\name{cond} \alias{cond} \title{ Matrix Condition } \description{ Condition number of a matrix. } \usage{ cond(M, p = 2) } \arguments{ \item{M}{Numeric matrix; vectors will be considered as column vectors.} \item{p}{Indicates the \code{p}-norm. At the moment, norms other than \code{p=2} are not implemented.} } \details{ The condition number of a matrix measures the sensitivity of the solution of a system of linear equations to small errors in the data. Values of \code{cond(M)} and \code{cond(M, p)} near \code{1} are indications of a well-conditioned matrix. } \value{ \code{cond(M)} returns the 2-norm condition number, the ratio of the largest singular value of \code{M} to the smallest. \code{c = cond(M, p)} returns the matrix condition number in \code{p}-norm: \code{norm(X,p) * norm(inv(X),p)}. (Not yet implemented.) } \references{ Trefethen, L. N., and D. Bau III. (1997). Numerical Linear Algebra. SIAM, Philadelphia. } \note{ Not feasible for large or sparse matrices as \code{svd(M)} needs to be computed. The Matlab/Octave function \code{condest} for condition estimation has not been implemented. } \seealso{ \code{\link{normest}}, \code{\link{svd}} } \examples{ cond(hilb(8)) } \keyword{ array }