Tip revision: aef880de2c500a7f7828fe93647299e8bc0170aa authored by Nils Thuerey on 06 December 2017, 08:13:20 UTC
Merge pull request #1 from qinenergy/patch-1
Merge pull request #1 from qinenergy/patch-1
Tip revision: aef880d
# Very simple flip without level set
# and without any particle resampling
from manta import *
# solver params
dim = 2
particleNumber = 2
res = 64
gs = vec3(res,res,res)
if (dim==2):
particleNumber = 3 # use more particles in 2d
s = Solver(name='main', gridSize = gs, dim=dim)
s.timestep = 0.5
# prepare grids and particles
flags = s.create(FlagGrid)
vel = s.create(MACGrid)
velOld = s.create(MACGrid)
pressure = s.create(RealGrid)
tmpVec3 = s.create(VecGrid)
pp = s.create(BasicParticleSystem)
# add velocity data to particles
pVel = pp.create(PdataVec3)
# scene setup
# enable one of the following
fluidbox = Box( parent=s, p0=gs*vec3(0,0,0), p1=gs*vec3(0.4,0.6,1)) # breaking dam
#fluidbox = Box( parent=s, p0=gs*vec3(0.4,0.72,0.4), p1=gs*vec3(0.6,0.92,0.6)) # centered falling block
phiInit = fluidbox.computeLevelset()
# phiInit is not needed from now on!
# note, there's no resamplig here, so we need _LOTS_ of particles...
sampleFlagsWithParticles( flags=flags, parts=pp, discretization=particleNumber, randomness=0.2 )
if (GUI):
gui = Gui()
#main loop
for t in range(2500):
mantaMsg('\nFrame %i, simulation time %f' % (s.frame, s.timeTotal))
pp.advectInGrid(flags=flags, vel=vel, integrationMode=IntRK4, deleteInObstacle=False )
mapPartsToMAC(vel=vel, flags=flags, velOld=velOld, parts=pp, partVel=pVel, weight=tmpVec3 )
extrapolateMACFromWeight( vel=vel , distance=2, weight=tmpVec3 )
markFluidCells( parts=pp, flags=flags )
addGravity(flags=flags, vel=vel, gravity=(0,-0.002,0))
# pressure solve
setWallBcs(flags=flags, vel=vel)
solvePressure(flags=flags, vel=vel, pressure=pressure)
setWallBcs(flags=flags, vel=vel)
# we dont have any levelset, ie no extrapolation, so make sure the velocities are valid
extrapolateMACSimple( flags=flags, vel=vel )
# FLIP velocity update
flipVelocityUpdate(vel=vel, velOld=velOld, flags=flags, parts=pp, partVel=pVel, flipRatio=0.97 )
#gui.screenshot( 'flipt_%04d.png' % t );