Raw File
#ifndef __SMOOTH_H
#define __SMOOTH_H
 * structure for the priority queue.  Also contains information for
 * smooth calculation.
#include <queue>
#include "Compute.h"
#include "State.h"

/// Object for priority queue entry.
class pqSmoothNode
    double fKey;	// distance^2 -> place in priority queue
    Vector3D<double> dx; // displacement of this particle
    GravityParticle *p; // pointer to rest of particle data
    inline bool operator<(const pqSmoothNode& n) const {
	return fKey < n.fKey;

/// Object to bookkeep a Bucket Smooth Walk.

class NearNeighborState: public State {
    CkVec<pqSmoothNode> *Qs; 
    int nParticlesPending;
    int mynParts; 
    bool started;
    NearNeighborState(int nParts, int nSmooth) {
        Qs = new CkVec<pqSmoothNode>[nParts+2];
	mynParts = nParts; 

    void finishBucketSmooth(int iBucket, TreePiece *tp);
    ~NearNeighborState() {
	delete [] Qs; 

#include "smoothparams.h"

// XXX so we can access the init function with the Cache unpack
// method.

extern SmoothParams *globalSmoothParams;

/// Class to specify density smooth
class DensitySmoothParams : public SmoothParams
    virtual void fcnSmooth(GravityParticle *p, int nSmooth,
			   pqSmoothNode *nList);
    virtual int isSmoothActive(GravityParticle *p);
    virtual void initSmoothParticle(GravityParticle *p);
    virtual void initTreeParticle(GravityParticle *p) {}
    virtual void postTreeParticle(GravityParticle *p) {}
    virtual void initSmoothCache(GravityParticle *p);
    virtual void combSmoothCache(GravityParticle *p1,
				 ExternalSmoothParticle *p2);
    DensitySmoothParams() {}
    DensitySmoothParams(int _iType, int am) {
	iType = _iType;
	activeRung = am;
    DensitySmoothParams(CkMigrateMessage *m) : SmoothParams(m) {}
    virtual void pup(PUP::er &p) {
        SmoothParams::pup(p);//Call base class

/// Super class for Smooth and Resmooth computation.
class SmoothCompute : public Compute
    TreePiece *tp;

    SmoothParams *params;

    SmoothCompute(TreePiece *_tp, SmoothParams *_params) : Compute(Smooth){
	params = _params;
	// XXX Assign to global pointer: not thread safe
	globalSmoothParams = params;
        tp = _tp;       // needed in getNewState()
	params->tp = tp;
    ~SmoothCompute() { //delete state;
      // delete params;

      void bucketCompare(TreePiece *tp,
			 GravityParticle *p,  // Particle to test
			 GenericTreeNode *node, // bucket
			 GravityParticle *particles, // local particle data
			 Vector3D<double> offset,
			 State *state
			 ) = 0;

    int doWork(GenericTreeNode *node,
	       TreeWalk *tw,
	       State *state,
	       int chunk,
	       int reqID,
	       bool isRoot, 
	       bool &didcomp, int awi);
    void reassoc(void *ce, int ar, Opt *o);    
    void nodeMissedEvent(int reqID, int chunk, State *state, TreePiece *tp);


/// Class for computation over k nearest neighbors.
class KNearestSmoothCompute : public SmoothCompute 
    int nSmooth;
    // limit small smoothing lengths
    int iLowhFix;
    // smoothing to gravitational softening ratio limit
    double dfBall2OverSoft2;
    KNearestSmoothCompute(TreePiece *_tp, SmoothParams *_params, int nSm,
			  int iLhF, double dfB2OS2)
       : SmoothCompute(_tp, _params){
         nSmooth = nSm;
	 iLowhFix = iLhF;
	 dfBall2OverSoft2 = dfB2OS2;
    ~KNearestSmoothCompute() { //delete state;
	delete params;

    void bucketCompare(TreePiece *tp,
		       GravityParticle *p,  // Particle to test
		       GenericTreeNode *node, // bucket
		       GravityParticle *particles, // local particle data
		       Vector3D<double> offset,
                       State *state
		       ) ;
    void initSmoothPrioQueue(int iBucket, State *state) ;
    int openCriterion(TreePiece *ownerTP, GenericTreeNode *node, int reqID, State *state);
    void startNodeProcessEvent(State *state){ }
    void finishNodeProcessEvent(TreePiece *owner, State *state){ }
    void nodeRecvdEvent(TreePiece *owner, int chunk, State *state, int bucket);
    void recvdParticlesFull(GravityParticle *egp,int num,int chunk,
			int reqID,State *state, TreePiece *tp,
			Tree::NodeKey &remoteBucket);
    void walkDone(State *state) ;

    // this function is used to allocate and initialize a new state object
    // these operations were earlier carried out in the constructor of the
    // class.
    State *getNewState(int d1);
    // Unused.
    State *getNewState(int d1, int d2) {return 0;}
    State *getNewState() {return 0;}

/// Object to bookkeep a Bucket ReSmooth Walk.  This could be merged
/// with the standard smooth if we changed that to using push_heap()
/// and pop_heap()

class ReNearNeighborState: public State {
    CkVec<pqSmoothNode> *Qs;
    int nParticlesPending;
    bool started;
    ReNearNeighborState(int nParts) {
	Qs = new CkVec<pqSmoothNode>[nParts+2];
    void finishBucketSmooth(int iBucket, TreePiece *tp);
    ~ReNearNeighborState() { delete [] Qs; }

/// @brief Class for computation over a set smoothing length
class ReSmoothCompute : public SmoothCompute 
    ReSmoothCompute(TreePiece *_tp, SmoothParams *_params) : SmoothCompute(_tp, _params){}

    ~ReSmoothCompute() { //delete state;
	delete params;

    void bucketCompare(TreePiece *tp,
		       GravityParticle *p,  // Particle to test
		       GenericTreeNode *node, // bucket
		       GravityParticle *particles, // local particle data
		       Vector3D<double> offset,
                       State *state
		       ) ;
    int openCriterion(TreePiece *ownerTP, GenericTreeNode *node, int reqID, State *state);
    void startNodeProcessEvent(State *state){ }
    void finishNodeProcessEvent(TreePiece *owner, State *state){ }
    void nodeRecvdEvent(TreePiece *owner, int chunk, State *state, int bucket);
    void recvdParticlesFull(GravityParticle *egp,int num,int chunk,
			int reqID,State *state, TreePiece *tp,
			Tree::NodeKey &remoteBucket);
    void walkDone(State *state) ;

    // this function is used to allocate and initialize a new state object
    // these operations were earlier carried out in the constructor of the
    // class.
    State *getNewState(int d1);
    /// @brief default implementation
    State *getNewState(int d1, int d2) {return 0;}
    /// @brief default implementation
    State *getNewState() {return 0;}

/// Computation over "inverse" nearest neighbors.
class MarkSmoothCompute : public SmoothCompute 
    MarkSmoothCompute(TreePiece *_tp, SmoothParams *_params) : SmoothCompute(_tp, _params){}

    ~MarkSmoothCompute() { //delete state;
	delete params;

    void bucketCompare(TreePiece *tp,
		       GravityParticle *p,  // Particle to test
		       GenericTreeNode *node, // bucket
		       GravityParticle *particles, // local particle data
		       Vector3D<double> offset,
                       State *state
		       ) ;
    int openCriterion(TreePiece *ownerTP, GenericTreeNode *node, int reqID, State *state);
    void startNodeProcessEvent(State *state){ }
    void finishNodeProcessEvent(TreePiece *owner, State *state){ }
    void nodeRecvdEvent(TreePiece *owner, int chunk, State *state, int bucket);
    void recvdParticlesFull(GravityParticle *egp,int num,int chunk,
			int reqID,State *state, TreePiece *tp,
			Tree::NodeKey &remoteBucket);
    void walkDone(State *state) ;

    // this function is used to allocate and initialize a new state object
    // these operations were earlier carried out in the constructor of the
    // class.
    State *getNewState(int d1, int d2) {return 0;}
    State *getNewState(int d1);
    State *getNewState() {return 0;}

/// Object to bookkeep a Bucket MarkSmooth Walk.

class MarkNeighborState: public State {
    int nParticlesPending;
    bool started;
    MarkNeighborState(int nParts) {}
    void finishBucketSmooth(int iBucket, TreePiece *tp);
    ~MarkNeighborState() {}

#include "Opt.h"

/// @brief action optimization for the smooth walk.
class SmoothOpt : public Opt{
  SmoothOpt() : Opt(Local){
    // don't need to open
    // these nodes are your concern
    action_array[0][Internal] = DUMP;
    action_array[0][Bucket] = DUMP;

    action_array[0][Boundary] = DUMP; 
    action_array[0][NonLocal] = DUMP; 
    action_array[0][NonLocalBucket] = DUMP;	
    action_array[0][Cached] = DUMP;	
    action_array[0][CachedBucket] = DUMP;

    action_array[0][Empty] = DUMP;
    action_array[0][CachedEmpty] = DUMP;
    action_array[0][Top] = ERROR;
    action_array[0][Invalid] = ERROR;
    // need to open node
    // local data
    action_array[1][Internal] = KEEP;
    action_array[1][Bucket] = KEEP_LOCAL_BUCKET;
    action_array[1][Boundary] = KEEP;

    // remote data
    action_array[1][NonLocal] = KEEP;
    action_array[1][NonLocalBucket] = KEEP_REMOTE_BUCKET;
    action_array[1][CachedBucket] = KEEP_REMOTE_BUCKET;
    action_array[1][Cached] = KEEP;

    // discard
    action_array[1][Empty] = DUMP;
    action_array[1][CachedEmpty] = DUMP;
    action_array[1][Top] = ERROR;
    action_array[1][Invalid] = ERROR;


/* return 1/(h_smooth)^2 for a particle */
double invH2(GravityParticle *p) 
    return 4.0/(p->fBall*p->fBall);

 * @brief kernelWendland is a scaled version of the C4 Wendland SPH kernel
 * This kernel is explained and defined in Dehnen & Aly (2012).  The kernel
 * is defined as:
 *  W(r) = (495/(32 pi H^3)) (1-r)^6 (1 + 6r + (35/3)r^2 )    for r < 1
 * for r = |dx|/H
 * And for us, H = 2*h_smooth
 * Also includes a correction for self-interactions. N.B. For small
 * neighbor counts this correction does not work well; therefore, we
 * revert to M4 smoothing for nSmooth < 32.
 * NOTE: this kernel should not be called for r > 1
 * @param ar2 = (|dx|/h)^2 = (2r)^2
 * @return (pi h^3) W
inline double kernelWendland(double ar2, int nSmooth)
    double ak;
    if (nSmooth < 32)
        ak = 2.0 - sqrt(ar2);
        if (ar2 < 1.0) ak = (1.0 - 0.75*ak*ar2);
        else ak = 0.25*ak*ak*ak;
        return ak;
	if (ar2 <= 0) ak = (495/32./8.)*(1-0.01342*pow(nSmooth*0.01,-1.579));/* Dehnen & Aly 2012 correction */ 
	else {								
	    double au = sqrt(ar2*0.25);					
	    ak = 1-au;							
	    ak = ak*ak*ak;							
	    ak = ak*ak;							
	    ak = (495/32./8.)*ak*(1+6*au+(35/3.)*au*au); 
    return ak;
 * @brief dkernelWendland returns a scaled gradient of Wendland SPH kernel
 * This returns the gradient of the Wendland C4 Kernel (see Dehnen & Aly 2012),
 * scaled by a factor.  The gradient is defined by:
 *  gradW(r) = -(7*495/(3*32*2*pi*h^4)) r (1-r)^5 (1+5r) dxHat
 * where dxHat is the unit vector pointing between 2 particles
 * r = |dx|/2h
 * dx is the particle separation (vector)
 * @param ar2
 * @return (pi h^5/|dx|^2) (dx.dot.gradW)
inline double dkernelWendland(double ar2)
    double adk;
    double _a2,au = sqrt(ar2*0.25);                     
    adk = 1-au;                                         
    _a2 = adk*adk;                                      
    adk = (-495/32.*7./3./4.)*_a2*_a2*adk*(1+5*au);        
    return adk;

 * @brief kernelM6 returns a scaled version of the M6 quintic spline kernel.
 * This kernel is outlined in e.g. Dehnen & Aly 2012.  The kernel is defined as:
 *      W(r) = A (1-r)^5   (for r < 2/3)
 *      W(r) = A [(1-r)^5 - 6(2/3-r)^5]   (for r < 2/3)
 *      W(r) = A [(1-r)^5 - 6(2/3-r)^5 + 15(1/3-r)^5]   (for r < 1/3)
 *      W(r) = 0 (for r > 1)
 * Where:
 *      r = |dx|/H
 *      A = 3^7/(40 pi H^3))
 * And for us, H = 2*h_smooth
 * @param ar2 = (|dx|/h)^2 = (2r)^2
 * @return (pi h^3) W
inline double kernelM6(double ar2) {
    double r = 0.5 * sqrt(ar2);
    double w;
    // Sanity checks
    CkAssert(r >= 0.0);
    CkAssert(r <= 1.0000001);
    w = pow(1. - r, 5);
    if (r < 2./3.) {
        w += -6. * pow(2./3. - r, 5);
        if (r < 1./3.) {
            w += 15. * pow(1./3. - r, 5);
    return 6.834375 * w;

 * @brief dkernelM6 returns a scaled gradient of the M6 quintic spline kernel.
 * This kernel is outlined in e.g. Dehnen & Aly 2012.
 * Using the definitions:
 *      r = |dx|/H
 *      H = 2 * h
 * dkernelM6 returns a scalar equal to (pi h^5/|dx|^2) * (dx.dot.gradW), where
 * gradW is the gradient of the kernel W.
 * @param ar2 = (|dx|/h)^2 = (2r)^2
 * @return (pi h^5/|dx|^2) * (dx.dot.gradW)
inline double dkernelM6(double ar2) {
    double r = 0.5 * sqrt(ar2);
    double dw = 0.0;
    // Sanity checks
    CkAssert(r >= 0.0);
    CkAssert(r <= 1.0000001);
    dw = -5. *  pow(1. - r, 4);
    if (r < 2./3.) {
        dw += 30. * pow(2./3. - r, 4);
        if (r < 1./3.) {
            if (r == 0.) {
                dw = 0.0;
                r = 1.;
            } else {
                dw += -75. * pow(1./3. - r, 4);
    dw /= r;
    // Normalize by 3^7/(32*40)
    dw *= 1.70859375;
    return dw;

/* Standard M_4 Kernel */
 * @brief kernelM4 is a scaled version of the standard M4 cubic SPH kernel
 * This returns a scaled version of the standard SPH kernel (W) of Monaghan 1992
 * The kernel W(q) is defined as:
 *  W(q) = (1/(pi h^3)) (1 - 1.5q^2 + 0.75q^3)       for 0 < q < 1
 *  W(q) = (1/(4 pi h^3)) (2 - q)^3                  for 1 < q < 2
 * for q = |dx|/h
 * NOTE: This function returns a scaled version of W(q)
 * @param ar2 = q^2 = (|dx|/h)^2
 * @return (pi h^3) W
inline double kernelM4(double ar2)
    double ak;
    ak = 2.0 - sqrt(ar2);
    if (ar2 < 1.0) ak = (1.0 - 0.75*ak*ar2);
    else ak = 0.25*ak*ak*ak;
    return ak;
 * @brief dkernelM4 returns a scaled gradient of the M4 SPH kernel.
 * This returns a scaled version of the gradient of the Monaghan 1992 kernel
 * The kernel gradient gradW is defined as:
 *  gradW(q) = (1/(pi h^5)) (-3 + 9q/4) dx            for 0 < q < 1
 *  gradW(q) = -(1/(pi h^5)) (3/4) [(2-q)^2 /q] dx    for 1 < q < 2
 * For q = |dx|/h and dx is the particle separation (a vector)
 * NOTE: This function returns a scaled (and scalar) version of gradW
 * @param ar2 = q^2 = (|dx|/h)^2
 * @return (pi h^5/|dx|^2) (dx.dot.gradW)
inline double dkernelM4(double ar2)
    double adk;
    adk = sqrt(ar2);
    if (ar2 < 1.0) {
	adk = -3 + 2.25*adk;
    else {
	adk = -0.75*(2.0-adk)*(2.0-adk)/adk;
    return adk;

 * @brief KERNEL returns a scaled version of the standard SPH kernel
 * This function is a wrapper around the various implemented SPH kernels.  
 * Kernels are chosen at compile time.
 * @param ar2 = q^2 = (|dx|/h)^2 for q = |dx|/h and dx is the particle 
 *  separation (a vector)
 * @param nSmooth is the number of neighbors used for SPH smoothing
 * @return KERNEL = (pi h^3) W
inline double KERNEL(double ar2, int nSmooth) {
#if WENDLAND == 1
    return kernelWendland(ar2, nSmooth);
#elif M6KERNEL == 1
    return kernelM6(ar2);
#elif M4KERNEL == 1
    return kernelM4(ar2);
    #error No available kernel selected.
#endif //KERNEL

 * @brief DKERNEL returns a scaled gradient of the SPH kernel.
 * This function is a wrapper around the various implemented SPH kernels.  
 * Kernels are chosen at compile time.
 * @param ar2 = q^2 = (|dx|/h)^2 for q = |dx|/h and dx is the particle 
 *  separation (a vector)
 * @return DKERNEL = (pi h^5/|dx|^2) (dx.dot.gradW)  which is another way of
 * saying:  gradW = (1/(pi h^5)) DKERNEL * dx
inline double DKERNEL(double ar2) {
#if WENDLAND == 1
    return dkernelWendland(ar2);
#elif M6KERNEL == 1
    return dkernelM6(ar2);
#elif M4KERNEL == 1
    return dkernelM4(ar2);
    #error No available kernel selected.
#endif //KERNEL
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