Raw File
Tip revision: 31552cff3d6d4239fcf05c9c201e9c2fa3678b7a authored by Jan Wroblewski on 10 February 2022, 12:43:54 UTC
Removed unusable benchmark and renamed the other g45 one.
Tip revision: 31552cf
open GrammarCommon
open Grammar
open Utilities

type midhead = MT of terminal | MNT of string | MVar of string | MFun of string list * midterm
and midterm = MApp of midhead * midterm list
type midrule = string * string list * midterm
type midrules = midrule list

module SS = Set.Make (String)

let new_nt_id nt_counter =
  let x = !nt_counter in
  nt_counter := x + 1;

let new_fun_name fun_counter =
  let x = !fun_counter in
  fun_counter := !fun_counter + 1;
  "_fun" ^ string_of_int x

let register_nt nt_counter nt_names_lookup_arr nt_name =
  if Hashtbl.mem nt_names_lookup_arr nt_name then
    failwith @@ "Duplicated nonterminal " ^ nt_name ^ "."
    let nt = new_nt_id nt_counter in 
    Hashtbl.add nt_names_lookup_arr nt_name nt

let lookup_nt_id nt_names nt_name =
  try Hashtbl.find nt_names nt_name
  with Not_found -> failwith @@ "Undefined nonterminal " ^ nt_name ^ "."

let register_new_rule f arity body aux_rules =
   aux_rules := (f, arity, body) :: !aux_rules

let rec depth_of_term term =
  match term with
  | TE _ | NT _ | Var _ -> 0
  | App (t1, t2) -> max (depth_of_term t1) (depth_of_term t2 + 1)

let rec midterm2term aux_rules nt_counter nt_names vmap pterm =
  match pterm with
  | MApp (h, pterms) ->
    let h' = 
      match h with
      | MVar s ->
            Var (List.assoc s vmap)
          | Not_found -> failwith @@ "Undefined variable " ^ s ^ " used."
      | MNT s -> NT (lookup_nt_id nt_names s)
      | MFun _ -> failwith "Expected no functions at this point."
      | MT a -> TE a
    let terms = (midterm2term aux_rules nt_counter nt_names vmap) pterms in
    let terms' = if !Flags.normalize then (normalize_term aux_rules nt_counter) terms
    mk_app h' terms'

and normalize_term aux_rules nt_counter term =
  match term with
  | App _ -> (* reduces outer applications *)
    if depth_of_term term > !Flags.normalization_depth then
      let vars = SortedVars.to_list @@ vars_in_term term in
      let arity = List.length vars in
      let nt = new_nt_id nt_counter in
      let subst = List.combine vars
          ( (fun i-> Var (nt, i)) (range 0 arity))
      let term' = Grammar.subst_term subst term in
      register_new_rule nt arity term' aux_rules;
      mk_app (NT nt) ( (fun i -> Var i) vars)
  | _ -> term

let dummy_vname = "dummy_var"
let dummy_term = NT 0
let dummy_nt_name = "DummyNT"

let midrule2rule aux_rules nt_counter nt_names rules vinfo (nt, (_, var_names, pterm)) =
  let var_names' = index_list var_names in
  let arity = List.length var_names in
  (* a map from var names to their identifiers, i.e., (nt id, var index) *)
  let vmap = (fun (i, v) -> (v, (nt, i))) var_names' in
  vinfo.(nt) <- Array.make arity dummy_vname;
  (* vinfo[nt][arg_ix] contains the argument's name *)
  List.iter (fun (i,v) -> (vinfo.(nt).(i) <- v)) var_names';
  let term = midterm2term aux_rules nt_counter nt_names vmap pterm in
  rules.(nt) <- (arity, term) (* F x_1 .. x_n = t => rules[F] = (n, potentially normalized term with names changed either to var or to terminal) *)

let midrules2rules aux_rules nt_counter nt_names rules vinfo (midrules : midrules) =
  let midrules_indexed = index_list midrules in
  List.iter (midrule2rule aux_rules nt_counter nt_names rules vinfo) midrules_indexed

let add_auxiliary_rules aux_rules nt_names rules =
  let num_of_nts = Array.length rules in
  let nt_names' = Array.make num_of_nts dummy_nt_name in
  let rules' = Array.make num_of_nts (0, dummy_term) in
  for i = 0 to Array.length rules - 1 do
    nt_names'.(i) <- nt_names.(i);
    rules'.(i) <- rules.(i)
  List.iter (fun (f, arity, body) ->
      rules'.(f) <- (arity, body);
      nt_names'.(f) <- "$NT" ^ string_of_int f
    ) !aux_rules;
  (nt_names', rules')

let filter_used_vars (pterm : midterm) (vars : string list)
    (exclude_vars : string list) : string list =
  let rec gather_used_vars (MApp (h, pterms) : midterm) : SS.t =
    let used =
      List.fold_left (fun acc pterm ->
          SS.union acc @@ gather_used_vars pterm
        ) SS.empty pterms
    match h with
    | MT _ -> used
    | MNT _ -> used
    | MVar v ->
      SS.add v used
    | MFun (fun_vars, body) ->
      SS.union used @@ SS.diff (gather_used_vars body) (SS.of_list fun_vars)
  let used = SS.diff (gather_used_vars pterm) @@ SS.of_list exclude_vars in
  vars |> List.filter (fun v -> SS.mem v used)

let rec elim_fun_from_midterm fun_counter vl (term : midterm) newrules : midterm * midrules =
  let MApp (h, pterms) = term in
  let pterms', newrules' = elim_fun_from_midterms fun_counter vl pterms newrules in
  let MApp (h', pterms''), newrules'' = elim_fun_from_head fun_counter vl h newrules' in
  (MApp (h', pterms'' @ pterms'), newrules'')
and elim_fun_from_midterms fun_counter scope_vars (terms : midterm list) newrules =
  match terms with
  | [] -> ([], newrules)
  | pterm :: pterms ->
    let pterms', newrules' = elim_fun_from_midterms fun_counter scope_vars pterms newrules in
    let pterm', newrules'' = elim_fun_from_midterm fun_counter scope_vars pterm newrules' in
    (pterm' :: pterms', newrules'')
and elim_fun_from_head (fun_counter : int ref) (scope_vars : string list) (h : midhead)
    newrules : midterm * midrules =
  match h with
  | MT _ | MNT _ | MVar _ -> (MApp (h, []), newrules)
  | MFun (fun_vars, pterm) ->
    let used_scope_vars = filter_used_vars pterm scope_vars fun_vars in
    let fun_nt_vars = used_scope_vars @ fun_vars in
    let pterm', newrules' = elim_fun_from_midterm fun_counter fun_nt_vars pterm newrules in
    let f = new_fun_name fun_counter in
    let terms1 = (fun v -> MApp (MVar v, [])) used_scope_vars in
    (MApp (MNT f, terms1), (f, fun_nt_vars, pterm') :: newrules')

(** Recursively remove fun terms from rules by generating new nonterminals out of them.
    If a fun parameter has the same name as some other variable defined outside, the variable
    defined outside is shadowed by function parameter. *)
let elim_fun_from_midrule fun_counter (rule : midrule) newrules : midrule * midrules =
  let nt, scope_vars, term = rule in
  let term', newrules' = elim_fun_from_midterm fun_counter scope_vars term newrules in
  ((nt, scope_vars, term'), newrules')
(** Removes lambdas from bodies of nonterminals. *)
let elim_fun_from_midrules fun_counter (rules : midrules) : midrules =
  let rules', newrules =
      (fun (rules', newrules) rule ->
         let rule', newrules' = elim_fun_from_midrule fun_counter rule newrules in
         (rule' :: rules', newrules')
      ) ([], []) rules
  List.rev_append rules' newrules

let bin_tree (mid : terminal) (k : int) (counted : bool) (arg_terms : midterm list) : midterm =
  let rec bin_tree_aux from_arg to_arg =
    if from_arg = to_arg then
      MApp (MVar ("_" ^ string_of_int from_arg), [])
      let mid_arg = (from_arg + to_arg) / 2 in
      let args = [bin_tree_aux from_arg mid_arg; bin_tree_aux (mid_arg + 1) to_arg] in
      MApp (MT mid, args)
  let rec vars k acc =
    if k = 0 then
      vars (k - 1) (("_" ^ string_of_int k) :: acc)
  if k = 1 && List.length arg_terms = 0 && counted then
    (* converting counted terminal with no children and arity 1 to a *)
    MApp (MT A, [])
    let (body, wrap_fun) =
      if k = 0 then
        (* converting terminal with no children to e *)
        (MApp (MT E, []), false)
      else if k = 1 && List.length arg_terms = 1 then
        (* removing identities when terminal has one child *)
        (List.hd arg_terms, false)
      else if k = 2 then
        (* converting terminal with two children to b/t *)
        (MApp (MT mid, arg_terms), false)
        (* converting terminal with more than two children to a binary tree with that many
           leaves and b/t in non-leaf nodes *)
        (bin_tree_aux 1 k, true)
    (* adding _a above counted ones *)
    let body = if counted then
        MApp (MT A, [body])
    if wrap_fun then
      MApp (MFun (vars k [], body), arg_terms)

(** Replaces preterminals with minimal set of standard terminals - a, b, e, t. a, b, e are like
    in paper, t is a terminal that has type * -> * -> np for * = np or pr.
    Checks for name conflicts between variables, terminals, and b/t. Replacing is done by changing
    terminals of arity k with a lambda-term with b-tree (with branches) with all k arguments of
    height log2(k)+1. If k=0, the terminal is replaced with _e instead. If the terminal is
    counted, a is added above that tree. *)
let prerules2midrules (prerules : Syntax.prerules)
    (preterminals : Syntax.preterminals) : midrules =
  (* hashmap for fast access, also checking for conflicts *)
  let preterminals_map = Hashtbl.create 1000 in
  List.iter (fun t ->
      match t with
      | Syntax.Terminal (name, arity, counted, universal) ->
        if Hashtbl.mem preterminals_map name then
          failwith @@ "Terminal " ^ name ^ " defined twice."
        else if name = "a" then
          failwith "Terminal a is reserved for counted node."
        else if name = "b" then
          failwith "Terminal b is reserved for nondeterministic choice node."
        else if name = "e" then
          failwith "Terminal e is reserved for leaf node."
        else if name = "t" then
          failwith "Terminal t is reserved for binary tree node."
          Hashtbl.add preterminals_map name (arity, counted, universal)) preterminals;
  let prerule2midrule (nt, args_list, preterm) : midrule =
    let rec preterm2midterm (vars : SS.t) (preterm : Syntax.preterm) : midterm =
      match preterm with
      | Syntax.PApp (head, a) ->
        let arg_preterms = (preterm2midterm vars) a in
        match head with
        | Syntax.Name name ->
          if SS.mem name vars then
            (* converting variables *)
            MApp (MVar name, arg_preterms)
          else if name = "a" then
            (* converting a *)
            MApp (MT A, arg_preterms)
          else if name = "b" then
            (* converting b *)
            MApp (MT B, arg_preterms)
          else if name = "e" then
            (* converting e *)
            MApp (MT E, arg_preterms)
          else if name = "t" then
            (* converting tr *)
            MApp (MT T, arg_preterms)
            (* converting terminals *)
                let arity, counted, universal = Hashtbl.find preterminals_map name in
                if List.length a > arity then
                  failwith @@ "Terminal " ^ name ^ " applied to more arguments than its arity."
                  let mid_terminal =
                    if universal then
                  bin_tree mid_terminal arity counted arg_preterms
              | Not_found ->
                failwith @@ "Unbounded name " ^ name ^ " in the body of nonterminal " ^ nt ^ "."
        (* leaving nonterminals as they were *)
        | Syntax.NT name -> MApp (MNT name, arg_preterms)
        | Syntax.Fun (fvars, preterm) ->
          let fun_args = List.fold_left (fun acc arg ->
              if SS.mem arg acc then
                failwith @@ "Variable " ^ arg ^ " defined twice in function in nonterminal " ^
                            nt ^ "."
              else if Hashtbl.mem preterminals_map arg || arg = "a" || arg = "b" ||
                      arg = "e" || arg = "t" then
                failwith @@ "Variable " ^ arg ^ " in function in nonterminal " ^ nt ^
                            " conflicts with a terminal with the same name."
                SS.add arg acc
            ) SS.empty fvars
          MApp (MFun (fvars, preterm2midterm (SS.union vars fun_args) preterm),
    (* set for fast access, also checking for conflicts *)
    let args = List.fold_left (fun acc arg ->
        if SS.mem arg acc then
          failwith @@ "Variable " ^ arg ^ " defined twice in nonterminal " ^ nt ^ "."
        else if Hashtbl.mem preterminals_map arg || arg = "a" || arg = "b" ||
                arg = "e" || arg = "t" then
          failwith @@ "Variable " ^ arg ^ " in nonterminal " ^ nt ^
                      " conflicts with a terminal with the same name."
          SS.add arg acc
      ) SS.empty args_list
    (nt, args_list, preterm2midterm args preterm)
  in prerule2midrule prerules

(** Converts parsed rules into rules with better semantics in the form of a grammar.
    Distinguishes between variables and terminals. Eliminates lambdas from inside of nonterminal
    bodies by replacing them with fresh nonterminals.
    The output grammar has dummy sorts of nonterminals. *)
let prerules2gram
    (prerules, preterminals : Syntax.prerules * Syntax.preterminals) : Grammar.grammar =
  (* terminology:
     * Prerules are rules with terminals as strings.
     * Midrules are rules with terminals converted to a, b, or e.
     * Rules are rules in the format as in the output grammar.
  let midrules : midrules = prerules2midrules prerules preterminals in
  let fun_counter = ref 0 in
  let midrules = elim_fun_from_midrules fun_counter midrules in
  let nt_names : string array = Array.of_list @@ (fun (x, _, _) -> x) midrules in
  let num_of_nts = Array.length nt_names in
  (* assigning a unique number to each nonterminal *)
  let nt_counter = ref 0 in
  let nt_names_lookup_arr = Hashtbl.create 1000 in
  Array.iter (register_nt nt_counter nt_names_lookup_arr) nt_names;
  (* map nt id -> arity, term *)
  let rules = Array.make num_of_nts (0, dummy_term) in
  let var_names = Array.make num_of_nts [||] in
  let aux_rules : (nt_id * int * term) list ref = ref [] in
  midrules2rules aux_rules nt_counter nt_names_lookup_arr rules var_names midrules;
  let nt_names', rules' =
    if !Flags.normalize then
      add_auxiliary_rules aux_rules nt_names rules
      (nt_names, rules)
  let g = new Grammar.grammar nt_names' var_names rules' in
  print_verbose !Flags.verbose_preprocessing @@ lazy (
    "Grammar after conversion from prerules:\n" ^ g#grammar_info
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