Tip revision: dbe4ddb10315479fc00086f08e25d968b4b43c49 authored by Travis Bradshaw on 31 January 2012, 19:41:34 UTC
The Quake III Arena sources as originally released under the GPL license on August 20, 2005.
The Quake III Arena sources as originally released under the GPL license on August 20, 2005.
Tip revision: dbe4ddb
Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "mathlib.h"
#include "bspfile.h"
#include "scriplib.h"
void GetLeafNums (void);
int nummodels;
dmodel_t dmodels[MAX_MAP_MODELS];
int numShaders;
dshader_t dshaders[MAX_MAP_SHADERS];
int entdatasize;
char dentdata[MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING];
int numleafs;
dleaf_t dleafs[MAX_MAP_LEAFS];
int numplanes;
dplane_t dplanes[MAX_MAP_PLANES];
int numnodes;
dnode_t dnodes[MAX_MAP_NODES];
int numleafsurfaces;
int dleafsurfaces[MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES];
int numleafbrushes;
int dleafbrushes[MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES];
int numbrushes;
dbrush_t dbrushes[MAX_MAP_BRUSHES];
int numbrushsides;
dbrushside_t dbrushsides[MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES];
int numLightBytes;
byte lightBytes[MAX_MAP_LIGHTING];
int numGridPoints;
byte gridData[MAX_MAP_LIGHTGRID];
int numVisBytes;
byte visBytes[MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY];
int numDrawVerts;
drawVert_t drawVerts[MAX_MAP_DRAW_VERTS];
int numDrawIndexes;
int drawIndexes[MAX_MAP_DRAW_INDEXES];
int numDrawSurfaces;
dsurface_t drawSurfaces[MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS];
int numFogs;
dfog_t dfogs[MAX_MAP_FOGS];
If all values are 32 bits, this can be used to swap everything
void SwapBlock( int *block, int sizeOfBlock ) {
int i;
sizeOfBlock >>= 2;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeOfBlock ; i++ ) {
block[i] = LittleLong( block[i] );
Byte swaps all data in a bsp file.
void SwapBSPFile( void ) {
int i;
// models
SwapBlock( (int *)dmodels, nummodels * sizeof( dmodels[0] ) );
// shaders (don't swap the name)
for ( i = 0 ; i < numShaders ; i++ ) {
dshaders[i].contentFlags = LittleLong( dshaders[i].contentFlags );
dshaders[i].surfaceFlags = LittleLong( dshaders[i].surfaceFlags );
// planes
SwapBlock( (int *)dplanes, numplanes * sizeof( dplanes[0] ) );
// nodes
SwapBlock( (int *)dnodes, numnodes * sizeof( dnodes[0] ) );
// leafs
SwapBlock( (int *)dleafs, numleafs * sizeof( dleafs[0] ) );
// leaffaces
SwapBlock( (int *)dleafsurfaces, numleafsurfaces * sizeof( dleafsurfaces[0] ) );
// leafbrushes
SwapBlock( (int *)dleafbrushes, numleafbrushes * sizeof( dleafbrushes[0] ) );
// brushes
SwapBlock( (int *)dbrushes, numbrushes * sizeof( dbrushes[0] ) );
// brushsides
SwapBlock( (int *)dbrushsides, numbrushsides * sizeof( dbrushsides[0] ) );
// vis
((int *)&visBytes)[0] = LittleLong( ((int *)&visBytes)[0] );
((int *)&visBytes)[1] = LittleLong( ((int *)&visBytes)[1] );
// drawverts (don't swap colors )
for ( i = 0 ; i < numDrawVerts ; i++ ) {
drawVerts[i].lightmap[0] = LittleFloat( drawVerts[i].lightmap[0] );
drawVerts[i].lightmap[1] = LittleFloat( drawVerts[i].lightmap[1] );
drawVerts[i].st[0] = LittleFloat( drawVerts[i].st[0] );
drawVerts[i].st[1] = LittleFloat( drawVerts[i].st[1] );
drawVerts[i].xyz[0] = LittleFloat( drawVerts[i].xyz[0] );
drawVerts[i].xyz[1] = LittleFloat( drawVerts[i].xyz[1] );
drawVerts[i].xyz[2] = LittleFloat( drawVerts[i].xyz[2] );
drawVerts[i].normal[0] = LittleFloat( drawVerts[i].normal[0] );
drawVerts[i].normal[1] = LittleFloat( drawVerts[i].normal[1] );
drawVerts[i].normal[2] = LittleFloat( drawVerts[i].normal[2] );
// drawindexes
SwapBlock( (int *)drawIndexes, numDrawIndexes * sizeof( drawIndexes[0] ) );
// drawsurfs
SwapBlock( (int *)drawSurfaces, numDrawSurfaces * sizeof( drawSurfaces[0] ) );
// fogs
for ( i = 0 ; i < numFogs ; i++ ) {
dfogs[i].brushNum = LittleLong( dfogs[i].brushNum );
dfogs[i].visibleSide = LittleLong( dfogs[i].visibleSide );
int CopyLump( dheader_t *header, int lump, void *dest, int size ) {
int length, ofs;
length = header->lumps[lump].filelen;
ofs = header->lumps[lump].fileofs;
if ( length % size ) {
Error ("LoadBSPFile: odd lump size");
memcpy( dest, (byte *)header + ofs, length );
return length / size;
void LoadBSPFile( const char *filename ) {
dheader_t *header;
// load the file header
LoadFile (filename, (void **)&header);
// swap the header
SwapBlock( (int *)header, sizeof(*header) );
if ( header->ident != BSP_IDENT ) {
Error( "%s is not a IBSP file", filename );
if ( header->version != BSP_VERSION ) {
Error( "%s is version %i, not %i", filename, header->version, BSP_VERSION );
numShaders = CopyLump( header, LUMP_SHADERS, dshaders, sizeof(dshader_t) );
nummodels = CopyLump( header, LUMP_MODELS, dmodels, sizeof(dmodel_t) );
numplanes = CopyLump( header, LUMP_PLANES, dplanes, sizeof(dplane_t) );
numleafs = CopyLump( header, LUMP_LEAFS, dleafs, sizeof(dleaf_t) );
numnodes = CopyLump( header, LUMP_NODES, dnodes, sizeof(dnode_t) );
numleafsurfaces = CopyLump( header, LUMP_LEAFSURFACES, dleafsurfaces, sizeof(dleafsurfaces[0]) );
numleafbrushes = CopyLump( header, LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES, dleafbrushes, sizeof(dleafbrushes[0]) );
numbrushes = CopyLump( header, LUMP_BRUSHES, dbrushes, sizeof(dbrush_t) );
numbrushsides = CopyLump( header, LUMP_BRUSHSIDES, dbrushsides, sizeof(dbrushside_t) );
numDrawVerts = CopyLump( header, LUMP_DRAWVERTS, drawVerts, sizeof(drawVert_t) );
numDrawSurfaces = CopyLump( header, LUMP_SURFACES, drawSurfaces, sizeof(dsurface_t) );
numFogs = CopyLump( header, LUMP_FOGS, dfogs, sizeof(dfog_t) );
numDrawIndexes = CopyLump( header, LUMP_DRAWINDEXES, drawIndexes, sizeof(drawIndexes[0]) );
numVisBytes = CopyLump( header, LUMP_VISIBILITY, visBytes, 1 );
numLightBytes = CopyLump( header, LUMP_LIGHTMAPS, lightBytes, 1 );
entdatasize = CopyLump( header, LUMP_ENTITIES, dentdata, 1);
numGridPoints = CopyLump( header, LUMP_LIGHTGRID, gridData, 8 );
free( header ); // everything has been copied out
// swap everything
void AddLump( FILE *bspfile, dheader_t *header, int lumpnum, const void *data, int len ) {
lump_t *lump;
lump = &header->lumps[lumpnum];
lump->fileofs = LittleLong( ftell(bspfile) );
lump->filelen = LittleLong( len );
SafeWrite( bspfile, data, (len+3)&~3 );
Swaps the bsp file in place, so it should not be referenced again
void WriteBSPFile( const char *filename ) {
dheader_t outheader, *header;
FILE *bspfile;
header = &outheader;
memset( header, 0, sizeof(dheader_t) );
header->ident = LittleLong( BSP_IDENT );
header->version = LittleLong( BSP_VERSION );
bspfile = SafeOpenWrite( filename );
SafeWrite( bspfile, header, sizeof(dheader_t) ); // overwritten later
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_SHADERS, dshaders, numShaders*sizeof(dshader_t) );
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_PLANES, dplanes, numplanes*sizeof(dplane_t) );
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_LEAFS, dleafs, numleafs*sizeof(dleaf_t) );
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_NODES, dnodes, numnodes*sizeof(dnode_t) );
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_BRUSHES, dbrushes, numbrushes*sizeof(dbrush_t) );
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_BRUSHSIDES, dbrushsides, numbrushsides*sizeof(dbrushside_t) );
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_LEAFSURFACES, dleafsurfaces, numleafsurfaces*sizeof(dleafsurfaces[0]) );
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES, dleafbrushes, numleafbrushes*sizeof(dleafbrushes[0]) );
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_MODELS, dmodels, nummodels*sizeof(dmodel_t) );
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_DRAWVERTS, drawVerts, numDrawVerts*sizeof(drawVert_t) );
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_SURFACES, drawSurfaces, numDrawSurfaces*sizeof(dsurface_t) );
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_VISIBILITY, visBytes, numVisBytes );
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_LIGHTMAPS, lightBytes, numLightBytes );
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_LIGHTGRID, gridData, 8 * numGridPoints );
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_ENTITIES, dentdata, entdatasize );
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_FOGS, dfogs, numFogs * sizeof(dfog_t) );
AddLump( bspfile, header, LUMP_DRAWINDEXES, drawIndexes, numDrawIndexes * sizeof(drawIndexes[0]) );
fseek (bspfile, 0, SEEK_SET);
SafeWrite (bspfile, header, sizeof(dheader_t));
fclose (bspfile);
Dumps info about current file
void PrintBSPFileSizes( void ) {
if ( !num_entities ) {
printf ("%6i models %7i\n"
,nummodels, (int)(nummodels*sizeof(dmodel_t)));
printf ("%6i shaders %7i\n"
,numShaders, (int)(numShaders*sizeof(dshader_t)));
printf ("%6i brushes %7i\n"
,numbrushes, (int)(numbrushes*sizeof(dbrush_t)));
printf ("%6i brushsides %7i\n"
,numbrushsides, (int)(numbrushsides*sizeof(dbrushside_t)));
printf ("%6i fogs %7i\n"
,numFogs, (int)(numFogs*sizeof(dfog_t)));
printf ("%6i planes %7i\n"
,numplanes, (int)(numplanes*sizeof(dplane_t)));
printf ("%6i entdata %7i\n", num_entities, entdatasize);
printf ("\n");
printf ("%6i nodes %7i\n"
,numnodes, (int)(numnodes*sizeof(dnode_t)));
printf ("%6i leafs %7i\n"
,numleafs, (int)(numleafs*sizeof(dleaf_t)));
printf ("%6i leafsurfaces %7i\n"
,numleafsurfaces, (int)(numleafsurfaces*sizeof(dleafsurfaces[0])));
printf ("%6i leafbrushes %7i\n"
,numleafbrushes, (int)(numleafbrushes*sizeof(dleafbrushes[0])));
printf ("%6i drawverts %7i\n"
,numDrawVerts, (int)(numDrawVerts*sizeof(drawVerts[0])));
printf ("%6i drawindexes %7i\n"
,numDrawIndexes, (int)(numDrawIndexes*sizeof(drawIndexes[0])));
printf ("%6i drawsurfaces %7i\n"
,numDrawSurfaces, (int)(numDrawSurfaces*sizeof(drawSurfaces[0])));
printf ("%6i lightmaps %7i\n"
,numLightBytes / (LIGHTMAP_WIDTH*LIGHTMAP_HEIGHT*3), numLightBytes );
printf (" visibility %7i\n"
, numVisBytes );
int num_entities;
entity_t entities[MAX_MAP_ENTITIES];
void StripTrailing( char *e ) {
char *s;
s = e + strlen(e)-1;
while (s >= e && *s <= 32)
*s = 0;
epair_t *ParseEpair( void ) {
epair_t *e;
e = malloc( sizeof(epair_t) );
memset( e, 0, sizeof(epair_t) );
if ( strlen(token) >= MAX_KEY-1 ) {
Error ("ParseEpar: token too long");
e->key = copystring( token );
GetToken( qfalse );
if ( strlen(token) >= MAX_VALUE-1 ) {
Error ("ParseEpar: token too long");
e->value = copystring( token );
// strip trailing spaces that sometimes get accidentally
// added in the editor
StripTrailing( e->key );
StripTrailing( e->value );
return e;
qboolean ParseEntity( void ) {
epair_t *e;
entity_t *mapent;
if ( !GetToken (qtrue) ) {
return qfalse;
if ( strcmp (token, "{") ) {
Error ("ParseEntity: { not found");
if ( num_entities == MAX_MAP_ENTITIES ) {
Error ("num_entities == MAX_MAP_ENTITIES");
mapent = &entities[num_entities];
do {
if ( !GetToken (qtrue) ) {
Error ("ParseEntity: EOF without closing brace");
if ( !strcmp (token, "}") ) {
e = ParseEpair ();
e->next = mapent->epairs;
mapent->epairs = e;
} while (1);
return qtrue;
Parses the dentdata string into entities
void ParseEntities( void ) {
num_entities = 0;
ParseFromMemory( dentdata, entdatasize );
while ( ParseEntity () ) {
Generates the dentdata string from all the entities
This allows the utilities to add or remove key/value pairs
to the data created by the map editor.
void UnparseEntities( void ) {
char *buf, *end;
epair_t *ep;
char line[2048];
int i;
char key[1024], value[1024];
buf = dentdata;
end = buf;
*end = 0;
for (i=0 ; i<num_entities ; i++) {
ep = entities[i].epairs;
if ( !ep ) {
continue; // ent got removed
strcat (end,"{\n");
end += 2;
for ( ep = entities[i].epairs ; ep ; ep=ep->next ) {
strcpy (key, ep->key);
StripTrailing (key);
strcpy (value, ep->value);
StripTrailing (value);
sprintf (line, "\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", key, value);
strcat (end, line);
end += strlen(line);
strcat (end,"}\n");
end += 2;
if (end > buf + MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING) {
Error ("Entity text too long");
entdatasize = end - buf + 1;
void PrintEntity( const entity_t *ent ) {
epair_t *ep;
printf ("------- entity %p -------\n", ent);
for (ep=ent->epairs ; ep ; ep=ep->next) {
printf( "%s = %s\n", ep->key, ep->value );
void SetKeyValue( entity_t *ent, const char *key, const char *value ) {
epair_t *ep;
for ( ep=ent->epairs ; ep ; ep=ep->next ) {
if ( !strcmp (ep->key, key) ) {
free (ep->value);
ep->value = copystring(value);
ep = malloc (sizeof(*ep));
ep->next = ent->epairs;
ent->epairs = ep;
ep->key = copystring(key);
ep->value = copystring(value);
const char *ValueForKey( const entity_t *ent, const char *key ) {
epair_t *ep;
for (ep=ent->epairs ; ep ; ep=ep->next) {
if (!strcmp (ep->key, key) ) {
return ep->value;
return "";
vec_t FloatForKey( const entity_t *ent, const char *key ) {
const char *k;
k = ValueForKey( ent, key );
return atof(k);
void GetVectorForKey( const entity_t *ent, const char *key, vec3_t vec ) {
const char *k;
double v1, v2, v3;
k = ValueForKey (ent, key);
// scanf into doubles, then assign, so it is vec_t size independent
v1 = v2 = v3 = 0;
sscanf (k, "%lf %lf %lf", &v1, &v2, &v3);
vec[0] = v1;
vec[1] = v2;
vec[2] = v3;