(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute * Copyright (c) - 2012--2021 - Inria * Copyright (c) - 2012--2021 - Ecole Polytechnique * * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C-V1 license * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) open EcUtils open EcMaps open EcSymbols open EcIdent (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type path = { p_node : path_node; p_tag : int } and path_node = | Psymbol of symbol | Pqname of path * symbol (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let p_equal = ((==) : path -> path -> bool) let p_hash = fun p -> p.p_tag let p_compare = fun p1 p2 -> p_hash p1 - p_hash p2 module Hspath = Why3.Hashcons.Make (struct type t = path let equal_node p1 p2 = match p1, p2 with | Psymbol id1, Psymbol id2 -> sym_equal id1 id2 | Pqname (p1, id1), Pqname(p2, id2) -> sym_equal id1 id2 && p_equal p1 p2 | _ -> false let equal p1 p2 = equal_node p1.p_node p2.p_node let hash p = match p.p_node with | Psymbol id -> Hashtbl.hash id | Pqname (p,id) -> Why3.Hashcons.combine p.p_tag (Hashtbl.hash id) let tag n p = { p with p_tag = n } end) module Path = MakeMSH (struct type t = path let tag = p_hash end) let rec p_ntr_compare (p1 : path) (p2 : path) = match p1.p_node, p2.p_node with | Psymbol _, Pqname _ -> -1 | Pqname _, Psymbol _ -> +1 | Psymbol x1, Psymbol x2 -> String.compare x1 x2 | Pqname (p1, x1), Pqname (p2, x2) -> begin match p_ntr_compare p1 p2 with | 0 -> String.compare x1 x2 | n -> n end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Mp = Path.M module Hp = Path.H module Sp = struct include Path.S let ntr_elements s = List.ksort ~key:identity ~cmp:p_ntr_compare (elements s) end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let mk_path node = Hspath.hashcons { p_node = node; p_tag = -1; } let psymbol id = mk_path (Psymbol id) let pqname p id = mk_path (Pqname(p,id)) let rec pappend p1 p2 = match p2.p_node with | Psymbol id -> pqname p1 id | Pqname(p2,id) -> pqname (pappend p1 p2) id let pqoname p id = match p with | None -> psymbol id | Some p -> pqname p id (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec tostring p = match p.p_node with | Psymbol x -> x | Pqname (p,x) -> Printf.sprintf "%s.%s" (tostring p) x let tolist = let rec aux l p = match p.p_node with | Psymbol x -> x :: l | Pqname (p, x) -> aux (x :: l) p in aux [] let toqsymbol (p : path) = match p.p_node with | Psymbol x -> ([], x) | Pqname (p, x) -> (tolist p, x) let fromqsymbol ((nm, x) : qsymbol) = pqoname (List.fold_left (fun p x -> Some (pqoname p x)) None nm) x let basename p = match p.p_node with | Psymbol x -> x | Pqname (_, x) -> x let extend p s = List.fold_left pqname p s let prefix p = match p.p_node with | Psymbol _ -> None | Pqname (p, _) -> Some p let rec getprefix_r acc p q = match p_equal p q with | true -> Some acc | false -> match q.p_node with | Psymbol _ -> None | Pqname (q, x) -> getprefix_r (x::acc) p q let getprefix p q = getprefix_r [] p q let isprefix p q = match getprefix p q with | None -> false | Some _ -> true let rec rootname p = match p.p_node with | Psymbol x -> x | Pqname (p, _) -> rootname p let rec p_size p = match p.p_node with | Psymbol _ -> 1 | Pqname (p, _) -> 1 + (p_size p) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type mpath = { m_top : mpath_top; m_args : mpath list; m_tag : int; } and mpath_top = [ | `Local of ident | `Concrete of path * path option ] let m_equal = ((==) : mpath -> mpath -> bool) let mt_equal mt1 mt2 = match mt1, mt2 with | `Local id1, `Local id2 -> EcIdent.id_equal id1 id2 | `Concrete(p1, o1), `Concrete(p2, o2) -> p_equal p1 p2 && oall2 p_equal o1 o2 | _, _ -> false let m_hash = fun p -> p.m_tag let m_compare = fun p1 p2 -> m_hash p1 - m_hash p2 module Hsmpath = Why3.Hashcons.Make (struct type t = mpath let equal m1 m2 = mt_equal m1.m_top m2.m_top && List.all2 m_equal m1.m_args m2.m_args let hash m = let hash = match m.m_top with | `Local id -> EcIdent.id_hash id | `Concrete(p, o) -> o |> ofold (fun s h -> Why3.Hashcons.combine h (p_hash s)) (p_hash p) in Why3.Hashcons.combine_list m_hash hash m.m_args let tag n p = { p with m_tag = n } end) module MPath = MakeMSH (struct type t = mpath let tag = m_hash end) let m_top_ntr_compare (mt1 : mpath_top) (mt2 : mpath_top) = match mt1, mt2 with | `Local _, `Concrete _ -> -1 | `Concrete _, `Local _ -> +1 | `Local id1, `Local id2 -> id_ntr_compare id1 id2 | `Concrete (p1, op1), `Concrete (p2, op2) -> begin match p_ntr_compare p1 p2 with | 0 -> ocompare p_ntr_compare op1 op2 | n -> n end let rec m_ntr_compare (m1 : mpath) (m2 : mpath) = match m_top_ntr_compare m1.m_top m2.m_top with | 0 -> List.compare m_ntr_compare m1.m_args m2.m_args | n -> n (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Mm = MPath.M module Hm = MPath.H module Sm = struct include MPath.S let ntr_elements s = List.ksort ~key:identity ~cmp:m_ntr_compare (elements s) end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let mpath p args = Hsmpath.hashcons { m_top = p; m_args = args; m_tag = -1; } let mpath_abs id args = mpath (`Local id) args let mident id = mpath_abs id [] let mpath_crt p args sp = mpath (`Concrete(p,sp)) args let mqname mp x = match mp.m_top with | `Concrete(top,None) -> mpath_crt top mp.m_args (Some (psymbol x)) | `Concrete(top,Some sub) -> mpath_crt top mp.m_args (Some (pqname sub x)) | _ -> assert false let mastrip mp = { mp with m_args = [] } let m_apply mp args = let args' = mp.m_args in mpath mp.m_top (args'@args) (* PY check that it is safe. previous code *) (* if args' = [] then mpath mp.m_top args else (assert (args = []); mp) *) let m_functor mp = let top = match mp.m_top with | `Concrete(p,Some _) -> `Concrete(p,None) | t -> t in mpath top [] let mget_ident mp = match mp.m_top with | `Local id -> id | _ -> assert false let rec m_fv fv mp = let fv = match mp.m_top with | `Local id -> EcIdent.fv_add id fv | `Concrete _ -> fv in List.fold_left m_fv fv mp.m_args let rec pp_list sep pp fmt xs = let pp_list = pp_list sep pp in match xs with | [] -> () | [x] -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" pp x | x :: xs -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a%(%)%a" pp x sep pp_list xs let rec pp_m fmt mp = let pp_args fmt args = if args <> [] then Format.fprintf fmt "@[(%a)@]" (pp_list "," pp_m) args in match mp.m_top with | `Local id -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a" (EcIdent.tostring id) pp_args mp.m_args | `Concrete(p,None) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a" (tostring p) pp_args mp.m_args | `Concrete(p,Some sub) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a.%s" (tostring p) pp_args mp.m_args (tostring sub) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type xpath = { x_top : mpath; x_sub : path; x_tag : int; } let x_equal = ((==) : xpath -> xpath -> bool) let x_hash = fun p -> p.x_tag let x_compare = fun p1 p2 -> x_hash p1 - x_hash p2 let x_equal_na x1 x2 = mt_equal x1.x_top.m_top x2.x_top.m_top && p_equal x1.x_sub x2.x_sub let x_compare_na x1 x2 = x_compare x1 x2 (* FIXME: doc says something about x_top being normalized *) module Hsxpath = Why3.Hashcons.Make (struct type t = xpath let equal m1 m2 = m_equal m1.x_top m2.x_top && p_equal m1.x_sub m2.x_sub let hash m = Why3.Hashcons.combine (m_hash m.x_top) (p_hash m.x_sub) let tag n p = { p with x_tag = n } end) module XPath = MakeMSH (struct type t = xpath let tag = x_hash end) let x_ntr_compare (xp1 : xpath) (xp2 : xpath) = match m_ntr_compare xp1.x_top xp2.x_top with | 0 -> p_ntr_compare xp1.x_sub xp2.x_sub | n -> n let xpath top sub = Hsxpath.hashcons { x_top = top; x_sub = sub; x_tag = -1; } let x_fv fv xp = m_fv fv xp.x_top let xpath_fun mp f = xpath mp (psymbol f) let xqname x s = xpath x.x_top (pqname x.x_sub s) let xastrip x = { x with x_top = mastrip x.x_top } let xbasename xp = basename xp.x_sub (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Mx = XPath.M module Hx = XPath.H module Sx = struct include XPath.S let ntr_elements s = List.ksort ~key:identity ~cmp:x_ntr_compare (elements s) end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec m_tostring (m : mpath) = let top, sub = match m.m_top with | `Local id -> (EcIdent.tostring id, "") | `Concrete (p, sub) -> let strsub = sub |> ofold (fun p _ -> Format.sprintf ".%s" (tostring p)) "" in (tostring p, strsub) in let args = let a = m.m_args in match a with | [] -> "" | _ -> let stra = List.map m_tostring a in Printf.sprintf "(%s)" (String.concat ", " stra) in Printf.sprintf "%s%s%s" top args sub let x_tostring x = Printf.sprintf "%s./%s" (m_tostring x.x_top) (tostring x.x_sub) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let p_subst (s : path Mp.t) = if Mp.is_empty s then identity else let p_subst aux p = try Mp.find p s with Not_found -> match p.p_node with | Psymbol _ -> p | Pqname(p1, id) -> let p1' = aux p1 in if p1 == p1' then p else pqname p1' id in Hp.memo_rec 107 p_subst (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec m_subst (sp : path -> path) (sm : mpath EcIdent.Mid.t) m = let args = List.Smart.map (m_subst sp sm) m.m_args in match m.m_top with | `Concrete(p,sub) -> let p' = sp p in let top = if p == p' then m.m_top else `Concrete(p',sub) in if m.m_top == top && m.m_args == args then m else mpath top args | `Local id -> try let m' = EcIdent.Mid.find id sm in m_apply m' args with Not_found -> if m.m_args == args then m else mpath m.m_top args let m_subst (sp : path -> path) (sm : mpath EcIdent.Mid.t) = if sp == identity && EcIdent.Mid.is_empty sm then identity else m_subst sp sm (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let x_subst (sm : mpath -> mpath) = if sm == identity then identity else fun x -> let top = sm x.x_top in if x.x_top == top then x else xpath top x.x_sub let x_substm sp sm = x_subst (m_subst sp sm)