Raw File
  Swedish Pines Point Pattern
  The data give the locations of pine saplings
  in a Swedish forest. 
  An object of class \code{"ppp"}
  representing the point pattern of tree locations
  in a 10 x 10 metre square.
  Cartesian coordinates are in decimetres (multiples of 0.1 metre).

  See \code{\link{ppp.object}} for details of the format of a
  point pattern object.
\source{Strand (1975), Ripley (1981)}
  For previous analyses see Ripley (1981, pp. 172-175),
  Venables and Ripley (1997, p. 483),
  Baddeley and Turner (2000).
  Baddeley, A. and Turner, R. (2000)
  Practical maximum pseudolikelihood for spatial point patterns.
  \emph{Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics}
  \bold{42}, 283--322.
  Ripley, B.D. (1981) 
  \emph{Spatial statistics}.
  John Wiley and Sons.

  Strand, L. (1972). 
  A model for stand growth.
  \emph{{IUFRO} Third Conference Advisory Group of Forest Statisticians},
  INRA, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Paris.
  Pages 207--216.

  Venables, W.N. and Ripley, B.D. (1997)
  \emph{Modern applied statistics with S-PLUS}.
  Second edition. Springer Verlag. 
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