clc; clear; close all; addpath(genpath('data')); addpath(genpath('external')); addpath(genpath('utils')); maps = load('Faust_030_090_maps.mat'); %% srcmesh = ''; tarmesh = ''; Src = read_off_shape(['data/FAUST/' srcmesh]); fprintf('%s vs %s\n',srcmesh,tarmesh); fprintf('reading the shapes...');tic; Src = compute_laplacian_basis(Src, 1); Tar = read_off_shape(['data/FAUST/' tarmesh]); Tar = compute_laplacian_basis(Tar, 1); fprintf('done\n'); %% load('MyColormaps'); FigHandle1 = figure('Position', [100, 100, 800, 600]); colormap(mycmap); %% fprintf('sampling the source points...'); samples = dijkstra_fps(Src,200); fprintf('done\n'); SS = Src; TS = Tar; SS.X = (roty(30)*SS.Pts')'; TS.X = (roty(30)*TS.Pts')'; %% visualize_map_lines(SS,TS,maps.map_NAICP,samples); title('[Fmap] + ICP','FontSize',20,'FontWeight','b'); axis off; view([-2 90]); FigHandle2 = figure('Position', [200, 200, 800, 600]); visualize_map_lines(SS,TS,maps.map_AdICP,samples); title('[Adjoint] + ICP','FontSize',20,'FontWeight','b'); axis off; view([-2 90]);