Raw File
Tip revision: 31552cff3d6d4239fcf05c9c201e9c2fa3678b7a authored by Jan Wroblewski on 10 February 2022, 12:43:54 UTC
Removed unusable benchmark and renamed the other g45 one.
Tip revision: 31552cf
(** Syntax for unprocessed terms created by the parser *)

type prehead = Name of string | NT of string | Fun of string list * preterm
and preterm = PApp of prehead * preterm list
type prerule = string * string list * preterm
type prerules = prerule list

type preformula = FConst of string 
                | FVar of int * string 
                | FAnd of preformula * preformula
                | FOr of preformula * preformula
type ata_trans = (string * string) * preformula

(** Name, arity, counting flag, and universal flag of a terminal. *)
type preterminal = Terminal of string * int * bool * bool
type preterminals = preterminal list

let rec string_of_vars vl =
  match vl with
  | [] -> ""
  | v :: vl' -> v ^ " " ^ string_of_vars vl'

let rec string_of_atom h =
  match h with
  | Name(s) -> s
  | NT s -> s
  | Fun (vars, pterm) -> "(fun " ^ string_of_vars vars ^ " -> " ^ string_of_preterm pterm ^ ")"
and string_of_preterm pterm =
  match pterm with
  | PApp (h, pterms) -> (string_of_atom h)^" "^(string_of_preterms pterms)
and string_of_preterms pterms =
  match pterms with
  | [] -> ""
  | pt :: pterms' ->
    match pt with
    | PApp (_, []) -> string_of_preterm pt ^ " " ^ string_of_preterms pterms'
    | _ -> "(" ^ string_of_preterm pt ^ ") " ^ string_of_preterms pterms'

let string_of_prerule (f, vl, pterm) =
  f ^ " " ^ string_of_vars vl ^ " -> " ^ string_of_preterm pterm

let string_of_prerules prerules =
  let rec string_of_prerules_aux prerules =
    match prerules with
    | [] -> ""
    | prule :: prerules' ->
      string_of_prerule prule ^ ".\n" ^ string_of_prerules_aux prerules'
  "Grammar.\n" ^ string_of_prerules_aux prerules ^ "End.\n"

let string_of_preterminal pt =
  match pt with
  | Terminal (name, arity, counted, universal) ->
    let string_of_counted counted =
      match counted with
      | true -> " $"
      | false -> ""
    let string_of_universal universal =
      match universal with
      | true -> " *"
      | false -> " +"
    name ^ " -> " ^ string_of_int arity ^ string_of_universal universal ^ string_of_counted counted

let rec string_of_preterminals pts =
  let rec string_of_preterminals_aux pts =
    match pts with
    | [] -> ""
    | pt :: pts' -> string_of_preterminal pt ^ ".\n" ^ string_of_preterminals_aux pts'
  "Terminals.\n" ^ string_of_preterminals_aux pts ^ "End.\n"
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