Raw File
%- Also NEED an `\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
\title{Plot configurations}            
Plots configurations. Either one or two groups of observations
can be plotted on the same scale. 
plotshapes(A, B = 0, joinline = c(1, 1),orthproj=c(1,2))
%- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here.
  \item{A}{k x m x n array, or k x m matrix for first group} 
  \item{B}{k x m x n array, or k x m matrix for 2nd group (can be missing)}
  \item{joinline}{A vector stating which landmarks are joined up by lines,
  e.g. joinline=c(1:n,1) will start at landmark 1, join to 2, ..., join to n, 
  then re-join to landmark 1.}
  \item{orthproj}{A vector stating which two orthogonal projections will be
  used. For example, for m=3 dimensional data: X-Y projection given by c(1,2) 
  (default), X-Z projection given by c(1,3), Y-Z projection given by c(2,3).}
Just graphical output
\author{Ian Dryden}            

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