## Wrappers for Snow function.
## The wrappers do the following: decide whether we run in parallel or
## sequential mode.
## In parallel mode the according Snow functions are used.
## In sequential mode, if it makes sense, the sequential counterparts
## of the Snow functions are used.
## Wrapper for: clusterSplit
sfClusterSplit <- function( seq ) {
if( sfParallel() )
return( clusterSplit( sfGetCluster(), seq ) )
## In sequential mode return a list with everything in element 1 (means:
## everything is run on one node).
return( list( seq ) )
## Wrapper for: clusterCall
## Catches for errors. Return them or stop immidiately.
sfClusterCall <- function( fun, ..., stopOnError=TRUE ) {
if( !checkFunction( fun, stopOnError=FALSE ) ) {
if( stopOnError )
stop( "No function or not defined object in sfClusterCall" )
else {
warning( "No function or not defined object in sfClusterCall" )
return( NULL )
if( sfParallel() ) {
## Exec via Snow.
result <- clusterCall( sfGetCluster(), fun, ... )
## Not enough results?
## @TODO Check if this test is needed
if( length( result ) != sfCpus() ) {
if( stopOnError )
stop( paste( "Error in sfClusterCall (not all slaves responded).\n",
"Call from: ", as.character( -1 ) ) ) )
else {
message( paste( "Error in sfClusterCall (not all slaves responded).\n",
"Call from: ", as.character( -1 ) ) ) )
return( result );
## Check if snow throw an exception on any of the slaves.
if( !all( checkTryErrorAny( result ) ) ) {
errorsTxt <- sapply( which( inherits( result, "try-error" ) ), function(x) result[[x]] )
message( "EXCEPTION INFOS:" )
message( paste( errorsTxt, collapse="\n" ) )
if( stopOnError ) {
stop( paste( "Error in sfClusterCall (catched TRY-ERROR).\n",
"Call from: ", as.character( -1 ) ) ) )
else {
message( paste( "Error in sfClusterCall (catched TRY-ERROR).\n",
"Call from: ", as.character( -1 ) ) ) )
return( result )
return( result )
## Sequential mode.
return( fun, list( ... ) ) )
## Wrapper for: clusterEvalQ - renamed as indeed "eval" is executed and not
## "evalq".
sfClusterEval <- function( expr, stopOnError=TRUE ) {
if( sfParallel() ) {
return( sfClusterCall( eval, substitute( expr ), env=globalenv(),
stopOnError=stopOnError ) )
else {
## Problems can arise through "enclos", which is default set to parent
## and therefore here, too: on this way local variables (higher environments
## are visible, which badly are not visible in parallel runs...).
## There should be a fix or something.
return( eval( expr, envir=globalenv(), enclos=parent.frame() ) )
## Snows clusterEvalQ uses "eval" and not "evalq", so this wrapper is an alias.
sfClusterEvalQ <- function( expr ) return( sfClusterEval( expr ) )
## Wrapper for: clusterMap.
## Currently not used.
sfClusterMap <- function( fun, ..., MoreArgs=NULL, RECYCLE=TRUE )
stop( "Currently no wrapper for clusterMap" )
## Wrapper for: clusterApply (snow parallel) - lapply (sequential)
## Adds additional warnings before the execution (esp. in sequential mode,
## where exec works fine but can cause problems runnin in parallel).
## PARAMETERS: Parameters like clusterApply
## RETURN: Result
sfClusterApply <- function( x, fun, ... ) {
checkFunction( fun )
## However snow limits list size to cluster nodes in "normal"
## execution.
## This is a fatal error in parallel mode and a warning in sequential.
if( length( x ) > sfCpus() ) {
if( sfParallel() )
stop( "More list entries as nodes => use sfClusterApplyLB instead. See Snow/Snowfall documentation." )
warning( "More list entries as nodes => causes error in parallel mode. use sfClusterApplyLB instead." )
if( sfParallel() )
return( clusterApply( sfGetCluster(), x, fun, ... ) )
return( lapply( x, fun, ... ) )
## Wrapper for: clusterApplyLB (snow parallel) - lapply (sequential)
## PARAMETERS: Parameters like clusterApply
## RETURN: Result
sfClusterApplyLB <- function( x, fun, ... ) {
checkFunction( fun )
if( sfParallel() )
return( clusterApplyLB( sfGetCluster(), x, fun, ... ) )
## array... korrigieren.
return( lapply( x, fun, ... ) )
## Also snow-Handler handling is hidden to the user.
## Wrapper for: parLappy (snow parallel) - lapply (sequential)
## As lapply parameters were inkonsitent ("x"/"fun") they were corrected to
## ""x"/"fun".
## PARAMETERS: Parameters like lapply
## RETURN: Result
sfLapply <- function( x, fun, ... ) {
checkFunction( fun )
if( sfParallel() )
return( parLapply( sfGetCluster(), x, fun, ... ) )
return( lapply( x, fun, ... ) )
## Wrapper for: parSapply (snow parallel) - sapply (sequential)
## PARAMETERS: Parameters like sapply
## RETURN: Result
sfSapply <- function( x, fun, ..., simplify=TRUE, USE.NAMES=TRUE ) {
checkFunction( fun )
if( sfParallel() )
return( parSapply( sfGetCluster(), x, fun, ..., simplify=simplify, USE.NAMES=USE.NAMES ) )
return( sapply( x, fun, ..., simplify=simplify, USE.NAMES=USE.NAMES ) )
## Wrapper for: parApply (snow parallel) - apply (sequential)
## PARAMETERS: Parameters like apply
## RETURN: Result
sfApply <- function( x, margin, fun, ... ) {
checkFunction( fun )
if( sfParallel() )
return( parApply( sfGetCluster(), x, margin, fun, ... ) )
return( apply( x, margin, fun, ... ) )
sfRapply <- function( x, fun, ... ) {
stop( "sfRapply does not exists yet. Use Snow's parRapply instead." )
return( invisible( NULL ) );
sfCapply <- function( x, fun, ... ) {
stop( "sfCapply does not exists yet. Use Snow's parCapply instead." )
return( invisible( NULL ) );
## Wrapper for: parMM (snow parallel) - %*% (sequential)
## PARAMETERS: Matrix a, Matrix b
## RETURN: Result
sfMM <- function( a, b ) {
if( sfParallel() )
return( parMM( sfGetCluster(), a, b ) )
return( a %*% b )
## Wrappers for the two uniform RNGs used in snow.
## Basically, at the moment these are not used in sequential (means: none
## of the two is included here for sequential execution).
## @TODO Sequential use of the RNGs.
sfClusterSetupSPRNG <- function( seed = round( 2^32 * runif(1) ),
prngkind = "default", para = 0, ... ) {
if( sfParallel() )
clusterSetupSPRNG( sfGetCluster(), seed, prngkind, para, ... )
else {
warning( paste( "Uniform random number streams (currently) not available in serial execution.",
"Random numbers may differ in serial & parallel execution." ) )
set.seed( seed )
sfClusterSetupRNGstream <- function( seed=rep( 12345, 6 ), ... ) {
if( sfParallel() )
clusterSetupRNGstream( sfGetCluster(), seed=seed, ... )
else {
warning( paste( "Uniform random number streams (currently) not available in serial execution.",
"Random numbers may differ in serial & parallel execution." ) )
set.seed( seed[1] )
sfClusterSetupRNG <- function( type="RNGstream", ... ) {
if( sfParallel() )
clusterSetupRNG( sfGetCluster(), type=type, ... )
else {
warning( paste( "Uniform random number streams (currently) not available in serial execution.",
"Random numbers may differ in serial & parallel execution." ) )