Raw File
(* Intrinsically typed version of aexp*)

 From elpi Require Import elpi.
 Require Import Arith List. Import ListNotations.

Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
 Require Import dep_pbt.

Inductive typ : Type :=
       |TBool : typ
       |TNat : typ.

 Inductive tm : typ -> Type :=
 | ttrue : tm TBool
 | tfalse : tm TBool
 | tzero : tm TNat
 | tsucc : tm TNat -> tm TNat
 | tpred : tm TNat-> tm TNat
 | tiszero : tm TNat-> tm TBool
 | tif T: tm  TBool-> tm T -> tm T -> tm T.

 Inductive value : forall {T:typ}, tm T -> Prop :=
   | iNz : value tzero
   | invs : forall t, value t -> value (tsucc t)
   | ibv_t : value ttrue
   | ibv_f : value tfalse.


 Inductive step : forall {T : typ}, tm T -> tm T -> Prop :=
   | ST_IfTrue : forall  T (t1  t2 : tm T),
       step (tif _ ttrue t1 t2) t1
   | ST_IfFalse : forall T (t1 t2 : tm T),
       step (tif _ tfalse t1 t2) t2
    | ST_If (T : typ): forall (t1 : tm TBool) t1' (t2 t3 : tm T),
       step t1 t1' -> step (tif _ t1 t2 t3) (tif _ t1' t2 t3)
   | ST_Succ : forall t1 t1',
       step t1 t1' -> step (tsucc t1) (tsucc t1')
   | ST_PredZero : step (tpred tzero)  tzero
   | ST_PredSucc : forall t1,
       value t1 -> step (tpred (tsucc t1)) t1
   | ST_Pred : forall t1 t1',
       step t1 t1' -> step (tpred t1) (tpred t1')
   | ST_IszeroZero : step (tiszero tzero)  ttrue
   | ST_IszeroSucc : forall t1,
        value t1 ->  step (tiszero (tsucc t1)) tfalse
   | ST_Iszero : forall t1 t1',
       step t1  t1' -> step (tiszero t1) (tiszero t1').
  (*defs of progress *) 
  Inductive progress {T : typ }(e : tm T)  : Prop :=
  | pb : value e  -> progress e 
  | ps e' : step e e' -> progress e.
(* progress holds *)
 Goal forall T (e : tm T), progress e.
 Fail elpi dep_pbt pair 3 5 (True) (e).

 Module M3.
 (* variation 3: failure of step det *)
 Reserved Notation "t1 '====>' t2" (at level 40).
 Inductive step : forall {T: typ}, tm T -> tm T -> Prop :=
   | ST_IfTrue : forall T t1 t2,
       (tif T ttrue t1 t2) ====> t1
   | ST_IfFalse : forall T t1 t2,
       (tif T tfalse t1 t2) ====> t2
   | ST_If : forall T t1 t1' t2 t3,
       t1 ====> t1' ->
       (tif T t1 t2 t3) ====> (tif T t1' t2 t3)
   | ST_Succ : forall t1 t1',
       t1 ====> t1' ->
       (tsucc t1) ====> (tsucc t1')
   | ST_PredZero :
       (tpred tzero) ====> tzero
   | ST_PredSucc : forall t1,
       value t1 ->
       (tpred (tsucc t1)) ====> t1
   | ST_Pred : forall t1 t1',
       t1 ====> t1' ->
       (tpred t1) ====> (tpred t1')
   | ST_IszeroZero :
       (tiszero tzero) ====> ttrue
   | ST_IszeroSucc : forall t1,
        value t1 ->
       (tiszero (tsucc t1)) ====> tfalse
   | ST_Iszero : forall t1 t1',
       t1 ====> t1' ->
       (tiszero t1) ====> (tiszero t1')
  | ST_Funny2 : forall T t1 t2 t2' t3, (*bug*)
            t2 ====> t2' ->
            (tif T t1 t2 t3) ====> (tif T  t1 t2' t3)
 where "t1 '====>' t2" := (step t1 t2).
 Goal  forall (T : typ) (x y1 y2 : tm T ), M3.step x y1 -> M3.step  x y2 -> y1 = y2.
 elpi dep_pbt pair 3 5 (H /\ H0)  (x). 
  End M3.  

 (* variation M1 introduces a typing bug, 
 when changing tm, so repeat the whole thing:

 Inductive tmb : typ -> Type :=
 | tiszerob : tmb TNat-> tmb TBool
 | ttrueb : tmb TBool
 | tfalseb : tmb TBool
 | tzerob : tmb TNat
 | tsuccb : tmb TNat -> tmb TNat
 | tpredb : tmb TNat-> tmb TNat
 | tsuccbug : tmb TBool-> tmb TBool (*bug*)
 | tifb T: tmb  TBool-> tmb T -> tmb T -> tmb T  .                            

 Inductive valueb : forall {T:typ}, tmb T -> Prop :=
   | iNzb : valueb tzerob
   | invsb : forall t, valueb t -> valueb (tsuccb t)
   | ibvt : valueb ttrueb
   | ibvf : valueb tfalseb.

   Inductive stepb : forall {T : typ}, tmb T -> tmb T -> Prop :=
   | ST_IfTrueb : forall  T (t1  t2 : tmb T),
       stepb (tifb _ ttrueb t1 t2) t1
   | ST_IfFalseb : forall T (t1 t2 : tmb T),
       stepb (tifb _ tfalseb t1 t2) t2
    | ST_Ifb (T : typ): forall (t1 : tmb TBool) t1' (t2 t3 : tmb T),
       stepb t1 t1' -> stepb (tifb _ t1 t2 t3) (tifb _ t1' t2 t3)
   | ST_Succb : forall t1 t1',
       stepb t1 t1' -> stepb (tsuccb t1) (tsuccb t1')
   | ST_PredZerob : stepb (tpredb tzerob)  tzerob
   | ST_PredSuccb : forall t1,
       valueb t1 -> stepb (tpredb (tsuccb t1)) t1
   | ST_Predb : forall t1 t1',
       stepb t1 t1' -> stepb (tpredb t1) (tpredb t1')
   | ST_IszeroZerob : stepb (tiszerob tzerob)  ttrueb
   | ST_IszeroSuccb : forall t1,
        valueb t1 ->  stepb (tiszerob (tsuccb t1)) tfalseb
   | ST_Iszerob : forall t1 t1',
       stepb t1  t1' -> stepb (tiszerob t1) (tiszerob t1').
       Inductive progressb {T : typ }(e : tmb T)  : Prop :=
       | pbb : valueb e  -> progressb e
       | psb e' : stepb e e' -> progressb e.
       Goal forall T (e : tmb T), progressb e .
       elpi dep_pbt 2 (True) (e).
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