Raw File
# - Environment Setting

### Recommended Operating Systems
Linux (Ubuntu) or  macOS (Catalina) or Windows 10

### Tools & Dependencies

[CMake](https://cmake.org/) (>=3.9)
[OpenMesh](<https://www.openmesh.org/>) (8.1)


* CMake will automatically download and install OpenMesh into `/Source/External` using the source with commit hash pointing to the tested version.
* The program should be compatible to equivalent or higher versions with little or no modification.

### Tested Environments
macOS: Apple clang++-11

ubuntu 20.04: g++  9, 
ubuntu 22.04: g++ 11

Windows 10: Visual Studio 2017

# - Building #
For UNIX-based system or maxOS: 

git clone git@bitbucket.org:surflab/quadratic-attraction-subdivision.git
cd quadratic-attraction-subdivision
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../Source

**Note:** macOS users need to make sure $PATH includes path to qt5 bin folder

For Windows:

1. Launch `x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017` with admin

2. Run the following commands

git clone git@bitbucket.org:surflab/quadratic-attraction-subdivision.git
cd quadratic-attraction-subdivision
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../Source

3. In the build folder find and launch `QAS4.sln` with Visual Studio 2017 (or just double click on .sln file)

4. In Visual Studio 2017, set configuration to `Release` mode and switch platform to `Win32` then click `Build Solution`

5. `cd ~/build/` (WARNING: calling executable from other directory might fail.)

# - Usage #
* Input:  quad mesh with separated extraordinary nodes in .obj file format
* Output: BB-coefficients written in .bv file format.

Please find [BView file introduction](https://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/SurfLab/bview/#file-format) on UF CISE SurfLab website

## Execution
For UNIX-based system:
./QAS4 /path/to/filename.obj
Note: test .obj files are in `/testfile`.

For Windows:
Release\QAS4.exe \path\to\filename.obj

## View .bv file
Users can display .bv files by using either the online or the desktop version of [BView](https://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/SurfLab/bview/).
BView provides surface inspection tools such as zoom, groupwise patch color, Gaussian curvature, highlight lines and more.

Quick view of .bv file:

1. Go to [WebGL](https://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/SurfLab/bview/webgl3_new_2/)

2. Click on `Load File` > `Choose File` to import .bv file

3. Set `Display` > `Patch Detail` to 16x16
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