# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2018 Radio Astronomy Software Group # Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License """Class for reading FHD save files. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from itertools import islice import numpy as np import warnings from scipy.io.idl import readsav from astropy import constants as const from . import UVData from . import utils as uvutils from . import telescopes as uvtel def get_fhd_history(settings_file, return_user=False): """ Small function to get the important history from an FHD settings text file. Includes information about the command line call, the user, machine name and date Parameters ---------- settings_file : str FHD settings file name return_user : bool optionally return the username who ran FHD Returns ------- history : str string of history extracted from the settings file user : str Only returned if return_user is True """ with open(settings_file, 'r') as f: settings_lines = f.readlines() main_loc = None command_loc = None obs_loc = None user_line = None for ind, line in enumerate(settings_lines): if line.startswith('##MAIN'): main_loc = ind if line.startswith('##COMMAND_LINE'): command_loc = ind if line.startswith('##OBS'): obs_loc = ind if line.startswith('User'): user_line = ind if (main_loc is not None and command_loc is not None and obs_loc is not None and user_line is not None): break main_lines = settings_lines[main_loc + 1:command_loc] command_lines = settings_lines[command_loc + 1:obs_loc] history_lines = ['FHD history\n'] + main_lines + command_lines for ind, line in enumerate(history_lines): history_lines[ind] = line.rstrip().replace('\t', ' ') history = '\n'.join(history_lines) user = settings_lines[user_line].split()[1] if return_user: return history, user else: return history class FHD(UVData): """ Defines a FHD-specific subclass of UVData for reading FHD save files. This class should not be interacted with directly, instead use the read_fhd method on the UVData class. """ def _latlonalt_close(self, latlonalt1, latlonalt2): radian_tols = self._phase_center_ra.tols loc_tols = self._telescope_location.tols latlon_close = np.allclose(np.array(latlonalt1[0:2]), np.array(latlonalt2[0:2]), rtol=radian_tols[0], atol=radian_tols[1]) alt_close = np.isclose(latlonalt1[2], latlonalt2[2], rtol=loc_tols[0], atol=loc_tols[1]) if latlon_close and alt_close: return True else: return False def _xyz_close(self, xyz1, xyz2): loc_tols = self._telescope_location.tols return np.allclose(xyz1, xyz2, rtol=loc_tols[0], atol=loc_tols[1]) def read_fhd(self, filelist, use_model=False, run_check=True, check_extra=True, run_check_acceptability=True): """ Read in data from a list of FHD files. Args: filelist: The list of FHD save files to read from. Must include at least one polarization file, a params file and a flag file. use_model: Option to read in the model visibilities rather than the dirty visibilities. Default is False. run_check: Option to check for the existence and proper shapes of parameters after reading in the file. Default is True. check_extra: Option to check optional parameters as well as required ones. Default is True. run_check_acceptability: Option to check acceptable range of the values of parameters after reading in the file. Default is True. """ datafiles = {} params_file = None flags_file = None layout_file = None settings_file = None if use_model: data_name = '_vis_model_' else: data_name = '_vis_' for file in filelist: if file.lower().endswith(data_name + 'xx.sav'): if 'xx' in list(datafiles.keys()): raise ValueError('multiple xx datafiles in filelist') datafiles['xx'] = file elif file.lower().endswith(data_name + 'yy.sav'): if 'yy' in list(datafiles.keys()): raise ValueError('multiple yy datafiles in filelist') datafiles['yy'] = file elif file.lower().endswith(data_name + 'xy.sav'): if 'xy' in list(datafiles.keys()): raise ValueError('multiple xy datafiles in filelist') datafiles['xy'] = file elif file.lower().endswith(data_name + 'yx.sav'): if 'yx' in list(datafiles.keys()): raise ValueError('multiple yx datafiles in filelist') datafiles['yx'] = file elif file.lower().endswith('_params.sav'): if params_file is not None: raise ValueError('multiple params files in filelist') params_file = file elif file.lower().endswith('_flags.sav'): if flags_file is not None: raise ValueError('multiple flags files in filelist') flags_file = file elif file.lower().endswith('_layout.sav'): if layout_file is not None: raise ValueError('multiple layout files in filelist') layout_file = file elif file.lower().endswith('_settings.txt'): if settings_file is not None: raise ValueError('multiple settings files in filelist') settings_file = file else: # this is reached in tests but marked as uncovered because # CPython's peephole optimizer replaces a jump to a continue # with a jump to the top of the loop continue # pragma: no cover if len(datafiles) < 1: raise Exception('No data files included in file list') if params_file is None: raise Exception('No params file included in file list') if flags_file is None: raise Exception('No flags file included in file list') if layout_file is None: warnings.warn('No layout file included in file list. ' 'Support for FHD data without layout files will be ' 'deprecated in version 1.5', DeprecationWarning) if settings_file is None: warnings.warn('No settings file included in file list') # TODO: add checking to make sure params, flags and datafiles are # consistent with each other vis_data = {} for pol, file in datafiles.items(): this_dict = readsav(file, python_dict=True) if use_model: vis_data[pol] = this_dict['vis_model_ptr'] else: vis_data[pol] = this_dict['vis_ptr'] this_obs = this_dict['obs'] data_shape = vis_data[pol].shape obs = this_obs bl_info = obs['BASELINE_INFO'][0] meta_data = obs['META_DATA'][0] astrometry = obs['ASTR'][0] fhd_pol_list = [] for pol in obs['POL_NAMES'][0]: fhd_pol_list.append(uvutils._bytes_to_str(pol).lower()) params_dict = readsav(params_file, python_dict=True) params = params_dict['params'] flag_file_dict = readsav(flags_file, python_dict=True) # The name for this variable changed recently (July 2016). Test for both. vis_weights_data = {} if 'flag_arr' in flag_file_dict: weights_key = 'flag_arr' elif 'vis_weights' in flag_file_dict: weights_key = 'vis_weights' else: raise ValueError('No recognized key for visibility weights in flags_file.') for index, w in enumerate(flag_file_dict[weights_key]): vis_weights_data[fhd_pol_list[index]] = w self.Ntimes = int(obs['N_TIME'][0]) self.Nbls = int(obs['NBASELINES'][0]) self.Nblts = data_shape[0] self.Nfreqs = int(obs['N_FREQ'][0]) self.Npols = len(list(vis_data.keys())) self.Nspws = 1 self.spw_array = np.array([0]) self.vis_units = 'JY' lin_pol_order = ['xx', 'yy', 'xy', 'yx'] linear_pol_dict = dict(zip(lin_pol_order, np.arange(5, 9) * -1)) pol_list = [] for pol in lin_pol_order: if pol in vis_data: pol_list.append(linear_pol_dict[pol]) self.polarization_array = np.asarray(pol_list) self.data_array = np.zeros((self.Nblts, self.Nspws, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols), dtype=np.complex_) self.nsample_array = np.zeros((self.Nblts, self.Nspws, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols), dtype=np.float_) self.flag_array = np.zeros((self.Nblts, self.Nspws, self.Nfreqs, self.Npols), dtype=np.bool_) for pol, vis in vis_data.items(): pol_i = pol_list.index(linear_pol_dict[pol]) # FHD follows the FITS uvw direction convention, which is opposite ours and Miriad's. # So conjugate the visibilities and flip the uvws: self.data_array[:, 0, :, pol_i] = np.conj(vis) self.flag_array[:, 0, :, pol_i] = vis_weights_data[pol] <= 0 self.nsample_array[:, 0, :, pol_i] = np.abs(vis_weights_data[pol]) # In FHD, uvws are in seconds not meters. # FHD follows the FITS uvw direction convention, which is opposite ours and Miriad's. # So conjugate the visibilities and flip the uvws: self.uvw_array = np.zeros((self.Nblts, 3)) self.uvw_array[:, 0] = (-1) * params['UU'][0] * const.c.to('m/s').value self.uvw_array[:, 1] = (-1) * params['VV'][0] * const.c.to('m/s').value self.uvw_array[:, 2] = (-1) * params['WW'][0] * const.c.to('m/s').value # bl_info.JDATE (a vector of length Ntimes) is the only safe date/time # to use in FHD files. # (obs.JD0 (float) and params.TIME (vector of length Nblts) are # context dependent and are not safe # because they depend on the phasing of the visibilities) # the values in bl_info.JDATE are the JD for each integration. # We need to expand up to Nblts. int_times = list(uvutils._get_iterable(bl_info['JDATE'][0])) bin_offset = bl_info['BIN_OFFSET'][0] if self.Ntimes != len(int_times): warnings.warn('Ntimes does not match the number of unique times in the data') self.time_array = np.zeros(self.Nblts) if self.Ntimes == 1: self.time_array.fill(int_times[0]) else: for ii in range(0, len(int_times)): if ii < (len(int_times) - 1): self.time_array[bin_offset[ii]:bin_offset[ii + 1]] = int_times[ii] else: self.time_array[bin_offset[ii]:] = int_times[ii] # Note that FHD antenna arrays are 1-indexed so we subtract 1 # to get 0-indexed arrays self.ant_1_array = bl_info['TILE_A'][0] - 1 self.ant_2_array = bl_info['TILE_B'][0] - 1 self.Nants_data = int(len(np.unique(self.ant_1_array.tolist() + self.ant_2_array.tolist()))) self.baseline_array = \ self.antnums_to_baseline(self.ant_1_array, self.ant_2_array) if self.Nbls != len(np.unique(self.baseline_array)): warnings.warn('Nbls does not match the number of unique baselines in the data') self.freq_array = np.zeros((self.Nspws, len(bl_info['FREQ'][0])), dtype=np.float_) self.freq_array[0, :] = bl_info['FREQ'][0] if not np.isclose(obs['OBSRA'][0], obs['PHASERA'][0]) or \ not np.isclose(obs['OBSDEC'][0], obs['PHASEDEC'][0]): warnings.warn('These visibilities may have been phased ' 'improperly -- without changing the uvw locations') self.set_phased() self.phase_center_ra_degrees = np.float(obs['OBSRA'][0]) self.phase_center_dec_degrees = np.float(obs['OBSDEC'][0]) # this is generated in FHD by subtracting the JD of neighboring # integrations. This can have limited accuracy, so it can be slightly # off the actual value. # (e.g. 1.999426... rather than 2) time_res = obs['TIME_RES'] # time_res is constrained to be a scalar currently self.integration_time = (np.ones_like(self.time_array, dtype=np.float64) * time_res[0]) self.channel_width = float(obs['FREQ_RES'][0]) # # --- observation information --- self.telescope_name = uvutils._bytes_to_str(obs['INSTRUMENT'][0]) # This is a bit of a kludge because nothing like object_name exists # in FHD files. # At least for the MWA, obs.ORIG_PHASERA and obs.ORIG_PHASEDEC specify # the field the telescope was nominally pointing at # (May need to be revisited, but probably isn't too important) self.object_name = 'Field RA(deg): ' + str(obs['ORIG_PHASERA'][0]) + \ ', Dec:' + str(obs['ORIG_PHASEDEC'][0]) # For the MWA, this can sometimes be converted to EoR fields if self.telescope_name.lower() == 'mwa': if np.isclose(obs['ORIG_PHASERA'][0], 0) and \ np.isclose(obs['ORIG_PHASEDEC'][0], -27): object_name = 'EoR 0 Field' self.instrument = self.telescope_name latitude = np.deg2rad(float(obs['LAT'][0])) longitude = np.deg2rad(float(obs['LON'][0])) altitude = float(obs['ALT'][0]) # history: add the first few lines from the settings file if settings_file is not None: self.history = get_fhd_history(settings_file) else: self.history = '' if not uvutils._check_history_version(self.history, self.pyuvdata_version_str): self.history += self.pyuvdata_version_str self.phase_center_epoch = astrometry['EQUINOX'][0] # get the stuff FHD read from the antenna table (in layout file) if layout_file is not None: layout_dict = readsav(layout_file, python_dict=True) layout = layout_dict['layout'] layout_fields = [name.lower() for name in layout.dtype.names] # Try to get the telescope location from the layout file & # compare it to the position from the obs structure. arr_center = layout['array_center'][0] layout_fields.remove('array_center') xyz_telescope_frame = uvutils._bytes_to_str(layout['coordinate_frame'][0]).lower() layout_fields.remove('coordinate_frame') if xyz_telescope_frame == 'itrf': # compare to lat/lon/alt location_latlonalt = uvutils.XYZ_from_LatLonAlt(latitude, longitude, altitude) latlonalt_arr_center = uvutils.LatLonAlt_from_XYZ(arr_center) # check both lat/lon/alt and xyz because of subtle differences in tolerances if (self._xyz_close(location_latlonalt, arr_center) or self._latlonalt_close((latitude, longitude, altitude), latlonalt_arr_center)): self.telescope_location = arr_center else: # values do not agree with each other to within the tolerances. # this is a known issue with FHD runs on cotter uvfits files for the MWA # compare with the known_telescopes values telescope_obj = uvtel.get_telescope(self.telescope_name) # start warning message message = ('Telescope location derived from obs lat/lon/alt ' 'values does not match the location in the layout file.') if telescope_obj is not False: if self._latlonalt_close((latitude, longitude, altitude), telescope_obj.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt): # obs lat/lon/alt matches known_telescopes message += (' Value from obs lat/lon/alt matches the ' 'known_telescopes values, using them.') self.telescope_location = location_latlonalt elif self._xyz_close(arr_center, telescope_obj.telescope_location): # layout xyz matches known_telescopes message += (' Value from the layout file matches the ' 'known_telescopes values, using them.') self.telescope_location = arr_center else: # None of the values match each other. Defaulting to known_telescopes value. message += (' Neither location matches the values ' 'in known_telescopes. Defaulting to ' 'using the known_telescopes values.') self.telescope_location = telescope_obj.telescope_location else: message += (' Telescope is not in known_telescopes. ' 'Defaulting to using the obs derived values.') self.telescope_location = location_latlonalt # issue warning warnings.warn(message) else: self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt = (latitude, longitude, altitude) self.antenna_positions = layout['antenna_coords'][0] layout_fields.remove('antenna_coords') self.antenna_names = [uvutils._bytes_to_str(ant).strip() for ant in layout['antenna_names'][0].tolist()] layout_fields.remove('antenna_names') # make these 0-indexed (rather than one indexed) self.antenna_numbers = layout['antenna_numbers'][0] - 1 layout_fields.remove('antenna_numbers') self.Nants_telescope = int(layout['n_antenna'][0]) layout_fields.remove('n_antenna') if self.telescope_name.lower() == 'mwa': # check that obs.baseline_info.tile_names match the antenna names # this only applies for MWA because the tile_names come from metafits files obs_tile_names = [uvutils._bytes_to_str(ant).strip() for ant in bl_info['TILE_NAMES'][0].tolist()] obs_tile_names = ['Tile' + '0' * (3 - len(ant)) + ant for ant in obs_tile_names] # tile_names are assumed to be ordered: so their index gives the antenna number # make an comparison array from self.antenna_names ordered this way. ant_names = np.zeros((np.max(self.antenna_numbers) + 1), str).tolist() for index, number in enumerate(self.antenna_numbers): ant_names[number] = self.antenna_names[index] if obs_tile_names != ant_names: warnings.warn('tile_names from obs structure does not match antenna_names from layout') self.gst0 = float(layout['gst0'][0]) layout_fields.remove('gst0') if layout['ref_date'][0] != '': self.rdate = uvutils._bytes_to_str(layout['ref_date'][0]).lower() layout_fields.remove('ref_date') self.earth_omega = float(layout['earth_degpd'][0]) layout_fields.remove('earth_degpd') self.dut1 = float(layout['dut1'][0]) layout_fields.remove('dut1') self.timesys = uvutils._bytes_to_str(layout['time_system'][0]).upper().strip() layout_fields.remove('time_system') if 'diameters' in layout_fields: self.timesys = uvutils._bytes_to_str(layout['time_system'][0]).upper().strip() layout_fields.remove('diameters') # ignore some fields, put everything else in extra_keywords layout_fields_ignore = ['diff_utc', 'pol_type', 'n_pol_cal_params', 'mount_type', 'axis_offset', 'pola', 'pola_orientation', 'pola_cal_params', 'polb', 'polb_orientation', 'polb_cal_params', 'beam_fwhm'] for field in layout_fields_ignore: if field in layout_fields: layout_fields.remove(field) for field in layout_fields: keyword = field if len(keyword) > 8: keyword = field.replace('_', '') value = layout[field][0] if isinstance(value, bytes): value = uvutils._bytes_to_str(value) self.extra_keywords[keyword.upper()] = value else: self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt = (latitude, longitude, altitude) self.antenna_names = [uvutils._bytes_to_str(ant).strip() for ant in bl_info['TILE_NAMES'][0].tolist()] if self.telescope_name.lower() == 'mwa': self.antenna_names = ['Tile' + '0' * (3 - len(ant)) + ant for ant in self.antenna_names] self.Nants_telescope = len(self.antenna_names) self.antenna_numbers = np.arange(self.Nants_telescope) try: self.set_telescope_params() except ValueError as ve: warnings.warn(str(ve)) # need to make sure telescope location is defined properly before this call self.set_lsts_from_time_array() # check if object has all required uv_properties set if run_check: self.check(check_extra=check_extra, run_check_acceptability=run_check_acceptability)