x::Displacement, y::Displacement) = Displacement(div(x.val, y.val)) # required for collect (summing lengths); alternatively, should unsafe_length return Int by default? Base.promote_rule(::Type{Displacement}, ::Type{Int}) = Int Base.convert(::Type{Int}, x::Displacement) = x.val @testset "Ranges with nonstandard Integers" begin for (start, stop) in [(2, 4), (3, 3), (3, -2)] @test collect(Position(start) : Position(stop)) == Position.(start : stop) end for start in [3, 0, -2] @test collect(Base.OneTo(Position(start))) == Position.(Base.OneTo(start)) end for step in [-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3] for start in [-1, 0, 2] for stop in [start, start - 1, start + 2 * step, start + 2 * step + 1] r1 = StepRange(Position(start), Displacement(step), Position(stop)) @test collect(r1) == Position.(start : step : stop) r2 = Position(start) : Displacement(step) : Position(stop) @test r1 === r2 end end end end end # module NonStandardIntegerRangeTest @testset "Issue #26619" begin @test length(UInt(100) : -1 : 1) === UInt(100) @test collect(UInt(5) : -1 : 3) == [UInt(5), UInt(4), UInt(3)] let r = UInt(5) : -2 : 2 @test r.start === UInt(5) @test r.step === -2 @test r.stop === UInt(3) @test collect(r) == [UInt(5), UInt(3)] end for step in [-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3] for start in [0, 15] for stop in [0, 15] @test collect(UInt(start) : step : UInt(stop)) == start : step : stop end end end end @testset "constant-valued ranges (issues #10391 and #29052)" begin for r in ((1:4), (1:1:4), (1.0:4.0)) if eltype(r) === Int @test_broken @inferred(0 * r) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] @test_broken @inferred(0 .* r) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] @test_broken @inferred(r + (4:-1:1)) == [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0] @test_broken @inferred(r .+ (4:-1:1)) == [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0] else @test @inferred(0 * r) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] @test @inferred(0 .* r) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] @test @inferred(r + (4:-1:1)) == [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0] @test @inferred(r .+ (4:-1:1)) == [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0] end @test @inferred(r .+ (4.0:-1:1)) == [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0] @test @inferred(0.0 * r) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] @test @inferred(0.0 .* r) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] @test @inferred(r / Inf) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] @test @inferred(r ./ Inf) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] end @test_broken @inferred(range(0, step=0, length=4)) == [0, 0, 0, 0] @test @inferred(range(0, stop=0, length=4)) == [0, 0, 0, 0] @test @inferred(range(0.0, step=0.0, length=4)) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] @test @inferred(range(0.0, stop=0.0, length=4)) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] @test @inferred(range(0, step=0.0, length=4)) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] @test @inferred(range(0.0, step=0, length=4)) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] @test @inferred(range(0, stop=0.0, length=4)) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] @test @inferred(range(0.0, stop=0, length=4)) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] z4 = 0.0 * (1:4) @test @inferred(z4 .+ (1:4)) === 1.0:1.0:4.0 @test @inferred(z4 .+ z4) === z4 end @testset "getindex" begin @test getindex((typemax(UInt64)//one(UInt64):typemax(UInt64)//one(UInt64)), 1) == typemax(UInt64)//one(UInt64) end @testset "Issue #30006" begin @test Base.Slice(Base.OneTo(5))[Int32(1)] == Int32(1) @test Base.Slice(Base.OneTo(3))[Int8(2)] == Int8(2) @test Base.Slice(1:10)[Int32(2)] == Int32(2) @test Base.Slice(1:10)[Int8(2)] == Int8(2) end @testset "allocation of TwicePrecision call" begin 0:286.493442:360 0:286:360 @test @allocated(0:286.493442:360) == 0 @test @allocated(0:286:360) == 0 end @testset "range with start and stop" begin for starts in [-1, 0, 1, 10] for stops in [-2, 0, 2, 100] for lengths in [2, 10, 100] if stops >= starts @test range(starts, stops, length=lengths) == range(starts, stop=stops, length=lengths) end end for steps in [0.01, 1, 2] @test range(starts, stops, step=steps) == range(starts, stop=stops, step=steps) end end end # require a keyword arg @test_throws ArgumentError range(1, 100) end @testset "Reverse empty ranges" begin @test reverse(1:0) === 0:-1:1 @test reverse(Base.OneTo(0)) === 0:-1:1 # Almost `1.0:-1.0:2.0`, only different is the step which is # `Base.TwicePrecision(-1.0, 0.0)` @test reverse(1.0:0.0) === StepRangeLen(Base.TwicePrecision(1.0, 0.0), Base.TwicePrecision(-1.0, -0.0), 0) @test reverse(reverse(1.0:0.0)) === 1.0:0.0 end