% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/generate_integ_pts.R \name{generate_integ_pts} \alias{generate_integ_pts} \title{Strategy generation} \usage{ generate_integ_pts(n.s, d, nobj, x.to.obj = NULL, gridtype = "cartesian", equilibrium = "NE", lb = rep(0, d), ub = rep(1, d)) } \arguments{ \item{n.s}{scalar or vector. If scalar, total number of strategies (to be divided equally among players), otherwise number of strategies per player.} \item{d}{number of variables} \item{nobj}{number of objectives (or players)} \item{x.to.obj}{vector allocating variables to objectives. If not provided, default is \code{1:nobj}, assuming that \code{d=nobj}} \item{gridtype}{either "\code{cartesian}" or "\code{lhs}", or a vector to define a different type for each player.} \item{equilibrium}{either "\code{NE}", "\code{KSE}" or "\code{NKSE}"} \item{lb, ub}{vectors specifying the bounds of the design space, by default \code{[0,1]^d}} } \value{ A list containing two matrices, \code{integ.pts} the design of experiments and \code{expanded.indices} the corresponding indices (for \code{NE}), and the vector \code{n.s} } \description{ Preprocessing to link strategies and designs. } \examples{ \dontrun{ ############################################## ### 4 variables, 2 players, no filter ############################################## # Create a 11x8 lattice based on 2 LHS designs n.s <- c(11,8) gridtype = "lhs" # 4D space is split in 2 x.to.obj <- c(1,1,2,2) integcontrol <- generate_integ_pts(n.s=n.s, d=4, nobj=2, x.to.obj = x.to.obj, gridtype=gridtype) pairs(integcontrol$integ.pts) } }