import sys import os import re from glob import glob from shutil import rmtree from subprocess import run, call, Popen, PIPE import errno import time import unicodedata from pdocs import console, pdoc3serve, pdoc3, shipDocs ORG = "annotation" REPO = "text-fabric" PKG = "tf" PACKAGE = "text-fabric" SCRIPT = "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin/{PACKAGE}" DIST = "dist" VERSION_CONFIG = dict( setup=dict( file="", re=re.compile(r"""version\s*=\s*['"]([^'"]*)['"]"""), mask="version='{}'", ), parameters=dict( file="tf/", re=re.compile(r"""\bVERSION\s*=\s*['"]([^'"]*)['"]"""), mask="VERSION = '{}'", ), ) AN_BASE = os.path.expanduser(f"~/github/{ORG}") TUT_BASE = f"{AN_BASE}/tutorials" TF_BASE = f"{AN_BASE}/{REPO}" TEST_BASE = f"{TF_BASE}/test" APP_BASE = f"{TF_BASE}/apps" SRC = "site" REMOTE = "origin" BRANCH = "gh-pages" currentVersion = None newVersion = None appPat = r"^.*/app-([^/]*)$" appRe = re.compile(appPat) apps = set() for appDir in glob(f"{AN_BASE}/app-*"): match = appRe.fullmatch(appDir) if match: apps.add( apps = sorted(apps) appStr = ", ".join(apps) HELP = f""" python3 command command: -h --help help : print help and exit docs : serve docs locally pdocs : build docs sdocs : ship docs clean : clean local develop build l : local develop build i : local non-develop build g : push to github, code and docs v : show current version r1 : version becomes r1+1.0.0 r2 : version becomes r1.r2+1.0 r3 : version becomes r1.r2.r3+1 ship : build for shipping apps : commit and push all tf apps tut : commit and push the tutorials repo a : open {PACKAGE} browser on specific dataset ({appStr}) t : run test suite (relations, qperf) data : build data files for github release For g and ship you need to pass a commit message. For data you need to pass an app argument: {appStr} """ def readArgs(): args = sys.argv[1:] if not len(args) or args[0] in {"-h", "--help", "help"}: console(HELP) return (False, None, []) arg = args[0] if arg not in { "a", "t", "docs", "pdocs", "sdocs", "clean", "l", "lp", "i", "g", "ship", "data", "apps", "tut", "v", "r1", "r2", "r3", }: console(HELP) return (False, None, []) if arg in {"g", "apps", "tut", "ship"}: if len(args) < 2: console("Provide a commit message") return (False, None, []) return (arg, args[1], args[2:]) if arg in {"a", "t", "data"}: if len(args) < 2: if arg in {"a", "data"}: console(f"Provide a data source [{appStr}]") elif arg in {"t"}: console("Provide a test suite [relations, qperf]") return (False, None, []) return (arg, args[1], args[2:]) return (arg, None, []) def incVersion(version, task): comps = [int(c) for c in version.split(".")] (major, minor, update) = comps if task == "r1": major += 1 minor = 0 update = 0 elif task == "r2": minor += 1 update = 0 elif task == "r3": update += 1 return ".".join(str(c) for c in (major, minor, update)) def replaceVersion(task, mask): def subVersion(match): global currentVersion global newVersion currentVersion = newVersion = incVersion(currentVersion, task) return mask.format(newVersion) return subVersion def showVersion(): global currentVersion versions = set() for (key, c) in VERSION_CONFIG.items(): with open(c["file"]) as fh: text = match = c["re"].search(text) version = console(f'{version} (according to {c["file"]})') versions.add(version) currentVersion = None if len(versions) == 1: currentVersion = list(versions)[0] def adjustVersion(task): for (key, c) in VERSION_CONFIG.items(): console(f'Adjusting version in {c["file"]}') with open(c["file"]) as fh: text = text = c["re"].sub(replaceVersion(task, c["mask"]), text) with open(c["file"], "w") as fh: fh.write(text) if currentVersion == newVersion: console(f"Rebuilding version {newVersion}") else: console(f"Replacing version {currentVersion} by {newVersion}") def makeDist(pypi=True): distFile = "{}-{}".format(PACKAGE, currentVersion) distFileCompressed = f"{distFile}.tar.gz" distPath = f"{DIST}/{distFileCompressed}" print(distPath) rmtree(DIST) os.makedirs(DIST, exist_ok=True) run(["python3", "", "sdist"]) if pypi: run(["twine", "upload", "-u", "dirkroorda", distPath]) run("./", shell=True) def commit(task, msg): run(["git", "add", "--all", "."]) run(["git", "commit", "-m", msg]) run(["git", "push", "origin", "master"]) if task in {"ship"}: tagVersion = f"v{currentVersion}" commitMessage = f"Release {currentVersion}: {msg}" run(["git", "tag", "-a", tagVersion, "-m", commitMessage]) run(["git", "push", "origin", "--tags"]) def commitApps(msg): for app in apps: os.chdir(f"{AN_BASE}/app-{app}") console(f"In {os.getcwd()}") run(["git", "add", "--all", "."]) run(["git", "commit", "-m", msg]) run(["git", "push", "origin", "master"]) os.chdir(f"{TF_BASE}") def commitTut(msg): os.chdir(f"{TUT_BASE}") console(f"In {os.getcwd()}") run(["git", "add", "--all", "."]) run(["git", "commit", "-m", msg]) run(["git", "push", "origin", "master"]) os.chdir(f"{TF_BASE}") if sys.version_info[0] == 3: def enc(text): if isinstance(text, bytes): return text return text.encode() def dec(text): if isinstance(text, bytes): return text.decode("utf-8") return text def write(pipe, data): try: pipe.stdin.write(data) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EPIPE: raise else: def enc(text): if isinstance(text, unicode): # noqa: F821 return text.encode("utf-8") return text def dec(text): if isinstance(text, unicode): # noqa: F821 return text return text.decode("utf-8") def write(pipe, data): pipe.stdin.write(data) # COPIED FROM MKDOCS AND MODIFIED def normalize_path(path): # Fix unicode pathnames on OS X # See: if sys.platform == "darwin": return unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", dec(path)) return path def try_rebase(remote, branch): cmd = ["git", "rev-list", "--max-count=1", "{}/{}".format(remote, branch)] p = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (rev, _) = p.communicate() if p.wait() != 0: return True cmd = ["git", "update-ref", "refs/heads/%s" % branch, dec(rev.strip())] if call(cmd) != 0: return False return True def get_config(key): p = Popen(["git", "config", key], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) (value, _) = p.communicate() return value.decode("utf-8").strip() def get_prev_commit(branch): cmd = ["git", "rev-list", "--max-count=1", branch, "--"] p = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (rev, _) = p.communicate() if p.wait() != 0: return None return rev.decode("utf-8").strip() def mk_when(timestamp=None): if timestamp is None: timestamp = int(time.time()) currtz = "%+05d" % (-1 * time.timezone / 36) # / 3600 * 100 return "{} {}".format(timestamp, currtz) def start_commit(pipe, branch, message): uname = dec(get_config("")) email = dec(get_config("")) write(pipe, enc("commit refs/heads/%s\n" % branch)) write(pipe, enc("committer {} <{}> {}\n".format(uname, email, mk_when()))) write(pipe, enc("data %d\n%s\n" % (len(message), message))) head = get_prev_commit(branch) if head: write(pipe, enc("from %s\n" % head)) write(pipe, enc("deleteall\n")) def add_file(pipe, srcpath, tgtpath): with open(srcpath, "rb") as handle: if os.access(srcpath, os.X_OK): write(pipe, enc("M 100755 inline %s\n" % tgtpath)) else: write(pipe, enc("M 100644 inline %s\n" % tgtpath)) data = write(pipe, enc("data %d\n" % len(data))) write(pipe, enc(data)) write(pipe, enc("\n")) def add_nojekyll(pipe): write(pipe, enc("M 100644 inline .nojekyll\n")) write(pipe, enc("data 0\n")) write(pipe, enc("\n")) def gitpath(fname): norm = os.path.normpath(fname) return "/".join(norm.split(os.path.sep)) def ghp_import(): if not try_rebase(REMOTE, BRANCH): print("Failed to rebase %s branch.", BRANCH) console("copy docs to the gh-pages branch") cmd = ["git", "fast-import", "--date-format=raw", "--quiet"] kwargs = {"stdin": PIPE} if sys.version_info >= (3, 2, 0): kwargs["universal_newlines"] = False pipe = Popen(cmd, **kwargs) start_commit(pipe, BRANCH, "docs update") for path, _, fnames in os.walk(SRC): for fn in fnames: fpath = os.path.join(path, fn) fpath = normalize_path(fpath) gpath = gitpath(os.path.relpath(fpath, start=SRC)) add_file(pipe, fpath, gpath) add_nojekyll(pipe) write(pipe, enc("\n")) pipe.stdin.close() if pipe.wait() != 0: sys.stdout.write(enc("Failed to process commit.\n")) console("push gh-pages branch to GitHub") cmd = ["git", "push", REMOTE, BRANCH] proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out, err) = proc.communicate() result = proc.wait() == 0 return result, dec(err) # END COPIED FROM MKDOCS AND MODIFIED def tfbrowse(dataset, remaining): rargs = " ".join(remaining) cmdLine = f"{PACKAGE} {dataset} {rargs}" try: run(cmdLine, shell=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def tftest(suite, remaining): suiteDir = f"{TEST_BASE}/generic" suiteFile = f"{suite}.py" good = True try: os.chdir(suiteDir) except Exception: good = False console(f'Cannot find TF test directory "{suiteDir}"') if not good: return if not os.path.exists(suiteFile): console(f'Cannot find TF test suite "{suite}"') return rargs = " ".join(remaining) cmdLine = f"python3 {suiteFile} -v {rargs}" try: run(cmdLine, shell=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def clean(): run(["python3", "", "develop", "-u"]) if os.path.exists(SCRIPT): os.unlink(SCRIPT) run(["pip3", "uninstall", "-y", PACKAGE]) def main(): (task, msg, remaining) = readArgs() if not task: return elif task == "a": tfbrowse(msg, remaining) elif task == "t": tftest(msg, remaining) elif task == "docs": pdoc3serve(PKG) elif task == "pdocs": pdoc3(PKG) elif task == "sdocs": shipDocs(ORG, REPO, PKG) elif task == "clean": clean() elif task == "l": clean() run(["python3", "", "develop"]) elif task == "lp": clean() run(["python3", "", "sdist"]) distFiles = glob(f"dist/{PACKAGE}-*.tar.gz") run(["pip3", "install", distFiles[0]]) elif task == "i": clean makeDist(pypi=False) run( [ "pip3", "install", "--upgrade", "--no-index", "--find-links", f'file://{TF_BASE}/dist"', PACKAGE, ] ) elif task == "g": shipDocs(ORG, REPO, PKG) commit(task, msg) elif task == "apps": commitApps(msg) elif task == "tut": commitTut(msg) elif task == "v": showVersion() elif task in {"r", "r1", "r2", "r3"}: adjustVersion(task) elif task == "ship": showVersion() if not currentVersion: console("No current version") return answer = input("right version ? [yn]") if answer != "y": return shipDocs(ORG, REPO, PKG) makeDist() commit(task, msg) main()