% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/loadGEO.R \name{reparseCachedESs} \alias{reparseCachedESs} \title{Reparse cached expression sets from GEO.} \usage{ reparseCachedESs(destdir, mirrorPath = "https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov") } \arguments{ \item{destdir}{Directory used for caching loaded Series files from GEO database.} \item{mirrorPath}{URL string which specifies the source of matrices.} } \value{ vector of previously cached GSE IDs } \description{ The function should be used on phantasus version updates that change behavior of loading datasets from GEO. It finds all the datasets that were cached and runs `getES` for them again. The function uses cached Series and other files from GEO. } \examples{ reparseCachedESs(destdir=tempdir()) }