# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import random import select from swh.core.db import BaseDb from swh.core.db.db_utils import stored_procedure, jsonize from swh.core.db.db_utils import execute_values_generator from swh.model.model import OriginVisit, SHA1_SIZE class Db(BaseDb): """Proxy to the SWH DB, with wrappers around stored procedures """ def mktemp_dir_entry(self, entry_type, cur=None): self._cursor(cur).execute('SELECT swh_mktemp_dir_entry(%s)', (('directory_entry_%s' % entry_type),)) @stored_procedure('swh_mktemp_revision') def mktemp_revision(self, cur=None): pass @stored_procedure('swh_mktemp_release') def mktemp_release(self, cur=None): pass @stored_procedure('swh_mktemp_snapshot_branch') def mktemp_snapshot_branch(self, cur=None): pass def register_listener(self, notify_queue, cur=None): """Register a listener for NOTIFY queue `notify_queue`""" self._cursor(cur).execute("LISTEN %s" % notify_queue) def listen_notifies(self, timeout): """Listen to notifications for `timeout` seconds""" if select.select([self.conn], [], [], timeout) == ([], [], []): return else: self.conn.poll() while self.conn.notifies: yield self.conn.notifies.pop(0) @stored_procedure('swh_content_add') def content_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass @stored_procedure('swh_directory_add') def directory_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass @stored_procedure('swh_skipped_content_add') def skipped_content_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass @stored_procedure('swh_revision_add') def revision_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass @stored_procedure('swh_release_add') def release_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): pass def content_update_from_temp(self, keys_to_update, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute("""select swh_content_update(ARRAY[%s] :: text[])""" % keys_to_update) content_get_metadata_keys = [ 'sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256', 'length', 'status'] content_add_keys = content_get_metadata_keys + ['ctime'] skipped_content_keys = [ 'sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256', 'length', 'reason', 'status', 'origin'] def content_get_metadata_from_sha1s(self, sha1s, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ select t.sha1, %s from (values %%s) as t (sha1) inner join content using (sha1) """ % ', '.join(self.content_get_metadata_keys[1:]), ((sha1,) for sha1 in sha1s), ) def content_get_range(self, start, end, limit=None, cur=None): """Retrieve contents within range [start, end]. """ cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """select %s from content where %%s <= sha1 and sha1 <= %%s order by sha1 limit %%s""" % ', '.join(self.content_get_metadata_keys) cur.execute(query, (start, end, limit)) yield from cur content_hash_keys = ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256'] def content_missing_from_list(self, contents, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) keys = ', '.join(self.content_hash_keys) equality = ' AND '.join( ('t.%s = c.%s' % (key, key)) for key in self.content_hash_keys ) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ SELECT %s FROM (VALUES %%s) as t(%s) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM content c WHERE %s ) """ % (keys, keys, equality), (tuple(c[key] for key in self.content_hash_keys) for c in contents) ) def content_missing_per_sha1(self, sha1s, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) yield from execute_values_generator(cur, """ SELECT t.sha1 FROM (VALUES %s) AS t(sha1) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM content c WHERE c.sha1 = t.sha1 )""", ((sha1,) for sha1 in sha1s)) def content_missing_per_sha1_git(self, contents, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) yield from execute_values_generator(cur, """ SELECT t.sha1_git FROM (VALUES %s) AS t(sha1_git) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM content c WHERE c.sha1_git = t.sha1_git )""", ((sha1,) for sha1 in contents)) def skipped_content_missing(self, contents, cur=None): if not contents: return [] cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """SELECT * FROM (VALUES %s) AS t (%s) WHERE not exists (SELECT 1 FROM skipped_content s WHERE s.sha1 is not distinct from t.sha1::sha1 and s.sha1_git is not distinct from t.sha1_git::sha1 and s.sha256 is not distinct from t.sha256::bytea);""" % \ ((', '.join('%s' for _ in contents)), ', '.join(self.content_hash_keys)) cur.execute(query, [tuple(cont[key] for key in self.content_hash_keys) for cont in contents]) yield from cur def snapshot_exists(self, snapshot_id, cur=None): """Check whether a snapshot with the given id exists""" cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute("""SELECT 1 FROM snapshot where id=%s""", (snapshot_id,)) return bool(cur.fetchone()) def snapshot_missing_from_list(self, snapshots, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ SELECT id FROM (VALUES %s) as t(id) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM snapshot d WHERE d.id = t.id ) """, ((id,) for id in snapshots)) def snapshot_add(self, snapshot_id, cur=None): """Add a snapshot from the temporary table""" cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute("""SELECT swh_snapshot_add(%s)""", (snapshot_id,)) snapshot_count_cols = ['target_type', 'count'] def snapshot_count_branches(self, snapshot_id, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """\ SELECT %s FROM swh_snapshot_count_branches(%%s) """ % ', '.join(self.snapshot_count_cols) cur.execute(query, (snapshot_id,)) yield from cur snapshot_get_cols = ['snapshot_id', 'name', 'target', 'target_type'] def snapshot_get_by_id(self, snapshot_id, branches_from=b'', branches_count=None, target_types=None, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """\ SELECT %s FROM swh_snapshot_get_by_id(%%s, %%s, %%s, %%s :: snapshot_target[]) """ % ', '.join(self.snapshot_get_cols) cur.execute(query, (snapshot_id, branches_from, branches_count, target_types)) yield from cur def snapshot_get_by_origin_visit(self, origin_url, visit_id, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """\ SELECT snapshot FROM origin_visit INNER JOIN origin ON origin.id = origin_visit.origin WHERE origin.url=%s AND origin_visit.visit=%s; """ cur.execute(query, (origin_url, visit_id)) ret = cur.fetchone() if ret: return ret[0] def snapshot_get_random(self, cur=None): return self._get_random_row_from_table( 'snapshot', ['id'], 'id', cur) content_find_cols = ['sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'blake2s256', 'length', 'ctime', 'status'] def content_find(self, sha1=None, sha1_git=None, sha256=None, blake2s256=None, cur=None): """Find the content optionally on a combination of the following checksums sha1, sha1_git, sha256 or blake2s256. Args: sha1: sha1 content git_sha1: the sha1 computed `a la git` sha1 of the content sha256: sha256 content blake2s256: blake2s256 content Returns: The tuple (sha1, sha1_git, sha256, blake2s256) if found or None. """ cur = self._cursor(cur) checksum_dict = {'sha1': sha1, 'sha1_git': sha1_git, 'sha256': sha256, 'blake2s256': blake2s256} where_parts = [] args = [] # Adds only those keys which have value other than None for algorithm in checksum_dict: if checksum_dict[algorithm] is not None: args.append(checksum_dict[algorithm]) where_parts.append(algorithm + '= %s') query = ' AND '.join(where_parts) cur.execute("""SELECT %s FROM content WHERE %s """ % (','.join(self.content_find_cols), query), args) content = cur.fetchall() return content def content_get_random(self, cur=None): return self._get_random_row_from_table( 'content', ['sha1_git'], 'sha1_git', cur) def directory_missing_from_list(self, directories, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ SELECT id FROM (VALUES %s) as t(id) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM directory d WHERE d.id = t.id ) """, ((id,) for id in directories)) directory_ls_cols = ['dir_id', 'type', 'target', 'name', 'perms', 'status', 'sha1', 'sha1_git', 'sha256', 'length'] def directory_walk_one(self, directory, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cols = ', '.join(self.directory_ls_cols) query = 'SELECT %s FROM swh_directory_walk_one(%%s)' % cols cur.execute(query, (directory,)) yield from cur def directory_walk(self, directory, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cols = ', '.join(self.directory_ls_cols) query = 'SELECT %s FROM swh_directory_walk(%%s)' % cols cur.execute(query, (directory,)) yield from cur def directory_entry_get_by_path(self, directory, paths, cur=None): """Retrieve a directory entry by path. """ cur = self._cursor(cur) cols = ', '.join(self.directory_ls_cols) query = ( 'SELECT %s FROM swh_find_directory_entry_by_path(%%s, %%s)' % cols) cur.execute(query, (directory, paths)) data = cur.fetchone() if set(data) == {None}: return None return data def directory_get_random(self, cur=None): return self._get_random_row_from_table( 'directory', ['id'], 'id', cur) def revision_missing_from_list(self, revisions, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ SELECT id FROM (VALUES %s) as t(id) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM revision r WHERE r.id = t.id ) """, ((id,) for id in revisions)) revision_add_cols = [ 'id', 'date', 'date_offset', 'date_neg_utc_offset', 'committer_date', 'committer_date_offset', 'committer_date_neg_utc_offset', 'type', 'directory', 'message', 'author_fullname', 'author_name', 'author_email', 'committer_fullname', 'committer_name', 'committer_email', 'metadata', 'synthetic', ] revision_get_cols = revision_add_cols + ['parents'] def origin_visit_add(self, origin, ts, type, cur=None): """Add a new origin_visit for origin origin at timestamp ts with status 'ongoing'. Args: origin: origin concerned by the visit ts: the date of the visit type: type of loader for the visit Returns: The new visit index step for that origin """ cur = self._cursor(cur) self._cursor(cur).execute('SELECT swh_origin_visit_add(%s, %s, %s)', (origin, ts, type)) return cur.fetchone()[0] def origin_visit_update(self, origin_id, visit_id, updates, cur=None): """Update origin_visit's status.""" cur = self._cursor(cur) update_cols = [] values = [] where = ['origin.id = origin_visit.origin', 'origin.url=%s', 'visit=%s'] where_values = [origin_id, visit_id] if 'status' in updates: update_cols.append('status=%s') values.append(updates.pop('status')) if 'metadata' in updates: update_cols.append('metadata=%s') values.append(jsonize(updates.pop('metadata'))) if 'snapshot' in updates: update_cols.append('snapshot=%s') values.append(updates.pop('snapshot')) assert not updates, 'Unknown fields: %r' % updates query = """UPDATE origin_visit SET {update_cols} FROM origin WHERE {where}""".format(**{ 'update_cols': ', '.join(update_cols), 'where': ' AND '.join(where) }) cur.execute(query, (*values, *where_values)) def origin_visit_upsert(self, origin_visit: OriginVisit, cur=None) -> None: # doing an extra query like this is way simpler than trying to join # the origin id in the query below ov = origin_visit origin_id = next(self.origin_id_get_by_url([ov.origin])) cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """INSERT INTO origin_visit ({cols}) VALUES ({values}) ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT origin_visit_pkey DO UPDATE SET {updates}""".format( cols=', '.join(self.origin_visit_get_cols), values=', '.join('%s' for col in self.origin_visit_get_cols), updates=', '.join('{0}=excluded.{0}'.format(col) for col in self.origin_visit_get_cols)) cur.execute( query, (origin_id, ov.visit, ov.date, ov.type, ov.status, ov.metadata, ov.snapshot)) origin_visit_get_cols = [ 'origin', 'visit', 'date', 'type', 'status', 'metadata', 'snapshot'] origin_visit_select_cols = [ 'origin.url AS origin', 'visit', 'date', 'origin_visit.type AS type', 'status', 'metadata', 'snapshot'] def origin_visit_get_all(self, origin_id, last_visit=None, limit=None, cur=None): """Retrieve all visits for origin with id origin_id. Args: origin_id: The occurrence's origin Yields: The occurrence's history visits """ cur = self._cursor(cur) if last_visit: extra_condition = 'and visit > %s' args = (origin_id, last_visit, limit) else: extra_condition = '' args = (origin_id, limit) query = """\ SELECT %s FROM origin_visit INNER JOIN origin ON origin.id = origin_visit.origin WHERE origin.url=%%s %s order by visit asc limit %%s""" % ( ', '.join(self.origin_visit_select_cols), extra_condition ) cur.execute(query, args) yield from cur def origin_visit_get(self, origin_id, visit_id, cur=None): """Retrieve information on visit visit_id of origin origin_id. Args: origin_id: the origin concerned visit_id: The visit step for that origin Returns: The origin_visit information """ cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """\ SELECT %s FROM origin_visit INNER JOIN origin ON origin.id = origin_visit.origin WHERE origin.url = %%s AND visit = %%s """ % (', '.join(self.origin_visit_select_cols)) cur.execute(query, (origin_id, visit_id)) r = cur.fetchall() if not r: return None return r[0] def origin_visit_find_by_date(self, origin, visit_date, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute( 'SELECT * FROM swh_visit_find_by_date(%s, %s)', (origin, visit_date)) r = cur.fetchall() if r: return r[0] def origin_visit_exists(self, origin_id, visit_id, cur=None): """Check whether an origin visit with the given ids exists""" cur = self._cursor(cur) query = "SELECT 1 FROM origin_visit where origin = %s AND visit = %s" cur.execute(query, (origin_id, visit_id)) return bool(cur.fetchone()) def origin_visit_get_latest( self, origin_id, allowed_statuses=None, require_snapshot=False, cur=None): """Retrieve the most recent origin_visit of the given origin, with optional filters. Args: origin_id: the origin concerned allowed_statuses: the visit statuses allowed for the returned visit require_snapshot (bool): If True, only a visit with a known snapshot will be returned. Returns: The origin_visit information, or None if no visit matches. """ cur = self._cursor(cur) query_parts = [ 'SELECT %s' % ', '.join(self.origin_visit_select_cols), 'FROM origin_visit', 'INNER JOIN origin ON origin.id = origin_visit.origin'] query_parts.append('WHERE origin.url = %s') if require_snapshot: query_parts.append('AND snapshot is not null') if allowed_statuses: query_parts.append( cur.mogrify('AND status IN %s', (tuple(allowed_statuses),)).decode()) query_parts.append('ORDER BY date DESC, visit DESC LIMIT 1') query = '\n'.join(query_parts) cur.execute(query, (origin_id,)) r = cur.fetchone() if not r: return None return r def origin_visit_get_random(self, type, cur=None): """Randomly select one origin visit that was full and in the last 3 months """ cur = self._cursor(cur) columns = ','.join(self.origin_visit_select_cols) query = f"""with visits as ( select * from origin_visit where origin_visit.status='full' and origin_visit.type=%s and origin_visit.date > now() - '3 months'::interval ) select {columns} from visits as origin_visit inner join origin on origin_visit.origin=origin.id where random() < 0.1 limit 1 """ cur.execute(query, (type, )) return cur.fetchone() @staticmethod def mangle_query_key(key, main_table): if key == 'id': return 't.id' if key == 'parents': return ''' ARRAY( SELECT rh.parent_id::bytea FROM revision_history rh WHERE rh.id = t.id ORDER BY rh.parent_rank )''' if '_' not in key: return '%s.%s' % (main_table, key) head, tail = key.split('_', 1) if (head in ('author', 'committer') and tail in ('name', 'email', 'id', 'fullname')): return '%s.%s' % (head, tail) return '%s.%s' % (main_table, key) def revision_get_from_list(self, revisions, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) query_keys = ', '.join( self.mangle_query_key(k, 'revision') for k in self.revision_get_cols ) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ SELECT %s FROM (VALUES %%s) as t(sortkey, id) LEFT JOIN revision ON t.id = revision.id LEFT JOIN person author ON revision.author = author.id LEFT JOIN person committer ON revision.committer = committer.id ORDER BY sortkey """ % query_keys, ((sortkey, id) for sortkey, id in enumerate(revisions))) def revision_log(self, root_revisions, limit=None, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """SELECT %s FROM swh_revision_log(%%s, %%s) """ % ', '.join(self.revision_get_cols) cur.execute(query, (root_revisions, limit)) yield from cur revision_shortlog_cols = ['id', 'parents'] def revision_shortlog(self, root_revisions, limit=None, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """SELECT %s FROM swh_revision_list(%%s, %%s) """ % ', '.join(self.revision_shortlog_cols) cur.execute(query, (root_revisions, limit)) yield from cur def revision_get_random(self, cur=None): return self._get_random_row_from_table( 'revision', ['id'], 'id', cur) def release_missing_from_list(self, releases, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ SELECT id FROM (VALUES %s) as t(id) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM release r WHERE r.id = t.id ) """, ((id,) for id in releases)) object_find_by_sha1_git_cols = ['sha1_git', 'type'] def object_find_by_sha1_git(self, ids, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ WITH t (sha1_git) AS (VALUES %s), known_objects as (( select id as sha1_git, 'release'::object_type as type, object_id from release r where exists (select 1 from t where t.sha1_git = r.id) ) union all ( select id as sha1_git, 'revision'::object_type as type, object_id from revision r where exists (select 1 from t where t.sha1_git = r.id) ) union all ( select id as sha1_git, 'directory'::object_type as type, object_id from directory d where exists (select 1 from t where t.sha1_git = d.id) ) union all ( select sha1_git as sha1_git, 'content'::object_type as type, object_id from content c where exists (select 1 from t where t.sha1_git = c.sha1_git) )) select t.sha1_git as sha1_git, k.type from t left join known_objects k on t.sha1_git = k.sha1_git """, ((id,) for id in ids) ) def stat_counters(self, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute('SELECT * FROM swh_stat_counters()') yield from cur def origin_add(self, url, cur=None): """Insert a new origin and return the new identifier.""" insert = """INSERT INTO origin (url) values (%s) RETURNING url""" cur.execute(insert, (url,)) return cur.fetchone()[0] origin_cols = ['url'] def origin_get_by_url(self, origins, cur=None): """Retrieve origin `(type, url)` from urls if found.""" cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """SELECT %s FROM (VALUES %%s) as t(url) LEFT JOIN origin ON t.url = origin.url """ % ','.join('origin.' + col for col in self.origin_cols) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, query, ((url,) for url in origins)) def origin_get_by_sha1(self, sha1s, cur=None): """Retrieve origin urls from sha1s if found.""" cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """SELECT %s FROM (VALUES %%s) as t(sha1) LEFT JOIN origin ON t.sha1 = digest(origin.url, 'sha1') """ % ','.join('origin.' + col for col in self.origin_cols) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, query, ((sha1,) for sha1 in sha1s)) def origin_id_get_by_url(self, origins, cur=None): """Retrieve origin `(type, url)` from urls if found.""" cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """SELECT id FROM (VALUES %s) as t(url) LEFT JOIN origin ON t.url = origin.url """ for row in execute_values_generator( cur, query, ((url,) for url in origins)): yield row[0] origin_get_range_cols = ['id', 'url'] def origin_get_range(self, origin_from=1, origin_count=100, cur=None): """Retrieve ``origin_count`` origins whose ids are greater or equal than ``origin_from``. Origins are sorted by id before retrieving them. Args: origin_from (int): the minimum id of origins to retrieve origin_count (int): the maximum number of origins to retrieve """ cur = self._cursor(cur) query = """SELECT %s FROM origin WHERE id >= %%s ORDER BY id LIMIT %%s """ % ','.join(self.origin_get_range_cols) cur.execute(query, (origin_from, origin_count)) yield from cur def _origin_query(self, url_pattern, count=False, offset=0, limit=50, regexp=False, with_visit=False, cur=None): """ Method factorizing query creation for searching and counting origins. """ cur = self._cursor(cur) if count: origin_cols = 'COUNT(*)' else: origin_cols = ','.join(self.origin_cols) query = """SELECT %s FROM origin WHERE """ if with_visit: query += """ EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM origin_visit INNER JOIN snapshot ON snapshot=snapshot.id WHERE origin=origin.id ) AND """ query += 'url %s %%s ' if not count: query += 'ORDER BY id OFFSET %%s LIMIT %%s' if not regexp: query = query % (origin_cols, 'ILIKE') query_params = ('%'+url_pattern+'%', offset, limit) else: query = query % (origin_cols, '~*') query_params = (url_pattern, offset, limit) if count: query_params = (query_params[0],) cur.execute(query, query_params) def origin_search(self, url_pattern, offset=0, limit=50, regexp=False, with_visit=False, cur=None): """Search for origins whose urls contain a provided string pattern or match a provided regular expression. The search is performed in a case insensitive way. Args: url_pattern (str): the string pattern to search for in origin urls offset (int): number of found origins to skip before returning results limit (int): the maximum number of found origins to return regexp (bool): if True, consider the provided pattern as a regular expression and returns origins whose urls match it with_visit (bool): if True, filter out origins with no visit """ self._origin_query(url_pattern, offset=offset, limit=limit, regexp=regexp, with_visit=with_visit, cur=cur) yield from cur def origin_count(self, url_pattern, regexp=False, with_visit=False, cur=None): """Count origins whose urls contain a provided string pattern or match a provided regular expression. The pattern search in origin urls is performed in a case insensitive way. Args: url_pattern (str): the string pattern to search for in origin urls regexp (bool): if True, consider the provided pattern as a regular expression and returns origins whose urls match it with_visit (bool): if True, filter out origins with no visit """ self._origin_query(url_pattern, count=True, regexp=regexp, with_visit=with_visit, cur=cur) return cur.fetchone()[0] release_add_cols = [ 'id', 'target', 'target_type', 'date', 'date_offset', 'date_neg_utc_offset', 'name', 'comment', 'synthetic', 'author_fullname', 'author_name', 'author_email', ] release_get_cols = release_add_cols def release_get_from_list(self, releases, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) query_keys = ', '.join( self.mangle_query_key(k, 'release') for k in self.release_get_cols ) yield from execute_values_generator( cur, """ SELECT %s FROM (VALUES %%s) as t(sortkey, id) LEFT JOIN release ON t.id = release.id LEFT JOIN person author ON release.author = author.id ORDER BY sortkey """ % query_keys, ((sortkey, id) for sortkey, id in enumerate(releases))) def release_get_random(self, cur=None): return self._get_random_row_from_table( 'release', ['id'], 'id', cur) def origin_metadata_add(self, origin, ts, provider, tool, metadata, cur=None): """ Add an origin_metadata for the origin at ts with provider, tool and metadata. Args: origin (int): the origin's id for which the metadata is added ts (datetime): time when the metadata was found provider (int): the metadata provider identifier tool (int): the tool's identifier used to extract metadata metadata (jsonb): the metadata retrieved at the time and location Returns: id (int): the origin_metadata unique id """ cur = self._cursor(cur) insert = """INSERT INTO origin_metadata (origin_id, discovery_date, provider_id, tool_id, metadata) SELECT id, %s, %s, %s, %s FROM origin WHERE url = %s""" cur.execute(insert, (ts, provider, tool, jsonize(metadata), origin)) origin_metadata_get_cols = ['origin_url', 'discovery_date', 'tool_id', 'metadata', 'provider_id', 'provider_name', 'provider_type', 'provider_url'] def origin_metadata_get_by(self, origin_url, provider_type=None, cur=None): """Retrieve all origin_metadata entries for one origin_url """ cur = self._cursor(cur) if not provider_type: query = '''SELECT %s FROM swh_origin_metadata_get_by_origin( %%s)''' % (','.join( self.origin_metadata_get_cols)) cur.execute(query, (origin_url, )) else: query = '''SELECT %s FROM swh_origin_metadata_get_by_provider_type( %%s, %%s)''' % (','.join( self.origin_metadata_get_cols)) cur.execute(query, (origin_url, provider_type)) yield from cur tool_cols = ['id', 'name', 'version', 'configuration'] @stored_procedure('swh_mktemp_tool') def mktemp_tool(self, cur=None): pass def tool_add_from_temp(self, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute("SELECT %s from swh_tool_add()" % ( ','.join(self.tool_cols), )) yield from cur def tool_get(self, name, version, configuration, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute('''select %s from tool where name=%%s and version=%%s and configuration=%%s''' % ( ','.join(self.tool_cols)), (name, version, configuration)) return cur.fetchone() metadata_provider_cols = ['id', 'provider_name', 'provider_type', 'provider_url', 'metadata'] def metadata_provider_add(self, provider_name, provider_type, provider_url, metadata, cur=None): """Insert a new provider and return the new identifier.""" cur = self._cursor(cur) insert = """INSERT INTO metadata_provider (provider_name, provider_type, provider_url, metadata) values (%s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING id""" cur.execute(insert, (provider_name, provider_type, provider_url, jsonize(metadata))) return cur.fetchone()[0] def metadata_provider_get(self, provider_id, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute('''select %s from metadata_provider where id=%%s ''' % ( ','.join(self.metadata_provider_cols)), (provider_id, )) return cur.fetchone() def metadata_provider_get_by(self, provider_name, provider_url, cur=None): cur = self._cursor(cur) cur.execute('''select %s from metadata_provider where provider_name=%%s and provider_url=%%s''' % ( ','.join(self.metadata_provider_cols)), (provider_name, provider_url)) return cur.fetchone() def _get_random_row_from_table(self, table_name, cols, id_col, cur=None): random_sha1 = bytes(random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(SHA1_SIZE)) cur = self._cursor(cur) query = ''' (SELECT {cols} FROM {table} WHERE {id_col} >= %s ORDER BY {id_col} LIMIT 1) UNION (SELECT {cols} FROM {table} WHERE {id_col} < %s ORDER BY {id_col} DESC LIMIT 1) LIMIT 1 '''.format(cols=', '.join(cols), table=table_name, id_col=id_col) cur.execute(query, (random_sha1, random_sha1)) row = cur.fetchone() if row: return row[0]