Tip revision: a34738fe34a051760b4042dc9d740231e511fec1 authored by Nico Schertler on 31 October 2020, 07:04:57 UTC
Updated access token
Updated access token
Tip revision: a34738f
#include "ParametrizationHelper.h"
#include <nsessentials/util/IndentationLog.h>
#include <igl/scaf.h>
Eigen::Matrix<int, 2, 1> SetupUnknownIndices(const TextureCoordinatesStorage& texCoords, std::vector<Eigen::Matrix<int, 2, 1>>& outIndices, bool separateSystemsForXY)
Eigen::Matrix<int, 2, 1> _nextUnknown;
int* nextUnknown[2] = { &_nextUnknown.x(), (separateSystemsForXY ? &_nextUnknown.y() : &_nextUnknown.x()) };
for (int v = 0; v < texCoords.TexCoordCount(); ++v)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
if (std::isnan(texCoords.TexCoord(v)[i]))
//Entry is unknown
outIndices[v][i] = *nextUnknown[i];
//Generate a new index
//Entry is known
outIndices[v][i] = -1;
return _nextUnknown;
void AddCoefficientOrFixed(int row, int column, float coefficient, float fixedValueOfCol, float fixedValueOfRow, nse::math::LeastSquaresSystem<1>& system, float& outConstantEnergyTerm)
if(row != -1 && column != -1)
system.lhs.coeffRef(row, column) += coefficient;
else if (row == -1 && column == -1)
outConstantEnergyTerm += coefficient * fixedValueOfRow * fixedValueOfCol;
else if (column == -1)
system.rhs.row(row)(0) -= coefficient * fixedValueOfCol;
//Calculates the cotangent in the triangle v0 -- d0 --> v1 -- d1 --> v2 at v1.
float CalcCotangent(const OpenMesh::Vec3f& d0, const OpenMesh::Vec3f& d1)
auto d2 = -(d0 + d1);
float triangleArea = 0.5f * OpenMesh::cross(d0, -d1).norm();
float cotangent = (d0.sqrnorm() + d1.sqrnorm() - d2.sqrnorm()) / (4.0f * triangleArea);
return cotangent;
//calculates the cotangent of the angle opposite to the halfedge in the same triangle
float CalcHalfedgeCotangent(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, const HEMesh& mesh)
auto f = mesh.face_handle(h);
if (!f.is_valid())
return 0.0f;
int halfedgeNumberInQuad = 0;
auto testH = mesh.halfedge_handle(f);
while (testH != h)
testH = mesh.next_halfedge_handle(testH);
OpenMesh::Vec3f d0, d1;
switch (halfedgeNumberInQuad)
case 0:
case 2:
auto next = mesh.next_halfedge_handle(h);
d0 = mesh.calc_edge_vector(next);
d1 = mesh.point(mesh.from_vertex_handle(h)) - mesh.point(mesh.to_vertex_handle(next));
case 1:
case 3:
auto prev = mesh.prev_halfedge_handle(h);
d0 = mesh.point(mesh.from_vertex_handle(prev)) - mesh.point(mesh.to_vertex_handle(h));
d1 = mesh.calc_edge_vector(prev);
return CalcCotangent(d0, d1);
void AddCotanWeight(size_t sourceIdx, size_t targetIdx, float weight, nse::math::LeastSquaresSystem<1>* system[2],
const TextureCoordinatesStorage& texCoords, const std::vector<Eigen::Vector2i>& vertexIdxToUnknownIdx, float& outConstantEnergyTerm)
auto& sourceUnknownIdx = vertexIdxToUnknownIdx[sourceIdx];
auto& targetUnknownIdx = vertexIdxToUnknownIdx[targetIdx];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
AddCoefficientOrFixed(sourceUnknownIdx[i], sourceUnknownIdx[i], weight, texCoords.TexCoord(sourceIdx)[i], texCoords.TexCoord(sourceIdx)[i], *system[i], outConstantEnergyTerm);
AddCoefficientOrFixed(targetUnknownIdx[i], targetUnknownIdx[i], weight, texCoords.TexCoord(targetIdx)[i], texCoords.TexCoord(targetIdx)[i], *system[i], outConstantEnergyTerm);
AddCoefficientOrFixed(sourceUnknownIdx[i], targetUnknownIdx[i], -weight, texCoords.TexCoord(targetIdx)[i], texCoords.TexCoord(sourceIdx)[i], *system[i], outConstantEnergyTerm);
AddCoefficientOrFixed(targetUnknownIdx[i], sourceUnknownIdx[i], -weight, texCoords.TexCoord(sourceIdx)[i], texCoords.TexCoord(targetIdx)[i], *system[i], outConstantEnergyTerm);
void AddCotanMatrix(const std::vector<std::array<HEMesh::VertexHandle, 3>>& triangles, nse::math::LeastSquaresSystem<1>* system[2], const HEMesh& mesh,
const TextureCoordinatesStorage& texCoords, const std::vector<Eigen::Vector2i>& vertexIdxToUnknownIdx, float& outConstantEnergyTerm, float factor)
for (auto& tri : triangles)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
int prev = (i + 2) % 3;
int next = (i + 1) % 3;
auto d0 = mesh.point(tri[i]) - mesh.point(tri[prev]);
auto d1 = mesh.point(tri[next]) - mesh.point(tri[i]);
float weight = CalcCotangent(d0, d1);
AddCotanWeight(texCoords.Patch().IdOfInnerVertex(tri[next], mesh), texCoords.Patch().IdOfInnerVertex(tri[prev], mesh), factor * weight, system, texCoords, vertexIdxToUnknownIdx, outConstantEnergyTerm);
void AddCotanMatrix(const std::set<HEMesh::FaceHandle>& faces, nse::math::LeastSquaresSystem<1>* system[2], const HEMesh& mesh,
const TextureCoordinatesStorage& texCoords, const std::vector<Eigen::Vector2i>& vertexIdxToUnknownIdx, float& outConstantEnergyTerm, float factor)
auto& patch = texCoords.Patch();
for (auto f : faces)
for (auto h : mesh.fh_range(f))
auto weight = CalcHalfedgeCotangent(h, mesh);
AddCotanWeight(patch.IdOfFromVertex(h, mesh), patch.IdOfToVertex(h, mesh), factor * weight, system, texCoords, vertexIdxToUnknownIdx, outConstantEnergyTerm);
//Add the quad diagonals
auto h = mesh.halfedge_handle(f);
auto target = patch.IdOfFromVertex(h, mesh);
auto d0 = mesh.calc_edge_vector(h);
h = mesh.next_halfedge_handle(h);
auto source = patch.IdOfToVertex(h, mesh);
auto d1 = mesh.calc_edge_vector(h);
float weight = CalcCotangent(d0, d1);
AddCotanWeight(source, target, factor * weight, system, texCoords, vertexIdxToUnknownIdx, outConstantEnergyTerm);
h = mesh.next_halfedge_handle(h);
target = patch.IdOfFromVertex(h, mesh);
d0 = mesh.calc_edge_vector(h);
h = mesh.next_halfedge_handle(h);
source = patch.IdOfToVertex(h, mesh);
d1 = mesh.calc_edge_vector(h);
weight = CalcCotangent(d0, d1);
AddCotanWeight(source, target, factor * weight, system, texCoords, vertexIdxToUnknownIdx, outConstantEnergyTerm);
void AddAreaTermForEdge(HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle h, nse::math::LeastSquaresSystem<1>* system[2], const HEMesh& mesh,
const TextureCoordinatesStorage& texCoords, const std::vector<Eigen::Vector2i>& vertexIdxToUnknownIdx, float& outConstantEnergyTerm, float factor)
size_t vertexIndex[2] = { texCoords.Patch().IdOfFromVertex(h, mesh), texCoords.Patch().IdOfToVertex(h, mesh) };
const Eigen::Vector2i* unknownIndex[2] = { &vertexIdxToUnknownIdx[vertexIndex[0]], &vertexIdxToUnknownIdx[vertexIndex[1]] };
struct Entry
int firstVertex, firstCoordinate;
int secondVertex, secondCoordinate;
float coefficient;
const Entry entries[4] =
{ 0, 1, 1, 0, -0.5 },
{ 1, 0, 0, 1, -0.5 },
{ 0, 0, 1, 1, 0.5 },
{ 1, 1, 0, 0, 0.5 },
for (auto& entry : entries)
AddCoefficientOrFixed((*unknownIndex[entry.firstVertex])[entry.firstCoordinate], (*unknownIndex[entry.secondVertex])[entry.secondCoordinate],
factor * entry.coefficient, texCoords.TexCoord(vertexIndex[entry.secondVertex])[entry.secondCoordinate],
texCoords.TexCoord(vertexIndex[entry.firstVertex])[entry.firstCoordinate], *system[entry.firstCoordinate], outConstantEnergyTerm);
void AddAreaMatrix(std::set<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> boundary, nse::math::LeastSquaresSystem<1>* system[2], const HEMesh& mesh,
const TextureCoordinatesStorage& texCoords, const std::vector<Eigen::Vector2i>& vertexIdxToUnknownIdx, float& outConstantEnergyTerm, float factor)
for (auto e : boundary)
AddAreaTermForEdge(e, system, mesh, texCoords, vertexIdxToUnknownIdx, outConstantEnergyTerm, factor);
float CalculateLSCM(TextureCoordinatesStorage& texCoords, const float patchSize[2], const HEMesh& mesh, const MotorcycleGraph& graph)
std::vector<Eigen::Matrix<int, 2, 1>> unknownIndexPerVertex(texCoords.TexCoordCount());
std::set<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> patchBoundary;
for (auto h : texCoords.Patch().OpenBoundaryEdges())
for (int side = 0; side < 4; ++side)
for (int iArc = 0; iArc < texCoords.Patch().PatchSides()[side].size(); ++iArc)
auto arcIdx = texCoords.Patch().PatchSides()[side][iArc];
auto& arc = graph.Halfarcs()[arcIdx];
for (auto segment : arc)
auto h = graph.MotorcycleHalfedge(segment);
//assign indices to all unknown variables
auto numberOfUnknowns = SetupUnknownIndices(texCoords, unknownIndexPerVertex, false).x();
if (numberOfUnknowns == 0)
return 0;
/*for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
std::cout << "Starting dimension " << i << " at unknown index " << nextUnknown << std::endl;
for (auto& v : patch.verticesToIndex)
if (std::isnan(patch.textureCoordinates[v.second][i]))
unknownIndexPerVertex[v.second][i] = nextUnknown;
unknownIndexPerVertex[v.second][i] = -1;
std::cout << nextUnknown << " unknowns, " << patch.verticesToIndex.size() * 2 - nextUnknown << " fixed variables" << std::endl;*/
/*int s = 0;
for (auto& side : patch.PatchSides())
std::cout << "Side " << (s++) << std::endl;
for (auto iArc : side)
auto& arc = graph.Halfarcs()[iArc];
std::cout << "Arc " << iArc << std::endl;
std::cout << "Motorcycle " << arc.start.motorcycle << ", segment " << arc.start.pathSegment << ", forward = " << arc.start.goForward << std::endl;
if (arc.length == 0)
auto v = optData.mesh->from_vertex_handle(graph.MotorcycleHalfedge(arc.start));
auto index = patch.verticesToIndex[v];
std::cout << patch.textureCoordinates[index].transpose() << " unknown index=" << unknownIndexPerVertex[index].transpose() << std::endl;
for (int p = 0; p < arc.length; ++p)
v = optData.mesh->to_vertex_handle(graph.MotorcycleHalfedge(arc.GetSegment(p)));
index = patch.verticesToIndex[v];
std::cout << patch.textureCoordinates[index].transpose() << " unknown index=" << unknownIndexPerVertex[index].transpose() << std::endl;
nse::math::LeastSquaresSystem<1> system(numberOfUnknowns);
nse::math::LeastSquaresSystem<1>* systemArray[2] = { &system, &system };
system.lhs.reserve(Eigen::VectorXi::Constant(numberOfUnknowns, 9));
float constantEnergyTerm = 0;
//add the Laplacian to the system
AddCotanMatrix(texCoords.Patch().Faces(), systemArray, mesh, texCoords, unknownIndexPerVertex, constantEnergyTerm);
AddCotanMatrix(texCoords.Patch().FilledHoles(), systemArray, mesh, texCoords, unknownIndexPerVertex, constantEnergyTerm);
//Add the area term to the system
AddAreaMatrix(patchBoundary, systemArray, mesh, texCoords, unknownIndexPerVertex, constantEnergyTerm, -2.0f);
Eigen::SimplicialLDLT<nse::math::LeastSquaresSystem<1>::MatrixType> solver;
if ( != Eigen::Success)
std::cout << "Matrix could not be decomposed: " << << std::endl;
return -1;
Eigen::Matrix<float, -1, 1> solution = solver.solve(system.rhs);
if ( != Eigen::Success)
std::cout << "System could not be solved: " << << std::endl;
return -1;
auto error = ((solution.transpose() * system.lhs * solution)(0) - (2 * solution.transpose() * system.rhs)(0) + constantEnergyTerm) / texCoords.TexCoordCount();
//std::cout << "error for patch with vertex "
// << (mesh.from_vertex_handle(graph.MotorcycleHalfedge(*graph.Halfarcs()[patch.PatchSides().front().front()].begin()))) << " and "
// << (mesh.to_vertex_handle(graph.MotorcycleHalfedge(*graph.Halfarcs()[patch.PatchSides().front().front()].begin())))
// << ": " << error << std::endl;
for (size_t v = 0; v < texCoords.TexCoordCount(); ++v)
auto& unknownIndex = unknownIndexPerVertex[v];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
if (unknownIndex[i] != -1)
texCoords.TexCoord(v)[i] = solution.row(unknownIndex[i])(0);
return error;
/*int s = 0;
for (auto& side : patch.PatchSides())
std::cout << "Side " << (s++) << std::endl;
for (auto iArc : side)
auto& arc = graph.Halfarcs()[iArc];
std::cout << "Arc " << iArc << std::endl;
std::cout << "Motorcycle " << arc.start.motorcycle << ", segment " << arc.start.pathSegment << ", forward = " << arc.start.goForward << std::endl;
if (arc.length == 0)
auto v = optData.mesh->from_vertex_handle(graph.MotorcycleHalfedge(arc.start));
std::cout << patch.textureCoordinates[patch.verticesToIndex[v]].transpose() << std::endl;
for (int p = 0; p < arc.length; ++p)
v = optData.mesh->to_vertex_handle(graph.MotorcycleHalfedge(arc.GetSegment(p)));
std::cout << patch.textureCoordinates[patch.verticesToIndex[v]].transpose() << std::endl;
int InContextOf(int value, int context, int totalSize)
if (value < context)
return value + totalSize;
return value;
std::pair<int, int> InContextOf(const std::pair<int, int>& value, int context, int totalSize)
auto ret = value;
if (ret.second != -1 && ret.first < context)
ret.first += totalSize;
ret.second += totalSize;
return ret;
#include <igl/writeOBJ.h>
void CalculateScaffoldMap(TextureCoordinatesStorage& texCoords, const float patchSize[2], const HEMesh& mesh, const MotorcycleGraph& graph, float factor)
/*static int patchId = 0;
std::cout << "Open patch " << (patchId++) << std::endl;
std::vector<int> fixedX, fixedY;
for (int i = 0; i < texCoords.TexCoordCount(); ++i)
auto& tex = texCoords.TexCoord(i);
if (!std::isnan(tex.x()))
if (!std::isnan(tex.y()))
Eigen::VectorXi fixedXVec(fixedX.size()), fixedYVec(fixedY.size());
memcpy(,, sizeof(int) * fixedX.size());
memcpy(,, sizeof(int) * fixedY.size());
//std::cout << "Eigen::VectorXi fixedX(" << fixedX.size() << ");" << std::endl;
//std::cout << "fixedX << ";
//for (int i = 0; i < fixedX.size(); ++i)
// if (i != 0)
// std::cout << ", ";
// std::cout << fixedX[i];
//std::cout << ";" << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Eigen::VectorXi fixedY(" << fixedY.size() << ");" << std::endl;
//std::cout << "fixedY << ";
//for (int i = 0; i < fixedY.size(); ++i)
// if (i != 0)
// std::cout << ", ";
// std::cout << fixedY[i];
//std::cout << ";" << std::endl;
if (fixedY.size() == 0 || fixedX.size() == 0)
return; //TODO: fix
std::map<HEMesh::VertexHandle, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> vertexToOutgoingFreeBoundary;
for (auto h : texCoords.Patch().OpenBoundaryEdges())
auto v = mesh.from_vertex_handle(h);
vertexToOutgoingFreeBoundary[v] = h;
std::vector<HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle> boundaryLoop;
std::vector<int> cornerPositions(4, -1); //indices on the boundary loop
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> sideIntervals(4, std::make_pair(std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), -1)); //positions on the boundary loop
for (int side = 0; side < 4; ++side)
for (auto arcIdx : texCoords.Patch().PatchSides()[side])
auto firstP = *graph.Halfarcs()[arcIdx].begin();
auto firstH = graph.MotorcycleHalfedge(firstP);
auto& firstUV = texCoords.TexCoordAtFromVertex(firstH, mesh);
if (!std::isnan(firstUV.x()) && !std::isnan(firstUV.y()))
cornerPositions[side] = boundaryLoop.size();
for (auto p : graph.Halfarcs()[arcIdx])
auto h = graph.MotorcycleHalfedge(p);
sideIntervals[side].first = std::min(sideIntervals[side].first, (int)boundaryLoop.size());
sideIntervals[side].second = std::max(sideIntervals[side].second, (int)boundaryLoop.size() + 1);
std::map<HEMesh::VertexHandle, HEMesh::HalfedgeHandle>::iterator it;
while ((it = vertexToOutgoingFreeBoundary.find(mesh.to_vertex_handle(h))) != vertexToOutgoingFreeBoundary.end())
h = it->second;
auto lastP = graph.Halfarcs()[arcIdx].LastPathSegment();
auto lastH = graph.MotorcycleHalfedge(lastP);
auto& lastUV = texCoords.TexCoordAtToVertex(lastH, mesh);
if (!std::isnan(lastUV.x()) && !std::isnan(lastUV.y()))
cornerPositions[(side + 1) % 4] = sideIntervals[side].second;
//std::cout << "Boundary edges: " << boundaryLoop.size() << std::endl;
//for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
// std::cout << "Corner " << i << ": " << cornerPositions[i] << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Side Interval " << i << ": " << "[" << sideIntervals[i].first << ", " << sideIntervals[i].second << "]" << std::endl;
//find first specified corner
int corner = 0;
while (cornerPositions[corner] == -1)
int unspecifiedCorners = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
if (cornerPositions[i] == -1)
while (unspecifiedCorners > 0)
//find next specified corner
int nextKnownCorner = corner + 1;
while (cornerPositions[nextKnownCorner % 4] == -1)
int currentCornerPosition = cornerPositions[corner];
int nextKnownCornerPosition = InContextOf(cornerPositions[nextKnownCorner % 4], currentCornerPosition, boundaryLoop.size());
int edgesForDistribution = nextKnownCornerPosition - currentCornerPosition;
std::vector<float> segmentsRelativeSizePrefixSum(nextKnownCorner - corner);
float totalRelativeSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < segmentsRelativeSizePrefixSum.size(); ++i)
float relativeSize = patchSize[(corner + i) % 2];
totalRelativeSize += relativeSize;
segmentsRelativeSizePrefixSum[i] = relativeSize;
if (i > 0)
segmentsRelativeSizePrefixSum[i] += segmentsRelativeSizePrefixSum[i - 1];
int unknownCornerFrom = corner + 1;
while (unknownCornerFrom < nextKnownCorner)
int unknownCornerFromPosition = InContextOf(cornerPositions[(unknownCornerFrom - 1 + 4) % 4], currentCornerPosition, boundaryLoop.size());
auto firstInterval = InContextOf(sideIntervals[(unknownCornerFrom - 1 + 4) % 4], currentCornerPosition, boundaryLoop.size());
int lowerPositionBoundIncl = std::max(unknownCornerFromPosition + 1, firstInterval.second);
int upperBoundCornerIncl = unknownCornerFrom;
int upperPositionBoundIncl;
//find the upper bound for the segment
while (true)
auto nextInterval = InContextOf(sideIntervals[upperBoundCornerIncl % 4], currentCornerPosition, boundaryLoop.size());
if (nextInterval.second != -1)
upperPositionBoundIncl = nextInterval.first;
if (upperBoundCornerIncl + 1 == nextKnownCorner)
upperPositionBoundIncl = InContextOf(cornerPositions[nextKnownCorner % 4] - 1, currentCornerPosition, boundaryLoop.size());
int cornersToDistribute = upperBoundCornerIncl + 1 - unknownCornerFrom;
for (int i = 0; i < cornersToDistribute; ++i)
int currentCorner = unknownCornerFrom + i;
auto cornerPos = currentCornerPosition + (int)std::round(segmentsRelativeSizePrefixSum[currentCorner - corner - 1] * edgesForDistribution / (double)(totalRelativeSize));
if (cornerPos < lowerPositionBoundIncl)
cornerPos = lowerPositionBoundIncl;
if (cornerPos > upperPositionBoundIncl - (cornersToDistribute - i - 1)) //reserve space for later corners
cornerPos = upperPositionBoundIncl - (cornersToDistribute - i - 1);
lowerPositionBoundIncl = cornerPos + 1;
if (currentCorner >= 4)
cornerPositions[currentCorner - 4] = cornerPos - boundaryLoop.size();
cornerPositions[currentCorner] = cornerPos;
unknownCornerFrom = upperBoundCornerIncl + 1;
corner = nextKnownCorner;
/*std::cout << "After adaptation: " << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
std::cout << "Corner " << i << ": " << cornerPositions[i] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Side Interval " << i << ": " << "[" << sideIntervals[i].first << ", " << sideIntervals[i].second << "]" << std::endl;
//Fix boundary
for (int side = 0; side < 4; ++side)
int cornerFrom = cornerPositions[side];
if (cornerFrom < 0)
cornerFrom += boundaryLoop.size();
int cornerTo = cornerPositions[(side + 1) % 4];
if (cornerTo < cornerFrom)
cornerTo += boundaryLoop.size();
for (int s = cornerFrom; s < cornerTo; ++s)
auto h = boundaryLoop[s % boundaryLoop.size()];
if (s == cornerFrom)
auto& tex = texCoords.TexCoordAtFromVertex(h, mesh);
//auto idx = patch.IdOfFromVertex(h, mesh);
//std::cout << "Updating constraint from " << tex.transpose() << " to ";
setupBoundaryConstraint[side](tex, patchSize[0], patchSize[1]);
setupLineConstraint[side](tex, patchSize[0], patchSize[1], 0);
//std::cout << h.idx() << " " << idx << " " << tex.transpose() << std::endl;
auto& tex = texCoords.TexCoordAtToVertex(h, mesh);
//auto idx = patch.IdOfToVertex(h, mesh);
//std::cout << "Updating constraint from " << tex.transpose() << " to ";
setupBoundaryConstraint[side](tex, patchSize[0], patchSize[1]);
setupLineConstraint[side](tex, patchSize[0], patchSize[1], patchSize[side % 2] * (s + 1 - cornerFrom) / (float)(cornerTo - cornerFrom));
//std::cout << h.idx() << " " << idx << " " << tex.transpose() << std::endl;
CalculateLSCM(texCoords, patchSize, mesh, graph);
Eigen::MatrixXd V(texCoords.TexCoordCount(), 3);
Eigen::MatrixXd UV_init(texCoords.TexCoordCount(), 2);
Eigen::MatrixXi F(2 * texCoords.Patch().Faces().size(), 3);
for (int i = 0; i < texCoords.TexCoordCount(); ++i)
V.row(i) = factor * ToEigenVector(mesh.point(texCoords.Patch().Vertex(i))).cast<double>();
UV_init.row(i) = texCoords.TexCoord(i).cast<double>();
int i = 0;
for (auto f : texCoords.Patch().Faces())
auto h = mesh.halfedge_handle(f);
OpenMesh::HalfedgeHandle hs[4];
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
hs[j] = h;
h = mesh.next_halfedge_handle(h);
F.row(2 * i + 0) << texCoords.Patch().IdOfFromVertex(hs[0], mesh), texCoords.Patch().IdOfFromVertex(hs[1], mesh), texCoords.Patch().IdOfFromVertex(hs[2], mesh);
F.row(2 * i + 1) << texCoords.Patch().IdOfFromVertex(hs[0], mesh), texCoords.Patch().IdOfFromVertex(hs[2], mesh), texCoords.Patch().IdOfFromVertex(hs[3], mesh);
//Eigen::MatrixXd CN;
//Eigen::MatrixXi FTC, FN;
//igl::readOBJ("D:\\Users\\nicos\\CMakeBuilds\\ad48334b-103a-c139-a430-96b64dbecdcb\\build\\x64-Release\\test_cup.obj", V, UV_init, CN, F, FTC, FN);
//Eigen::MatrixXd CN;
//Eigen::MatrixXi FN;
//igl::writeOBJ("patch.obj", V, F, CN, FN, UV_init, F);
igl::SCAFData d;
d.scaf_energy = d.slim_energy = igl::SLIMData::LOG_ARAP;
igl::scaf_precompute(V, F, UV_init, d, 0);
igl::scaf_solve(d, 50, fixedXVec, fixedYVec);
for (int i = 0; i < texCoords.TexCoordCount(); ++i)
texCoords.TexCoord(i) = d.w_uv.row(i).cast<float>();