Tip revision: b819db324fb3c64cab4db52c8f618ab8ff0f5778 authored by st-- on 14 September 2020, 17:03:08 UTC
Merge pull request #1565 from GPflow/develop
Merge pull request #1565 from GPflow/develop
Tip revision: b819db3
# Copyright 2017-2020 The GPflow Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import functools
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from typing_extensions import Final
from .config import default_float, default_summary_fmt
from IPython.lib import pretty
DType = Union[np.dtype, tf.DType]
VariableData = Union[List, Tuple, np.ndarray, int, float] # deprecated
Transform = Union[tfp.bijectors.Bijector]
Prior = Union[tfp.distributions.Distribution]
TensorType = Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable, "Parameter"]
Type alias for tensor-like types that are supported by most TensorFlow and GPflow operations.
NOTE: Union types like this do not work with the `register` method of `multipledispatch`'s
`Dispatcher` class. Instead use `TensorLike`.
# We've left this as object until we've tested the performance consequences of using the full set
# (np.ndarray, tf.Tensor, tf.Variable, Parameter), see
TensorLike: Final[Tuple[type, ...]] = (object,)
:var TensorLike: Collection of tensor-like types for registering implementations with
`multipledispatch` dispatchers.
_NativeScalar = Union[int, float]
_Array = Sequence[Any] # a nested array of int, float, bool etc. kept simple for readability
TensorData = Union[_NativeScalar, _Array, TensorType]
def _IS_PARAMETER(o: object) -> bool:
return isinstance(o, Parameter)
def _IS_TRAINABLE_PARAMETER(o: object) -> bool:
return isinstance(o, Parameter) and o.trainable
class Module(tf.Module):
def parameters(self) -> Tuple["Parameter", ...]:
return tuple(self._flatten(predicate=_IS_PARAMETER))
def trainable_parameters(self) -> Tuple["Parameter", ...]:
return tuple(self._flatten(predicate=_IS_TRAINABLE_PARAMETER))
def _representation_table(self, object_name: str, tablefmt: Optional[str]) -> str:
from .utilities import leaf_components, tabulate_module_summary
repr_components = [object_name]
if leaf_components(self):
repr_components.append(tabulate_module_summary(self, tablefmt=tablefmt))
return "\n".join(repr_components)
def _repr_html_(self) -> str:
""" Nice representation of GPflow objects in IPython/Jupyter notebooks """
from html import escape
return self._representation_table(escape(repr(self)), "html")
def _repr_pretty_(self, p: "pretty.RepresentationPrinter", cycle: bool) -> None:
""" Nice representation of GPflow objects in the IPython shell """
repr_str = self._representation_table(repr(self), default_summary_fmt())
class PriorOn(Enum):
CONSTRAINED = "constrained"
UNCONSTRAINED = "unconstrained"
class Parameter(tfp.util.TransformedVariable):
def __init__(
value: TensorData,
transform: Optional[Transform] = None,
prior: Optional[Prior] = None,
prior_on: Union[str, PriorOn] = PriorOn.CONSTRAINED,
trainable: bool = True,
dtype: Optional[DType] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
A parameter retains both constrained and unconstrained
representations. If no transform is provided, these two values will be the same.
It is often challenging to operate with unconstrained parameters. For example, a variance cannot be negative,
therefore we need a positive constraint and it is natural to use constrained values.
A prior can be imposed either on the constrained version (default) or on the unconstrained version of the parameter.
if transform is None:
transform = tfp.bijectors.Identity()
value = _cast_to_dtype(value, dtype)
_validate_unconstrained_value(value, transform, dtype)
super().__init__(value, transform, dtype=value.dtype, trainable=trainable, name=name)
self.prior = prior
self.prior_on = prior_on # type: ignore # see
def log_prior_density(self) -> tf.Tensor:
""" Log of the prior probability density of the constrained variable. """
if self.prior is None:
return tf.convert_to_tensor(0.0, dtype=self.dtype)
y = self
if self.prior_on == PriorOn.CONSTRAINED:
# evaluation is in same space as prior
return tf.reduce_sum(self.prior.log_prob(y))
# prior on unconstrained, but evaluating log-prior in constrained space
x = self.unconstrained_variable
log_p = tf.reduce_sum(self.prior.log_prob(x))
if self.transform is not None:
# need to include log|Jacobian| to account for coordinate transform
log_det_jacobian = self.transform.inverse_log_det_jacobian(y, y.shape.ndims)
log_p += tf.reduce_sum(log_det_jacobian)
return log_p
def prior_on(self) -> PriorOn:
return self._prior_on
def prior_on(self, value: Union[str, PriorOn]) -> None:
self._prior_on = PriorOn(value)
def unconstrained_variable(self) -> tf.Variable:
return self._pretransformed_input
def transform(self) -> Optional[Transform]:
return self.bijector
def trainable(self) -> bool:
`True` if this instance is trainable, else `False`.
This attribute cannot be set directly. Use :func:`gpflow.set_trainable`.
return self.unconstrained_variable.trainable
def assign(
value: TensorData,
use_locking: bool = False,
name: Optional[str] = None,
read_value: bool = True,
) -> tf.Tensor:
Assigns constrained `value` to the unconstrained parameter's variable.
It passes constrained value through parameter's transform first.
a = Parameter(2.0, transform=tfp.bijectors.Softplus())
b = Parameter(3.0)
a.assign(4.0) # `a` parameter to `2.0` value.
a.assign(tf.constant(5.0)) # `a` parameter to `5.0` value.
a.assign(b) # `a` parameter to constrained value of `b`.
:param value: Constrained tensor-like value.
:param use_locking: If `True`, use locking during the assignment.
:param name: The name of the operation to be created.
:param read_value: if True, will return something which evaluates to the new
value of the variable; if False will return the assign op.
unconstrained_value = _validate_unconstrained_value(value, self.transform, self.dtype)
return self.unconstrained_variable.assign(
unconstrained_value, use_locking=use_locking, name=name, read_value=read_value
def _cast_to_dtype(
value: TensorData, dtype: Optional[DType] = None
) -> Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable]:
if dtype is None:
dtype = default_float()
if tf.is_tensor(value):
# NOTE(awav) TF2.2 resolves issue with cast.
# From TF2.2, `tf.cast` can be used alone instead of this auxiliary function.
# workaround for
return tf.cast(value, dtype)
return tf.convert_to_tensor(value, dtype=dtype)
def _validate_unconstrained_value(
value: TensorData, transform: tfp.bijectors.Bijector, dtype: DType
) -> tf.Tensor:
value = _cast_to_dtype(value, dtype)
unconstrained_value = _to_unconstrained(value, transform)
message = (
"gpflow.Parameter: the value to be assigned is incompatible with this parameter's "
"transform (the corresponding unconstrained value has NaN or Inf) and hence cannot be "
return tf.debugging.assert_all_finite(unconstrained_value, message=message)
def _to_constrained(value: TensorType, transform: Optional[Transform]) -> TensorType:
if transform is not None:
return transform.forward(value)
return value
def _to_unconstrained(value: TensorType, transform: Optional[Transform]) -> TensorType:
if transform is not None:
return transform.inverse(value)
return value