Raw File

git fetch --all
git checkout andrea-better-camera-calib

rosrun complete_image_pipeline validate_calibration

rosrun complete_image_pipeline single_image_pipeline

rosrun complete_image_pipeline calibrate_extrinsics




How to validate calibration:

    rosrun complete_image_pipeline validate_calibration  gummi

How to visualize all maps:

    rosrun complete_image_pipeline display_segmaps '*tile*'

Run localization on a log:

    rosrun complete_image_pipeline single_image_pipeline_log --log "tori_ETHZ_2017-12-13-15-48-58.bag/{20:}"  --lane_filter moregeneric_straight -c "clean;make"

Create thumbnails:

    rosrun easy_logs thumbnails --max_images=[num] [logs]

    DUCKIETOWN_DATA=. rosrun easy_logs thumbnails 'yaf*'

How to add log to Dropbox?

@UnresolvedImport @UnusedImport

# How to read YAML

# How to log

# How to add unit tests

  add unit tests to package_name

# How to run external commands

# How to read logs

# How to read images

# How to use contracts

# How to use exceptions

## How to re-raise exceptions

        image_cv = dtu.bgr_from_jpg(compressed_img_msg.data)
    except ValueError as e:
        msg = 'Could not decode image: %s' % e
        dtu.raise_wrapped(ValueError, e, msg)

# Poses and geometry

Dealing with poses/geometry

           pose = dtu.geo.SE2_from_translation_angle([x,y], theta)


Some difficult images:


* Confusing compmake interface for some commands.

    1) Maybe add default to be "do it again", option to use the cached computation


    test for cli_single_image
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