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Tip revision: 2e9ccc882352116b253a7700b5ecf2c9316a5829 authored by Florian Rademacher on 24 March 2023, 08:03:13 UTC
Eclipse Launchers: Fix Docker image selection
Tip revision: 2e9ccc8
package de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.code_generation.springcloud.kafka.validators

import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.annotations.Before
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.annotations.SourceModelValidator
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.code_generation.springcloud.kafka.cqrsAlias
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.code_generation.springcloud.kafka.domainEventsAlias
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.utils.countInputParameters
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.utils.countResultParameters
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.utils.getAllServiceAspects
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.utils.getServiceAspect
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.utils.getEndpointAddresses
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.utils.hasServiceAspect
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.code_generation.springcloud.kafka.kafkaAlias
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.languages.convertToAbsoluteFileUrisInPlace
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.phases.validation.AbstractXtextModelValidator
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.utils.getPropertyValue
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.utils.hasInputParameters
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.utils.hasResultParameters
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.utils.isInputParameter
import de.fhdo.lemma.model_processing.utils.isResultParameter
import de.fhdo.lemma.service.ImportedServiceAspect
import de.fhdo.lemma.service.Interface
import de.fhdo.lemma.service.Microservice
import de.fhdo.lemma.service.Operation
import de.fhdo.lemma.service.ServiceModel
import de.fhdo.lemma.service.ServicePackage
import de.fhdo.lemma.typechecking.TypeChecker
import de.fhdo.lemma.typechecking.TypesNotCompatibleException
import de.fhdo.lemma.utils.LemmaUtils
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource
import org.eclipse.xtext.validation.Check
import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

 * Validator for service source models. We implement the validation as an Xtext source model validator to take advantage
 * of LEMMA's Live Validation capabilities.
 * @author [Florian Rademacher](
internal class ServiceModelSourceValidator : AbstractXtextModelValidator() {
    override fun getSupportedFileExtensions() = setOf("services")

     * Prepare import model paths before validation
    private fun prepareImportModelPaths(resource: Resource) {
        val sm = resource.contents[0] as ServiceModel

     * Check that a source [Microservice] with the Kafka technology has a valid Kafka bootstrap address specified via
     * the BootstrapAddress aspect
    private fun checkBootstrapAddress(microservice: Microservice) {
        // Check aspect existence
        val kafkaAlias = microservice.kafkaAlias ?: return
        val bootstrapAddressAspect = microservice.getServiceAspect(kafkaAlias, "BootstrapAddress")
        if (bootstrapAddressAspect == null) {
            error("Kafka microservice requires BootstrapAddress aspect", ServicePackage.Literals.MICROSERVICE__NAME)

     * Warn if a microservice has an Avro schema registry address, but does not comprise Avro participant operations
    private fun warnAvroRegistryAddress(microservice: Microservice) {
        val kafkaAlias = microservice.kafkaAlias ?: return
        if (!microservice.hasServiceAspect(kafkaAlias, "AvroRegistryAddress"))

        val hasAvroParticipants = { it.operations }.flatten()
            .any { it.hasServiceAspect(kafkaAlias, "AvroParticipant") }
        if (!hasAvroParticipants)
            warning("Microservice specifies Avro schema registry address, but does not comprise Avro-specific Kafka " +
                "operation participants", microservice, ServicePackage.Literals.MICROSERVICE__NAME)

     * Check that a microservice with an Avro schema registry address has Avro participant operations
    private fun checkAvroRegistryAddress(operation: Operation) {
        val microservice = operation.`interface`.microservice
        val kafkaAlias = microservice.kafkaAlias ?: return
        if (operation.hasServiceAspect(kafkaAlias, "AvroParticipant") &&
            !microservice.hasServiceAspect(kafkaAlias, "AvroRegistryAddress"))
            error("Microservice of this Avro-specific Kafka operation participant does not specify Avro schema " +
                "registry address", operation, ServicePackage.Literals.OPERATION__NAME)

     * Check source [Operation] that represents a Kafka participant as indicated by the Participant technology aspect
    private fun checkKafkaParticipant(operation: Operation) {
        val kafkaAlias = operation.`interface`.microservice.kafkaAlias ?: return
        val participantAspects = operation.getAllServiceAspects(kafkaAlias, "Participant").toMutableList()
        participantAspects.addAll(operation.getAllServiceAspects(kafkaAlias, "AvroParticipant"))
        if (participantAspects.isEmpty())

        // A Kafka participant must have at least one asynchronous parameter, and at most one input and result
        // asynchronous parameter
        val asynchronousInputParameterCount = operation.countInputParameters(CommunicationType.ASYNCHRONOUS)
        val asynchronousResultParameterCount = operation.countResultParameters(CommunicationType.ASYNCHRONOUS)
        if (asynchronousInputParameterCount == 0 && asynchronousResultParameterCount == 0)
            error("A Kafka operation participant must specify at least one asynchronous parameter", operation,
        else if (asynchronousInputParameterCount > 1)
            error("A Kafka operation participant may specify at most one asynchronous input parameter", operation,
        else if (asynchronousResultParameterCount > 1)
            error("A Kafka operation participant may specify at most one asynchronous result parameter", operation,

        // Check for duplicate topics
        val topics = { it.getPropertyValue("topic")!! }
        val duplicateIndex = LemmaUtils.getDuplicateIndex(topics, Function<String, String> { it })
        if (duplicateIndex > -1) {
            val aspect = participantAspects[duplicateIndex]
            val duplicateTopic = topics[duplicateIndex]
            error("""Duplicate topic "$duplicateTopic" in Participant aspect""", aspect,

        // A Kafka participant receiving asynchronous values via incoming asynchronous parameters must specify a Kafka
        // consumer group
        participantAspects.forEach {
            if (asynchronousInputParameterCount > 0 && it.getPropertyValue("consumerGroup") == null)
                error("A Kafka operation participant with incoming asynchronous parameters must specify a consumer " +
                    "group", it, ServicePackage.Literals.IMPORTED_SERVICE_ASPECT__IMPORTED_ASPECT)

     * Check error handling configuration of an [Operation] with the ErrorHandlingConfiguration aspect
    private fun checkErrorHandlingConfiguration(operation: Operation) {
        val kafkaAlias = operation.`interface`.microservice.kafkaAlias ?: return
        val errorHandlingConfigurationAspect = operation.getServiceAspect(kafkaAlias, "ErrorHandlingConfiguration")
            ?: return

        // Retries upon error must not be negative
        val retriesUponError = errorHandlingConfigurationAspect.getPropertyValue("retriesUponError")?.toLong()
        if (retriesUponError != null && retriesUponError < 0)
            error("Value of retriesUponError property must not be negative", errorHandlingConfigurationAspect,

        // Warn if error handling was disabled by means of DomainEvents.Consumer aspect
        val domainEventsAlias = operation.`interface`.microservice.domainEventsAlias
        val disableErrorHandling = if (domainEventsAlias !== null)
                operation.getServiceAspect(domainEventsAlias, "Consumer")
                    ?.getPropertyValue("disableErrorHandling") == "true"
        if (disableErrorHandling)
            warning("ErrorHandlingConfiguration will not be effective, because error handling was disabled via the " +
                    "DomainEvents.Consumer aspect", errorHandlingConfigurationAspect,

        // TODO For future Spring versions (retry interval)
        /*val retryInterval = errorHandlingConfigurationAspect.getPropertyValue("retryInterval")?.toLong()
        if (retryInterval != null && retryInterval < 0)
            error("Value of retryInterval property must not be negative", errorHandlingConfigurationAspect,

     * Check that for all operations of the CQRS query side of a microservice, type-compatible sender methods for
     * synchronization purposes exist in the command side of the microservice
    private fun checkCommandSideSenderExistence(microservice: Microservice) {
        val kafkaAlias = microservice.kafkaAlias ?: return
        val cqrsAlias = microservice.cqrsAlias ?: return
        val querySideAspect = microservice.getServiceAspect(cqrsAlias, "QuerySide") ?: return
        val querySideOperations = { it.operations }.flatten()
            .filter { it.hasParticipantAspect(kafkaAlias) }

        // Command side microservices must be required by query side microservices to be identifiable as a corresponding
        // side
        val correspondingKafkaEnabledMicroservices = microservice.requiredMicroservices
            .filter { it.microservice.isCorrespondingSide(querySideAspect) && it.microservice.kafkaAlias != null }
            .associateWith { it.microservice.kafkaAlias!! }

        val commandSideOperations = mutableMapOf<Operation, String>()
        correspondingKafkaEnabledMicroservices.forEach { (correspondingMicroservice, correspondingKafkaAlias) ->
            val interfaces = correspondingMicroservice.microservice.interfaces
            val correspondingSideOperations = interfaces.getCorrespondingSideOperations(querySideAspect)
            correspondingSideOperations.filter { it.hasParticipantAspect(correspondingKafkaAlias) }.forEach {
                commandSideOperations[it] = correspondingKafkaAlias

        // Check if type-compatible command side operation exists for each query side operation
        querySideOperations.forEach { querySideOperation ->
            val existsCompatibleSender = commandSideOperations.any { (commandSideOperation, commandSideKafkaAlias) ->
                when {
                    commandSideOperation.hasServiceAspect(commandSideKafkaAlias, "AvroParticipant") ->
                        querySideOperation.canReceiveParametersWithKafka(commandSideOperation, "AvroParticipant")
                    else ->
                        querySideOperation.canReceiveParametersWithKafka(commandSideOperation, "Participant")

            if (!existsCompatibleSender)
                warning("No compatible command side sender found for query side receiver", querySideOperation,

     * Check if this [Operation] is a Kafka participant aspect from the Kafka technology model with the given
     * [kafkaAlias]
    private fun Operation.hasParticipantAspect(kafkaAlias: String)
        = hasServiceAspect(kafkaAlias, "AvroParticipant") || hasServiceAspect(kafkaAlias, "Participant")

     * Get side operations from this list of [Interface] instances. Command side operations must exhibit asynchronous
     * result parameters and query side operations must exhibit asynchronous input parameters. The side is represented
     * by the given [sideAspectName].
    private fun List<Interface>.getSideOperations(sideAspectName: String) : List<Operation> {
        val sideFilter: (Operation) -> Boolean = when(sideAspectName) {
            "CommandSide" -> { { it.hasResultParameters(CommunicationType.ASYNCHRONOUS) } }
            "QuerySide" -> { { it.hasInputParameters(CommunicationType.ASYNCHRONOUS) } }
            else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported side aspect $sideAspectName")

        return map { it.operations }.flatten().filter(sideFilter)

     * Check if this [Microservice] is the corresponding side of the side identified by the [sideAspect]. For example,
     * the corresponding side microservice for the QuerySide aspect would the microservice with the CommandSide aspect.
     * Furthermore, for two sides to correspond the logicalService property of the QuerySide and CommandSide aspects
     * must be equal.
    private fun Microservice.isCorrespondingSide(sideAspect: ImportedServiceAspect) : Boolean {
        if (cqrsAlias == null)
            return false

        val correspondingAspectName = sideAspect.getCorrespondingSideAspectName()
        val logicalService = sideAspect.getPropertyValue("logicalService")
        val correspondingSideAspect = getServiceAspect(cqrsAlias!!, correspondingAspectName) ?: return false
        val correspondingSideLogicalService = correspondingSideAspect.getPropertyValue("logicalService")
        return logicalService == correspondingSideLogicalService

     * Get corresponding side aspect name for this [ImportedServiceAspect]
    private fun ImportedServiceAspect.getCorrespondingSideAspectName()
        = when( {
            "CommandSide" -> "QuerySide"
            "QuerySide" -> "CommandSide"
            else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported side aspect ${}")

     * Get all operations from this list of [Interface] instances that correspond to the side represented by the
     * given [sideAspect]. If, for example, the [sideAspect] represents the QuerySide aspect, the returned operations
     * will exhibit the CommandSide aspect.
    private fun List<Interface>.getCorrespondingSideOperations(sideAspect: ImportedServiceAspect)
        = getSideOperations(sideAspect.getCorrespondingSideAspectName())

     * Check if this [Operation] can receive parameters from the given [senderOperation] by means of Kafka
    private fun Operation.canReceiveParametersWithKafka(senderOperation: Operation, aspectName: String) : Boolean {
        // Kafka aliases are required for sender and receiver
        val senderKafkaAlias = senderOperation.`interface`.microservice.kafkaAlias ?: return false
        val receiverKafkaAlias = `interface`.microservice.kafkaAlias ?: return false

        // Matching topics are required for sender and receiver
        val senderTopics = senderOperation.getAllServiceAspects(senderKafkaAlias, aspectName)
            .mapNotNull { it.getPropertyValue("topic") }
        if (senderTopics.isEmpty())
            return false

        val receiverTopics = getAllServiceAspects(receiverKafkaAlias, aspectName)
            .filter { it.getPropertyValue("consumerGroup") != null }
            .mapNotNull { it.getPropertyValue("topic") }
        if (receiverTopics.isEmpty())
            return false

        val existMatchingTopics = receiverTopics.any { it in senderTopics }
        if (!existMatchingTopics)
            return false

        // Result parameters of sender and input parameters of receiver must be partially type-compatible
        val senderParameters = senderOperation.parameters.filter {
        val receiverParameters = parameters.filter { it.isInputParameter(CommunicationType.ASYNCHRONOUS) }
        return receiverParameters.any { receiverParam ->
            senderParameters.any { senderParam ->
                WrappedTypeChecker.typesCompatible(receiverParam.effectiveType, senderParam.effectiveType)

 * Helper Singleton that wraps LEMMA's type checker and provides convenience methods to access it.
 * @author [Florian Rademacher](
private object WrappedTypeChecker {
    val typeChecker = TypeChecker()

     * Check if the given [receiverType] is type-compatible with the given [providerType]. That is, the [receiverType]
     * may receive type instances of the [providerType].
    fun typesCompatible(receiverType: Type, providerType: Type)
        = try {
                typeChecker.checkTypeCompatibility(receiverType, providerType)
            } catch (ex: TypesNotCompatibleException) {
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