Note : BCALM2 is available at bcalm ===== de Bruijn CompAction in Low Memory Possible use : ./bcalm input compact input with l=8 in ./bcalm input compact input with l=8 in ./bcalm input 10 compact input with l=10 in Nota Bene : Higher l mean lower memory but the algorithm will NOT work with l>10. Also note that to use l>=8 you have to allow 260 open files (type `ulimit -n 260` in a terminal) and 1100 for l=10 (`ulimit -n 1100`). Input ===== Each line in the input file is a distinct k-mer in upper-case, ending with his counting (not required). Here is a sample input: AATCGATCG 3 ATCGATCGT 33 TCGATCGTA 645 It is the typical ouput of DSK with the dsk2ascii script (see Output ===== Each line is a simple path of the de Bruijn graph, in lowercase. Here is a sample output: aatcgatcgta; License ======= BCALM's license is BSD with Attribution. In informal words, any use is permitted as long as it acknowledges us. For example with a citation to: @inproceedings{reprdbg14, author = {Chikhi, R. and Limasset, A. and Jackman, S. and Simpson, J. and Medvedev, P.}, title = {{On the representation of de Bruijn graphs}}, booktitle = {RECOMB}, publisher = {Springer}, year = 2014, }