Tip revision: 99932db9e71d31a76425d68eef7d5859523ca0e4 authored by Konrad Werys on 04 November 2019, 09:33:32 UTC
doc: changes in the documentation
doc: changes in the documentation
Tip revision: 99932db
# Tomato configuration file in YAML format.
# OBLIGATORY fields are: files_magnitude or dir_magnitude.
# Use one OR the other: files_magnitude OR dir_magnitude, files_phase OR dir_phase
# YAML is indent sensitive, do not use unnecessary indent. To indent use SPACES, NOT TABS!
# Available options:
# files_magnitude: <yaml list of file paths, each in quotes>
# files_phase: <yaml list of file paths, each in quotes>
# dir_magnitude: <directory path in quotes>
# dir_phase: <directory path in quotes>
# dir_output_map: <directory path in quotes>
# output_map_series_number: <number, for example 10007>
# dir_output_fitparams: <directory path in quotes>
# output_fitparams_series_number: <number, for example 10008>
# parameter_to_map: <T1_Molli/T1_Shmolli/T1_SHMOLLI_original>
# functions_object: <FunctionsThreeParams FunctionsTwoParams FunctionsShmolli>
# fitting_method: <AmoebaVnl/LevMarVnl/AmoebaPrivateNr2>
# fTolerance: <number, for example 1e-12>
# max_function_evals: <number, for example 4000>
# sign_calc_method: <MagOnly/MagPhase/RealImag>
# start_point_calc_method: <DefaultThreeParam DefaultTwoParam StartPointSHMOLLI>
# numberOfThreads: <number, 0 = max allowed threads>
dir_magnitude: "testData/dicom/Hcmr_Phantom_1916_260C/Konrad_Shmolli/ShMOLLI_192i_e11_12"
dir_phase: "testData/dicom/Hcmr_Phantom_1916_260C/Konrad_Shmolli/ShMOLLI_192i_e11_13"
dir_output_map: "testData/tomatoOutput_Shmolli/map"
output_map_series_number: 8800
dir_output_fitparams: "testData/tomatoOutput_Shmolli/fitparams"
output_fitparams_series_number: 8801
parameter_to_map: T1_SHMOLLI
functions_type: FunctionsShmolli
fitting_method: AmoebaPrivateNr2
max_function_evals: 4000
fTolerance: 1e-12
sign_calc_method: MagPhase
start_point_calc_method: StartPointSHMOLLI
number_of_threads: 0