\name{SimGLP} \alias{SimGLP} \title{ Simulate GLP given innovations} \description{ Simulates a General Linear Time Series that can have nonGaussian innovations. It uses the FFT so it is O(N log(N)) flops where N=length(a) and N is assumed to be a power of 2. The R function \code{convolve} is used which implements the FFT. } \usage{ SimGLP(psi, a) } \arguments{ \item{psi}{ vector, length Q, of MA coefficients starting with 1. } \item{a}{ vector, length Q+n, of innovations, where n is the length of time series to be generated. } } \details{ \deqn{ z_t = \sum_{k=0}^Q psi_k a_{t-k} } where \eqn{t=1,\ldots,n} and the innovations $a_t, t=1-Q, \ldots, 0, 1, \ldots, n$ are given in the input vector a. Since \code{convolve} uses the FFT this is faster than direct computation. } \value{ vector of length n, where n=length(a)-length(psi) } \author{ A.I. McLeod } \seealso{ \code{\link{convolve}}, \code{\link{arima.sim}} } \examples{ #Simulate an AR(1) process with parameter phi=0.8 of length n=100 with # innovations from a t-distribution with 5 df and plot it. # phi<-0.8 psi<-phi^(0:127) n<-100 Q<-length(psi)-1 a<-rt(n+Q,5) z<-SimGLP(psi,a) z<-ts(z) plot(z) } \keyword{ ts } \keyword{ datagen }