#![CGAL](Installation/doc_html/images/cgal_2013_grey.png) The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL) is a C++ library that aims to provide easy access to efficient and reliable algorithms in computational geometry. CGAL releases ============= The primary vector of distribution of CGAL are sources tarballs, released twice a year, announced on [the web site of CGAL](http://www.cgal.org/). The sources distributed that way can be built using the [CGAL installation manual](http://doc.cgal.org/latest/Manual/installation.html). CGAL Git repository layout ========================== The Git repository of CGAL has a different layout from release tarballs. It contains a `CMakeLists.txt` file that serves as anchor for building, and a set of subfolders, so called *packages*. Most packages implement a data structure or an algorithm for CGAL (e.g., `Convex_hull_2`, or `Triangulation_3`); however some packages serve special needs: * `Installation` - meta-files and CMake-support * `Maintenance` - infrastructural support * `Core`, `CGALimageIO`, `Qt_widget`, `GraphicsView` - component libraries * `Scripts` - scripts to simplify developer's and user's work * `Testsuite` - infrastructure for testsuite * `Documentation` - infrastructure for CGAL's manual * `STL_Extension` - extensions to the standard template library Compilation and installation ============================ The compilation and installation of CGAL from a sources tarball is described in the [CGAL installation manual](http://doc.cgal.org/latest/Manual/installation.html) and in the file [INSTALL.md](Installation/INSTALL.md) that is at the root of any sources tarball. CGAL developers, however, usually compile CGAL directly from a local Git repository. That kind of compilation is called a *branch build*, and is described in the file [INSTALL.md](INSTALL.md) that is at the root of the Git repository. License ======= See the file [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md). More information ================ * [The CGAL web site](http://www.cgal.org/) * [Latest CGAL release documentation pages](http://doc.cgal.org/) * [Latest CGAL master documentation pages, updated once a week](https://cgal.geometryfactory.com/CGAL/doc/master/) * [CGAL daily testsuite results](https://cgal.geometryfactory.com/CGAL/testsuite/)