Tip revision: 2d95c15d3a2cc5984ffd4a9a2c4ad3496847ca9d authored by Oliver Contier on 28 February 2023, 15:15:53 UTC
fixed howtocite
fixed howtocite
Tip revision: 2d95c15
Implementation of the ICA denoising procedure.
- run_melodic_wf runs the additional preprocesisng and ICA.
- EvalMelodic is used to calculate each ICs features and generate visual reports for the raters.
- write_noise_tsvs then produces the final noise regressors based on the chosen thresholds.
This module is meant for documentation not intended for re-running since it relies on labels given by two human raters.
import os
from os import pardir
from os.path import abspath
from os.path import join as pjoin
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import warnings
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from nilearn.glm.first_level import make_first_level_design_matrix
from nilearn.image import load_img, threshold_img, math_img, resample_to_img
from nilearn.masking import intersect_masks
from nipype.interfaces.fsl.maths import TemporalFilter
from nipype.interfaces.fsl.model import MELODIC
from nipype.interfaces.fsl.preprocess import SUSAN
from nipype.interfaces.utility import Function
from nipype.pipeline.engine import MapNode, Workflow, Node
from numpy.random import choice as rndchoice
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_erosion
from scipy.signal import periodogram
from scipy.stats import zscore
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from tqdm import tqdm
from dataset import ThingsMRIdataset
from utils import calc_hfc, get_render3_cmap
def grab_data(subject, bidsroot, fmriprepdir, derivdir, space='func_preproc'):
ds = ThingsMRIdataset(bidsroot)
bidsobjs = ds.layout.get(subject=subject, suffix='bold', extension='.nii.gz')
space_str = {'T1w': '_space-T1w', 'func_preproc': ''}
assert space in space_str
boldfiles = [abspath(pjoin(
fmriprepdir, f"ses-{bidsobj.entities['session']}", 'func',
)) for bidsobj in bidsobjs]
masks = [abspath(pjoin(
fmriprepdir, f"ses-{bidsobj.entities['session']}", 'func',
)) for bidsobj in bidsobjs]
outdirs = [abspath(pjoin(
derivdir, f'space-{space}', f'sub-{subject}', f"ses-{bidsobj.entities['session']}",
for bidsobj in bidsobjs]
for o in outdirs:
if not os.path.exists(o):
return boldfiles, masks, outdirs
def calc_susan_thresh(boldfile, maskfile, timeax=0, median_factor=.75):
Calculate the median value within brainmask and multiply with fixed factor to get an estimate of the contrast
between background and brain for FSL's SUSAN.
from nilearn.masking import apply_mask
import numpy as np
data = apply_mask(boldfile, maskfile)
med = np.median(data.mean(axis=timeax))
del data # prevent memory overuse
return med * median_factor
def run_melodic_wf(
subject, bidsroot, fmriprepdir,
approach: str = 'runwise',
fwhm: float = 4., hpf_sec: float = 120.,
derivname: str = 'melodic',
nprocs: int = 30, melodic_mem: float = 400.,
tr: float = 1.5, try_last_n_runs: bool or int = False,
Run Melodic on the preprocessed functional images.
Besides fwhm and hpf for additional preprocessing, user can choose reference space (func_preproc or T1w) and
approach (runwise or concat). Note that concat requires data to be in T1w space.
import sys
subject = sys.argv[1]
bidsroot = abspath(pjoin(pardir, pardir, pardir))
fmriprepdir = pjoin(bidsroot, 'derivatives', 'fmriprep', f'sub-{subject}')
subject, bidsroot, fmriprepdir, approach='runwise', space='T1w',
wf_bdir = pjoin(bidsroot, pardir, 'melodicwf_wdir', f'space-{space}', f'sub-{subject}')
derivdir = pjoin(bidsroot, 'derivatives', derivname, approach)
for d in [wf_bdir, derivdir]:
if not os.path.exists(d):
boldfiles, masks, outdirs = grab_data(subject, bidsroot, fmriprepdir, derivdir, space=space)
if try_last_n_runs:
boldfiles = boldfiles[-try_last_n_runs:]
masks = masks[-try_last_n_runs:]
outdirs = outdirs[-try_last_n_runs:]
wf = Workflow(name='melodicwf',
calcthresh = MapNode(Function(function=calc_susan_thresh,
input_names=['boldfile', 'maskfile'], output_names=['smooth_thresh']),
name='calcthresh', iterfield=['boldfile', 'maskfile'])
calcthresh.inputs.boldfile = boldfiles
calcthresh.inputs.maskfile = masks
susan = MapNode(SUSAN(fwhm=fwhm), iterfield=['in_file', 'brightness_threshold'], name='susan')
susan.inputs.in_file = boldfiles
tfilt = MapNode(TemporalFilter(highpass_sigma=float(hpf_sec / tr)), iterfield=['in_file'], name='tfilt')
calcthresh.inputs.maskfile = masks
if approach == 'runwise':
melodic = MapNode(
MELODIC(tr_sec=tr, out_all=True, no_bet=True, report=True), iterfield=['in_files', 'mask', 'out_dir'],
melodic.inputs.mask = masks
melodic.inputs.out_dir = outdirs
elif approach == 'concat':
melodic = Node(MELODIC(tr_sec=tr, out_all=True, no_bet=True, report=True, approach='concat', args='--debug'),
name='melodic_concat', mem_gb=melodic_mem, n_procs=nprocs)
outdir = abspath(pjoin(derivdir, f'space-{space}', f'sub-{subject}', 'concat'))
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
umask_img = intersect_masks(masks, threshold=0)
umask_img.to_filename(pjoin(wf_bdir, 'umask.nii.gz'))
melodic.inputs.out_dir = outdir
melodic.terminal_output = 'stream'
melodic.inputs.mask = pjoin(wf_bdir, 'umask.nii.gz')
raise ValueError(f'"approach" must be in ["runwise", "concat"]')
(calcthresh, susan, [('smooth_thresh', 'brightness_threshold')]),
(susan, tfilt, [('smoothed_file', 'in_file')]),
(tfilt, melodic, [('out_file', 'in_files')]),
])'MultiProc', plugin_args=dict(n_procs=nprocs))
class EvalMelodic:
Evaluate Melodic results in terms of ...
- correlation with motion/physio/design parameters
- High frequency content
- 'Edge Fraction'
Estimated features are saved to a tsv file and visual reports are generated for manual classification.
Since plotting and saving visual reports for all ~24,000 components would take very long (estimate ~18 hours),
one may specify to generate reports at random with a certain probability.
# run with defaults
evalmelodic = EvalMelodic()
# Make a second set for rater number 2, that overlaps with 50% to the first set
evalmelodic = EvalMelodic(
# Make no reports, only save IC features
evalmelodic = EvalMelodic(
def __init__(
out_deriv_name: str = 'melodic_features',
space: str = 'T1w',
edgefrac_thickness: int = 2,
report_threshold: float = .9,
try_first_n: int = 0, # 0 means run for all
report_dpi: int = 200,
random_report_prob: float = .08, # 1. means generate report always, .5 means only 50% of the time, etc.
exclude_comp_ids: np.ndarray = None,
# no new reports will be generated for these comp IDs (e.g. '2_things01_things_7_8)
stc_reftime: float = 0.701625,
self.bidsroot = bidsroot = space
self.out_deriv_name = out_deriv_name
self.out_basedir = pjoin(bidsroot, 'derivatives', out_deriv_name)
if not os.path.exists(self.out_basedir):
spaces_naming = {'T1w': '_space-T1w', 'func_preproc': ''}
self.space_str = spaces_naming[space]
self.edgefrac_thickness = edgefrac_thickness
self.melodic_basedir = pjoin(self.bidsroot, 'derivatives', 'melodic', 'runwise', f'space-{}')
self.physioregs_basedir = pjoin(self.bidsroot, 'derivatives', 'physio_regressors')
self.ds = ThingsMRIdataset(self.bidsroot)
self.bidsobs = self.ds.layout.get(suffix='bold', extension='nii.gz') # all runs as pybids objects
# shuffle_list(self.bidsobs)
self.try_first_n = try_first_n
if self.try_first_n:
self.bidsobs = self.bidsobs[:self.try_first_n]
self.render3 = get_render3_cmap() = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True, normalize=True, n_jobs=20)
self.dpi = report_dpi
self.random_report_prob = random_report_prob
self.report_threshold = report_threshold
self.exclude_comp_ids = exclude_comp_ids
self.stc_reftime = stc_reftime
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning)
def get_designmat(self, bo, runinfo):
events_tsv = bo.path.replace('_bold.nii.gz', '_events.tsv')
events_df = pd.read_csv(events_tsv, sep='\t')[['trial_type', 'onset', 'duration']]
events_df['trial_type'] = 'all'
designmat = make_first_level_design_matrix(
frame_times=np.arange(0, runinfo['ntrs'] * runinfo['tr'], runinfo['tr']) + self.stc_reftime,
events=events_df, hrf_model='spm', drift_model=None, high_pass=None, drift_order=None
tmp_mean = np.mean(designmat[25:270])
tmp_sd = np.std(designmat[25:270])
designmat_rescaled = (designmat.to_numpy() - tmp_mean) / tmp_sd
return designmat, designmat_rescaled
def get_physio(self, bo, runinfo):
physio_tsv = pjoin(
self.physioregs_basedir, f'sub-{runinfo["subject"]}', f"ses-{runinfo['session']}", 'func',
os.path.basename(bo.path).replace('bold.nii.gz', 'physio_regressors.tsv')
physio_df = pd.read_csv(physio_tsv, sep='\t')
physio_df.index = physio_df.index + 2 # physio regs have two missing trs in the beginning
return physio_df
def get_motion(self, runinfo):
confounds_tsv = pjoin(
self.bidsroot, 'derivatives', 'fmriprep', f"sub-{runinfo['subject']}", f"ses-{runinfo['session']}", 'func',
confounds_df = pd.read_csv(confounds_tsv, sep='\t')
return confounds_df[[c for c in confounds_df.columns if 'trans' in c or 'rot' in c]]
def get_comps(self, runinfo):
melodic_outdir_run = pjoin(
self.melodic_basedir, f"sub-{runinfo['subject']}", f"ses-{runinfo['session']}",
mixmat = np.loadtxt(pjoin(melodic_outdir_run, 'melodic_mix'))
ica_nii_f = pjoin(melodic_outdir_run, 'melodic_IC.nii.gz')
comps_arr = load_img(ica_nii_f).get_fdata()
return mixmat, comps_arr
def get_edge_mask(self, runinfo):
brainmask_f = pjoin(
self.bidsroot, 'derivatives', 'fmriprep', f"sub-{runinfo['subject']}", f"ses-{runinfo['session']}", 'func',
csf_anat_f = pjoin(
self.bidsroot, 'derivatives', 'fmriprep', f"sub-{runinfo['subject']}", 'anat',
csf_func = threshold_img(
resample_to_img(csf_anat_f, brainmask_f, interpolation='linear'),
brainmask = load_img(brainmask_f).get_fdata()
mask_img = math_img('img1 - img2', img1=brainmask_f, img2=csf_func)
mask_arr = mask_img.get_fdata()
# worked okayish with erosion iterations=2
ero_mask = binary_erosion(mask_arr, iterations=self.edgefrac_thickness).astype(int)
edgemask = mask_arr - ero_mask
return edgemask.astype(bool), brainmask.astype(bool)
def calc_fits(self, comp_physio_df, maxphy_ind, comp_motion_df, maxmo_ind, comp_ts):
"""Fit physio and motion regressors to component timeseries. Returns in two predicted time series."""
maxphy_ts = np.nan_to_num(comp_physio_df.to_numpy()[:, maxphy_ind + 1].reshape(-1, 1)), comp_ts)
phy_fit =
maxmo_ts = np.nan_to_num(comp_motion_df.to_numpy()[:, maxmo_ind + 1].reshape(-1, 1)), comp_ts)
mo_fit =
return phy_fit, mo_fit
def calc_edgefrac(self, comp_arr, edgemask, brainmask):
"""Calculate the edge fraction, i.e. the tendency of the IC to occur at brain edges"""
return np.absolute(comp_arr[edgemask]).sum() / np.absolute(comp_arr[brainmask]).sum()
def generate_report(self, runinfo, results_dict, bo, comp_ts, comp_arr, designmat_rescaled, mo_fit, phy_fit,
Create a Plot that summarizes the characteristics of a given IC:
spatial map, edge fraction, frequency spectrum, high frequency content, fit to design/physio/motion
clim_ = 7
fd = {'fontsize': 11}
freqs, power = periodogram(comp_ts, fs=1. / runinfo['tr'])
seconds = np.arange(0, runinfo['tr'] * runinfo['ntrs'], runinfo['tr'])
comp_arr = np.rot90(np.copy(comp_arr), axes=(0, 2))
comp_arr[np.logical_and(comp_arr < self.report_threshold, comp_arr > - self.report_threshold)] = np.nan
func_f = pjoin(
self.bidsroot, 'derivatives', 'fmriprep', f'sub-{runinfo["subject"]}', f"ses-{runinfo['session']}",
meanbold = np.rot90(load_img(func_f).get_fdata().mean(axis=-1), axes=(0, 2))
hor_is = np.linspace(5, comp_arr.shape[-1] - 15, num=10, dtype=int, endpoint=False)
hor_img = np.flip(np.concatenate([comp_arr[slice_i, :, :] for slice_i in hor_is], axis=-1))
hor_bg = np.flip(np.concatenate([meanbold[slice_i, :, :] for slice_i in hor_is], axis=-1))
cor_is = np.linspace(5, comp_arr.shape[1], num=5, dtype=int, endpoint=False)
cor_img = np.concatenate([comp_arr[:, slice_i, :] for slice_i in cor_is], axis=-1)
cor_bg = np.concatenate([meanbold[:, slice_i, :] for slice_i in cor_is], axis=-1)
sag_is = np.linspace(10, comp_arr.shape[2], num=5, dtype=int, endpoint=False)
sag_img = np.concatenate([comp_arr[:, :, slice_i] for slice_i in sag_is], axis=-1)
sag_bg = np.concatenate([meanbold[:, :, slice_i] for slice_i in sag_is], axis=-1)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16.54, 9.45), facecolor='white') # constrained_layout=True
gs = GridSpec(4, 2, figure=fig, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.05)
# component maps from different views
hor_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :])
hor_ax.imshow(hor_bg, cmap='gray')
hor_ax.imshow(hor_img, cmap=self.render3, clim=(-clim_, clim_))
hor_ax.set_title(f"Edge Fraction = {results_dict['edgefrac']:.2f}", x=.07, y=.84, fontdict=fd, color='white')
cor_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])
cor_ax.imshow(cor_bg, cmap='gray')
cor_ax.imshow(cor_img, cmap=self.render3, clim=(-clim_, clim_))
sag_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])
sag_ax.imshow(sag_bg, cmap='gray')
sag_ax.imshow(sag_img, cmap=self.render3, clim=(-clim_, clim_))
# frequency spectrum
freq_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 0])
freq_ax.plot(freqs, power, color='black', alpha=.7)
freq_ax.set_title(f'Frequency (HFC = {results_dict["hfc"]:.3f})', y=.85, fontdict=fd)
# design, physio and motion fit
design_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 1])
design_ax.plot(seconds, comp_ts, color='black', alpha=.7)
design_ax.plot(seconds, designmat_rescaled, alpha=.7,[2])
design_ax.set_ylim([-3, None])
design_ax.set_title(f'Design (r = {results_dict["designcorr"]:.3f})',[2], y=.85,
phy_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[3, 0])
phy_ax.plot(seconds, zscore(comp_ts), color='black', alpha=.8)
phy_ax.plot(seconds, zscore(phy_fit), alpha=.8,[0])
phy_ax.set_title(f'Physio (r = {results_dict["maxphysiocorr"]:.3f})',[0], y=.85,
mo_ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[3, 1])
mo_ax.plot(seconds, zscore(comp_ts), color='black', alpha=.8)
mo_ax.plot(seconds, zscore(mo_fit), alpha=.8,[1])
mo_ax.set_title(f'Motion (r = {results_dict["maxmotioncorr"]:.3f})',[1], y=.85,
for imax in [hor_ax, cor_ax, sag_ax]:
imax.set(xticks=[], yticks=[])
plt.suptitle(f"{bo.filename} (Component #{results_dict['comp_i']})".replace('_bold.nii.gz', ''), y=.92)
fig.savefig(report_filename, dpi=self.dpi)
def runall(self):
results_dicts = []
report_dicts = [] # make an extra csv file containing only ICs for which we've generated reports
for bo in tqdm(self.bidsobs, desc='iterating over runs'):
runinfo = bo.get_entities()
# TODO: missing event files for prf task and some memory runs (skipped for now)
if (runinfo['task'] == 'pRF') or (runinfo['task'] == 'memory' and runinfo['run'] > 10):
runinfo['tr'] = bo.get_metadata()['RepetitionTime']
run_img = load_img(bo.path)
runinfo['ntrs'] = run_img.shape[-1]
designmat, designmat_rescaled = self.get_designmat(bo, runinfo)
physio_df = self.get_physio(bo, runinfo)
motion_df = self.get_motion(runinfo)
mixmat, comps_arr = self.get_comps(runinfo)
edgemask, brainmask = self.get_edge_mask(runinfo)
outdir = pjoin(self.out_basedir, f'sub-{runinfo["subject"]}', f'ses-{runinfo["session"]}')
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
for comp_i in range(mixmat.shape[-1]):
results_dict = {'subject': runinfo['subject'], 'session': runinfo['session'], 'task': runinfo['task'],
'run': runinfo['run'], "comp_i": comp_i}
comp_ts = mixmat[:, comp_i]
comp_arr = comps_arr[:, :, :, comp_i]
compdf = pd.DataFrame({'comp_ts': comp_ts})
# design correlation
results_dict['designcorr'] = np.absolute(np.corrcoef(comp_ts, designmat)[0, -1])
# motion correlation
comp_motion_df = pd.concat([compdf, motion_df], axis=1)
motioncorrs = comp_motion_df.corr().to_numpy()[1:, 0]
maxmo_ind = np.argmax(np.absolute(motioncorrs))
results_dict['maxmotioncorr'] = motioncorrs[maxmo_ind]
# physio correlation
comp_physio_df = pd.concat([compdf, physio_df], axis=1)
physiocorrs = comp_physio_df.corr().to_numpy()[1:, 0]
maxphy_ind = np.argmax(np.absolute(physiocorrs))
results_dict['maxphysiocorr'] = physiocorrs[maxphy_ind]
# edge fraction
results_dict['edgefrac'] = self.calc_edgefrac(comp_arr, edgemask, brainmask)
# high frequency content
results_dict['hfc'] = calc_hfc(comp_ts)
if self.exclude_comp_ids:
# skip if in self.exclude_comp_ids
comp_id = f"{int(runinfo['subject'])}_{runinfo['session']}_{runinfo['task']}_{int(runinfo['run'])}_{comp_i}"
if comp_id in self.exclude_comp_ids:
# Decide whether to generate report, given probability
if not rndchoice(2, p=[1.0 - self.random_report_prob, self.random_report_prob]):
report_filename = pjoin(outdir, f"{bo.filename}_comp-{comp_i}.png".replace('_bold.nii.gz', ''))
phy_fit, mo_fit = self.calc_fits(comp_physio_df, maxphy_ind, comp_motion_df, maxmo_ind, comp_ts)
self.generate_report(runinfo, results_dict, bo, comp_ts, comp_arr, designmat_rescaled, mo_fit,
phy_fit, report_filename)
'subject': runinfo['subject'], 'session': runinfo['session'], 'task': runinfo['task'],
'run': runinfo['run'], 'comp_i': comp_i, 'ManualRating': ''
results_df = pd.DataFrame(results_dicts)
results_df.to_csv(pjoin(self.out_basedir, f'melodic_correlations_space-{}.tsv'), sep='\t')
reports_df = pd.DataFrame(report_dicts)
reports_df.to_csv(pjoin(self.out_basedir, f'melodic_correlations_space-{}_reports.tsv'), sep='\t')
def get_set1_firsthalf_compids(bidsroot, nexclude=804):
Returns a flat array of component ids (e.g. '2_things01_things_7_8') which represent the first half of selection1.
These can be used in EvalMelodic in order to make a new set of reports, which does not overlap.
This way, selection 1 and 2 will overlap to 50 percent.
exclude_tsv = pjoin(bidsroot, 'derivatives', 'melodic_features', 'selection', 'selection1',
idcols = ['subject', 'session', 'task', 'run', 'comp_i']
exclude_df = pd.read_csv(exclude_tsv, sep='\t')[:nexclude]
for intcol in ['subject', 'run', 'comp_i']:
exclude_df[intcol] = exclude_df[intcol].astype(str)
exclude_df['comp_id'] = exclude_df[idcols].agg('_'.join, axis=1)
return exclude_df['comp_id'].to_numpy()
def write_noise_tsvs(
thresholds=dict(edgefrac=.225, hfc=.4),
# load component features
feature_df = pd.read_csv(melodic_features_tsv, sep='\t')
# mask by thresholds
masks = np.vstack([
np.array(feature_df[feature] > threshold)
for feature, threshold in thresholds.items()
if combine_thresholds == 'any':
combined_mask = np.any(masks, axis=1)
elif combine_thresholds == 'all':
combined_mask = np.all(masks, axis=1)
raise ValueError('combine_thresholds must be "all" or "any"')
feature_df['noise'] = 0
feature_df.loc[combined_mask, 'noise'] = 1
# only take rows for noise components
noise_df = feature_df.loc[feature_df['noise'] == 1,]
# Get time series for each noise component and make out file names
def _get_comp_ts(row, bidsroot=bidsroot):
melodic_basedir = pjoin(bidsroot, 'derivatives', 'melodic', 'runwise', 'space-T1w',
melodic_outdir = pjoin(
melodic_basedir, f"ses-{row['session']}",
mixmat = np.loadtxt(pjoin(melodic_outdir, 'melodic_mix'))
return mixmat[:, row['comp_i']]
def _get_out_txt(row, outdir=outdir):
out_txt_basename = f"sub-{row['subject']:02d}/ses-{row['session']}/sub-{row['subject']:02d}_ses-{row['session']}_task-{row['task']}_run-{row['run']:02d}.txt"
return pjoin(outdir, out_txt_basename)
timeseries = noise_df.apply(_get_comp_ts, axis=1)
noise_df['comp_ts'] = timeseries
out_txts = noise_df.apply(_get_out_txt, axis=1)
noise_df['out_txt'] = out_txts
# save to file
for out_txt in tqdm(noise_df.out_txt.unique(), desc='saving to file'):
outdir = pjoin(*out_txt.split('/')[:-1])
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
run_df = noise_df[noise_df['out_txt'] == out_txt]
print(f'found {len(run_df)} noise components for this run')
noise_arr = np.vstack(run_df.comp_ts.to_list()).T
np.savetxt(out_txt, noise_arr)
return None