\name{subspace} \alias{subspace} \title{ Angle between two subspaces } \description{ Finds the angle between two subspaces. } \usage{ subspace(A, B) } \arguments{ \item{A, B}{Numeric matrices; vectors will be considered as column vectors. These matrices must have the same number or rows.} } \details{ Finds the angle between two subspaces specified by the columns of A and B. } \value{ An angle in radians. } \references{ Strang, G. (1998). Introduction to Linear Algebra. Wellesley-Cambridge Press. } \note{ It is not necessary that two subspaces be the same size in order to find the angle between them. Geometrically, this is the angle between two hyperplanes embedded in a higher dimensional space. } \seealso{ \code{\link{orth}} } \examples{ 180 * subspace(c(1, 2), c(2, 1)) / pi #=> 36.87 180 * subspace(c(0, 1), c(1, 2)) / pi #=> 26.565 H <- hadamard(8) A <- H[, 2:4] B <- H[, 5:8] subspace(A, B) #=> 1.5708 or pi/2, i.e. A and B are orthogonal } \keyword{ array }