Raw File

Dynamic Time Warp algorithms in R
  Dynamic Time Warp: find the optimal alignment between two time series.

Package: \tab dtw\cr
Type: \tab Package\cr
Version: \tab 1.0\cr
Date: \tab 2007-11-30\cr
License: \tab GPL-2\cr

Implementation of Dynamic Time Warping algorithms in R.  Most variants
of the algorithm are supported: currently symmetric, asymmetric and
custom step patterns, with weighting. Also supports windowing (Itakura
parallelogram, Sakoe-Chiba band, custom, no windowing), and handles
cases when query and template length differ.

Multivariate matching supported via user-supplied distance matrix.

Currently pure-R.

Please see documentation for function \code{\link{dtw}}.

  Toni Giorgino

  Maintainer:  toni.giorgino@unipv.it
\keyword{ package }
\keyword{ ts }
 ## TODO
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