Raw File
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  Windows implementation of the nsPluginsDir/nsPluginsFile classes.
  by Alex Musil

#include "mozilla/Util.h"

#include "nsPluginsDir.h"
#include "prlink.h"
#include "plstr.h"
#include "prmem.h"
#include "prprf.h"

#include "windows.h"
#include "winbase.h"

#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsILocalFile.h"
#include "nsUnicharUtils.h"

using namespace mozilla;

/* Local helper functions */

static char* GetKeyValue(void* verbuf, const WCHAR* key,
                         UINT language, UINT codepage)
  WCHAR keybuf[64]; // plenty for the template below, with the longest key
                    // we use (currently "FileDescription")
  const WCHAR keyFormat[] = L"\\StringFileInfo\\%04X%04X\\%s";
  WCHAR *buf = NULL;
  UINT blen;

  if (_snwprintf_s(keybuf, ArrayLength(keybuf), _TRUNCATE,
                   keyFormat, language, codepage, key) < 0)
    NS_NOTREACHED("plugin info key too long for buffer!");
    return nsnull;

  if (::VerQueryValueW(verbuf, keybuf, (void **)&buf, &blen) == 0 ||
      buf == nsnull || blen == 0)
    return nsnull;

  return PL_strdup(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(buf, blen).get());

static char* GetVersion(void* verbuf)
  UINT fileInfoLen;

  ::VerQueryValueW(verbuf, L"\\", (void **)&fileInfo, &fileInfoLen);

  if (fileInfo) {
    return PR_smprintf("%ld.%ld.%ld.%ld",

  return nsnull;

static PRUint32 CalculateVariantCount(char* mimeTypes)
  PRUint32 variants = 1;

  if (!mimeTypes)
    return 0;

  char* index = mimeTypes;
  while (*index) {
    if (*index == '|')

  return variants;

static char** MakeStringArray(PRUint32 variants, char* data)
  // The number of variants has been calculated based on the mime
  // type array. Plugins are not explicitely required to match
  // this number in two other arrays: file extention array and mime
  // description array, and some of them actually don't. 
  // We should handle such situations gracefully

  if ((variants <= 0) || !data)
    return NULL;

  char ** array = (char **)PR_Calloc(variants, sizeof(char *));
  if (!array)
    return NULL;

  char * start = data;

  for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < variants; i++) {
    char * p = PL_strchr(start, '|');
    if (p)
      *p = 0;

    array[i] = PL_strdup(start);

    if (!p) {
      // nothing more to look for, fill everything left 
      // with empty strings and break
      while(++i < variants)
        array[i] = PL_strdup("");


    start = ++p;
  return array;

static void FreeStringArray(PRUint32 variants, char ** array)
  if ((variants == 0) || !array)

  for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < variants; i++) {
    if (array[i]) {
      array[i] = NULL;

static bool CanLoadPlugin(const PRUnichar* aBinaryPath)
#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_IA64)
  bool canLoad = false;

  HANDLE file = CreateFileW(aBinaryPath, GENERIC_READ,
                            FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL,
                            OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
  if (file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
    HANDLE map = CreateFileMappingW(file, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0,
                                    GetFileSize(file, NULL), NULL);
    if (map != NULL) {
      LPVOID mapView = MapViewOfFile(map, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
      if (mapView != NULL) {
        if (((IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*)mapView)->e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) {
          long peImageHeaderStart = (((IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*)mapView)->e_lfanew);
          if (peImageHeaderStart != 0L) {
            DWORD arch = (((IMAGE_NT_HEADERS*)((LPBYTE)mapView + peImageHeaderStart))->FileHeader.Machine);
#ifdef _M_IX86
            canLoad = (arch == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386);
#elif defined(_M_X64)
            canLoad = (arch == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64);
#elif defined(_M_IA64)
            canLoad = (arch == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64);

  return canLoad;
  // Assume correct binaries for unhandled cases.
  return true;

/* nsPluginsDir implementation */

// The file name must be in the form "np*.dll"
bool nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile(nsIFile* file)
  nsCAutoString path;
  if (NS_FAILED(file->GetNativePath(path)))
    return false;

  const char *cPath = path.get();

  // this is most likely a path, so skip to the filename
  const char* filename = PL_strrchr(cPath, '\\');
  if (filename)
    filename = cPath;

  char* extension = PL_strrchr(filename, '.');
  if (extension)

  PRUint32 fullLength = PL_strlen(filename);
  PRUint32 extLength = PL_strlen(extension);
  if (fullLength >= 7 && extLength == 3) {
    if (!PL_strncasecmp(filename, "np", 2) && !PL_strncasecmp(extension, "dll", 3)) {
      // don't load OJI-based Java plugins
      if (!PL_strncasecmp(filename, "npoji", 5) ||
          !PL_strncasecmp(filename, "npjava", 6))
        return false;
      return true;

  return false;

/* nsPluginFile implementation */

nsPluginFile::nsPluginFile(nsIFile* file)
: mPlugin(file)
  // nada

  // nada

 * Loads the plugin into memory using NSPR's shared-library loading
 * mechanism. Handles platform differences in loading shared libraries.
nsresult nsPluginFile::LoadPlugin(PRLibrary **outLibrary)
  nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> plugin = do_QueryInterface(mPlugin);

  if (!plugin)

  bool protectCurrentDirectory = true;

  nsAutoString pluginFolderPath;

  PRInt32 idx = pluginFolderPath.RFindChar('\\');
  if (kNotFound == idx)

  if (Substring(pluginFolderPath, idx).LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("\\np32dsw.dll")) {
    protectCurrentDirectory = false;


  BOOL restoreOrigDir = FALSE;
  WCHAR aOrigDir[MAX_PATH + 1];
  DWORD dwCheck = GetCurrentDirectoryW(MAX_PATH, aOrigDir);
  NS_ASSERTION(dwCheck <= MAX_PATH + 1, "Error in Loading plugin");

  if (dwCheck <= MAX_PATH + 1) {
    restoreOrigDir = SetCurrentDirectoryW(pluginFolderPath.get());
    NS_ASSERTION(restoreOrigDir, "Error in Loading plugin");

  if (protectCurrentDirectory) {

  nsresult rv = plugin->Load(outLibrary);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
      *outLibrary = NULL;

  if (protectCurrentDirectory) {

  if (restoreOrigDir) {
    BOOL bCheck = SetCurrentDirectoryW(aOrigDir);
    NS_ASSERTION(bCheck, "Error in Loading plugin");

  return rv;

 * Obtains all of the information currently available for this plugin.
nsresult nsPluginFile::GetPluginInfo(nsPluginInfo& info, PRLibrary **outLibrary)
  *outLibrary = nsnull;

  nsresult rv = NS_OK;
  DWORD zerome, versionsize;
  void* verbuf = nsnull;

  if (!mPlugin)

  nsAutoString fullPath;
  if (NS_FAILED(rv = mPlugin->GetPath(fullPath)))
    return rv;

  if (!CanLoadPlugin(fullPath.get()))
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  nsAutoString fileName;
  if (NS_FAILED(rv = mPlugin->GetLeafName(fileName)))
    return rv;

  LPCWSTR lpFilepath = fullPath.get();

  versionsize = ::GetFileVersionInfoSizeW(lpFilepath, &zerome);

  if (versionsize > 0)
    verbuf = PR_Malloc(versionsize);
  if (!verbuf)

  if (::GetFileVersionInfoW(lpFilepath, NULL, versionsize, verbuf))
    // TODO: get appropriately-localized info from plugin file
    UINT lang = 1033; // language = English
    UINT cp = 1252;   // codepage = Western
    info.fName = GetKeyValue(verbuf, L"ProductName", lang, cp);
    info.fDescription = GetKeyValue(verbuf, L"FileDescription", lang, cp);
    char *mimeType = GetKeyValue(verbuf, L"MIMEType", lang, cp);
    char *mimeDescription = GetKeyValue(verbuf, L"FileOpenName", lang, cp);
    char *extensions = GetKeyValue(verbuf, L"FileExtents", lang, cp);

    info.fVariantCount = CalculateVariantCount(mimeType);
    info.fMimeTypeArray = MakeStringArray(info.fVariantCount, mimeType);
    info.fMimeDescriptionArray = MakeStringArray(info.fVariantCount, mimeDescription);
    info.fExtensionArray = MakeStringArray(info.fVariantCount, extensions);
    info.fFullPath = PL_strdup(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(fullPath).get());
    info.fFileName = PL_strdup(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(fileName).get());
    info.fVersion = GetVersion(verbuf);

  else {


  return rv;

nsresult nsPluginFile::FreePluginInfo(nsPluginInfo& info)
  if (info.fName)

  if (info.fDescription)

  if (info.fMimeTypeArray)
    FreeStringArray(info.fVariantCount, info.fMimeTypeArray);

  if (info.fMimeDescriptionArray)
    FreeStringArray(info.fVariantCount, info.fMimeDescriptionArray);

  if (info.fExtensionArray)
    FreeStringArray(info.fVariantCount, info.fExtensionArray);

  if (info.fFullPath)

  if (info.fFileName)

  if (info.fVersion)

  ZeroMemory((void *)&info, sizeof(info));

  return NS_OK;
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