\name{RMdivfree} \alias{RMdivfree} \title{Divfree Covariance Model} \description{ \command{\link{RMdivfree}} is a multivariate covariance model which depends on a univariate stationary covariance model where the covariance function phi(h) is twice differentiable. The corresponding matrix-valued covariance function C of the model only depends on the difference \eqn{h}{h} between two points and it is given by the following components: \itemize{ \item the potential \item the vector field given by \deqn{ C(h)=( - \Delta E + \nabla \nabla^T ) C_0(h) } \item the curl field } } \usage{ RMdivfree(phi, which, var, scale, Aniso, proj) } \arguments{ \item{phi}{a univariate stationary covariance model (in 2 or 3 dimensions).} \item{which}{vector of integers. If not given all components are returned; otherwise the selected components are returned. } \item{var,scale,Aniso,proj}{optional arguments; same meaning for any \command{\link{RMmodel}}. If not passed, the above covariance function remains unmodified.} } \details{ The model returns the potential field in the first component, the corresponding divfree field and the field of curl strength in the last component. See also the models \command{\link{RMcurlfree}} and \command{\link{RMvector}}. } \value{ \command{\link{RMdivfree}} returns an object of class \code{\link[=RMmodel-class]{RMmodel}}. } \references{ \itemize{ \item Scheuerer, M. and Schlather, M. (2012) Covariance Models for Divergence-Free and Curl-Free Random Vector Fields. \emph{Stochastic Models} \bold{28:3}. } } \me \seealso{ \command{\link{RMcurlfree}}, \command{\link{RMderiv}}, \command{\link{RMvector}}, \command{\link{RMmodel}}, \command{\link{RFsimulate}}, \command{\link{RFfit}}. } \keyword{spatial} \keyword{models} \examples{\dontshow{StartExample()} RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set ## RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again model <- RMdivfree(RMgauss(), scale=4) plot(model, dim=2) x.seq <- y.seq <- seq(-10, 10, 0.2) simulated <- RFsimulate(model=model, x=x.seq, y=y.seq) plot(simulated) plot(simulated, select.variables=1) plot(simulated, select.variables=2:3) plot(simulated, select.variables=list(2:3)) plot(simulated, select.variables=list(1, 2:3, 4)) plot(simulated, select.variables=list(1, c(1, 2:3), 4)) \dontshow{FinalizeExample()}}