#Install python packages PYTHON_3=$(which python3) if [ -z "$PYTHON_3" ] then python auxil/install_packages.py else python3 auxil/install_packages.py fi #Check which operating system you are on if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then # Mac OSX OS='Linux' RM_CMD='rm' elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ] then # Linux OS='Linux' RM_CMD='rm' elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 10)" == "MINGW32_NT" ] then # Windows 32-bit OS='Windows' RM_CMD='del' elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 10)" == "MINGW64_NT" ] then # Windows 64-bit OS='Windows' RM_CMD='del' else OS='Linux' RM_CMD='rm' fi #Install wget if [ OS == 'Linux' ] then WGETLOC=$(which wget) if [ -z "$WGETLOC" ] then echo echo "ERROR: wget needs to be installed to download auxiliary files" echo exit 1 else echo "wget located at ${WGETLOC}" fi fi #Download atm files ./update_atm.sh #if [ -d "src/atmFiles/" ] #then # echo # echo "NOTE: src/atmFiles/ no longer used by BoloCalc. We suggest removing it." #fi #wget http://pbfs.physics.berkeley.edu/BoloCalc/ATM/atm.hdf5 #mv atm.hdf5 src/ #Download example experiment if [ -d "Experiments/ExampleExperiment/" ] then echo echo "NOTE: Experiments/ExampleExperiment/ already exists. Do 'rm -r Experiments/ExampleExperiment/' to remove before re-downloading" else if [ -f "ex.zip" ] then ${RM_CMD} ex.zip fi wget http://pbfs.physics.berkeley.edu/BoloCalc/EX/ex.zip unzip ex.zip -d Experiments/ ${RM_CMD} ex.zip fi echo