# PyNUFFT: Python non-uniform fast Fourier transform A minimal "getting start" tutorial is available at http://jyhmiinlin.github.io/pynufft/ . ### Summary PyNUFFT is developed for fun and it attempts to implement the min-max NUFFT of Fessler and Sutton, with the following features: - Based on Python numerical libraries, such as Numpy, Scipy (matplotlib for displaying examples). - Multi-dimensional NUFFT. - Support of PyCUDA and PyOpenCL. - LGPLv3 If you find PyNUFFT useful, please cite: Lin, Jyh-Miin. “Python Non-Uniform Fast Fourier Transform (PyNUFFT): An Accelerated Non-Cartesian MRI Package on a Heterogeneous Platform (CPU/GPU).” Journal of Imaging 4.3 (2018): 51. and/or J.-M. Lin and H.-W. Chung, Pynufft: python non-uniform fast Fourier transform for MRI Building Bridges in Medical Sciences 2017, St John’s College, CB2 1TP Cambridge, UK ### Acknowledgements I would be more than grateful for what contributors/partners have done (either contributing codes or providing testing results). However, The information of contributors and partners are kept anonymized without their prior express informed consent. If anyone would like to be identified as contributors/partners, please contact pynufft@gmail.com. Special thanks to the authors of MIRT and gpuNUFFT, which have largely inspired this package. ### Related projects The PyNUFFT package has currently been used by signal processing experts, astronomers, and physicists to develop their applications. 1. Real-time PySAP-MRI reconstruction (https://github.com/CEA-COSMIC/pysap-mri) 2. Accelerated tomography 3. Radiation distribution 4. Machine learning in MRI reconstruction 5. Spiral off-resonance correction 6. For motion estimation (NUFFT adjoint + SPyNET) (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32408295/) Open-source Python software is nice for delivering your products. So try PyNUFFT today!