# Copyright (c) 2005-2017 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # # tbb_root?=. include $(tbb_root)/build/common.inc .PHONY: default all tbb tbbmalloc tbbproxy test examples #workaround for non-depend targets tbb and tbbmalloc which both depend on version_string.ver #According to documentation, recursively invoked make commands can process their targets in parallel .NOTPARALLEL: tbb tbbmalloc tbbproxy default: tbb tbbmalloc $(if $(use_proxy),tbbproxy) all: tbb tbbmalloc tbbproxy test examples tbb: mkdir $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_debug" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbb cfg=debug $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_release" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbb cfg=release tbbmalloc: mkdir $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_debug" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbbmalloc cfg=debug malloc $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_release" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbbmalloc cfg=release malloc tbbproxy: mkdir $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_debug" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbbproxy cfg=debug tbbproxy $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_release" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbbproxy cfg=release tbbproxy test: tbb tbbmalloc $(if $(use_proxy),tbbproxy) -$(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_debug" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbbmalloc cfg=debug malloc_test -$(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_debug" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.test cfg=debug -$(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_release" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbbmalloc cfg=release malloc_test -$(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_release" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.test cfg=release rml: mkdir $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_debug" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.rml cfg=debug $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_release" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.rml cfg=release examples: tbb tbbmalloc $(MAKE) -C examples -r -f Makefile tbb_root=.. release test python: mkdir $(MAKE) -C "$(work_dir)_release" -r -f $(tbb_root)/build/Makefile.tbb cfg=release bash -c ". $(work_dir)_release$(SLASH)tbbvars.sh && $(MAKE) -rC '$(full_tbb_root)/python' CXX=$(compiler) install test-install" .PHONY: clean clean_examples mkdir info clean: clean_examples $(shell $(RM) $(work_dir)_release$(SLASH)*.* >$(NUL) 2>$(NUL)) $(shell $(RD) $(work_dir)_release >$(NUL) 2>$(NUL)) $(shell $(RM) $(work_dir)_debug$(SLASH)*.* >$(NUL) 2>$(NUL)) $(shell $(RD) $(work_dir)_debug >$(NUL) 2>$(NUL)) @echo clean done clean_examples: $(shell $(MAKE) -s -i -r -C examples -f Makefile tbb_root=.. clean >$(NUL) 2>$(NUL)) mkdir: $(shell $(MD) "$(work_dir)_release" >$(NUL) 2>$(NUL)) $(shell $(MD) "$(work_dir)_debug" >$(NUL) 2>$(NUL)) @echo Created $(work_dir)_release and ..._debug directories info: @echo OS: $(tbb_os) @echo arch=$(arch) @echo compiler=$(compiler) @echo runtime=$(runtime) @echo tbb_build_prefix=$(tbb_build_prefix)