from utils.utils import DATASETS, METHODS, DATASET_TO_FOLDER_NAME, Colors from utils.graph import get_parser, get_wnids_from_dataset, read_graph, \ get_leaves, generate_fname, get_directory, get_graph_path_from_args, \ get_roots from pathlib import Path import argparse import os def get_seen_wnids(wnid_set, nodes): leaves_seen = set() for leaf in nodes: if leaf in wnid_set: wnid_set.remove(leaf) if leaf in leaves_seen: pass leaves_seen.add(leaf) return leaves_seen def match_wnid_leaves(wnids, G, tree_name): wnid_set = set() for wnid in wnids: wnid_set.add(wnid.strip()) leaves_seen = get_seen_wnids(wnid_set, get_leaves(G)) return leaves_seen, wnid_set def match_wnid_nodes(wnids, G, tree_name): wnid_set = {wnid.strip() for wnid in wnids} leaves_seen = get_seen_wnids(wnid_set, G.nodes) return leaves_seen, wnid_set def print_stats(leaves_seen, wnid_set, tree_name, node_type): print(f"[{tree_name}] \t {node_type}: {len(leaves_seen)} \t WNIDs missing from {node_type}: {len(wnid_set)}") if len(wnid_set):"==> Warning: WNIDs in wnid.txt are missing from {tree_name} {node_type}") def main(): parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args() wnids = get_wnids_from_dataset(args.dataset) path = get_graph_path_from_args(args) print('==> Reading from {}'.format(path)) G = read_graph(path) G_name = Path(path).stem leaves_seen, wnid_set1 = match_wnid_leaves(wnids, G, G_name) print_stats(leaves_seen, wnid_set1, G_name, 'leaves') leaves_seen, wnid_set2 = match_wnid_nodes(wnids, G, G_name) print_stats(leaves_seen, wnid_set2, G_name, 'nodes') num_roots = len(list(get_roots(G))) if num_roots == 1:'Found just 1 root.') else:'Found {num_roots} roots. Should be only 1.') if len(wnid_set1) == len(wnid_set2) == 0 and num_roots == 1:"==> All checks pass!") else:'==> Test failed') if __name__ == '__main__': main()