Raw File
Tip revision: c812045b6b43f7bfeca7954a47baf2dcbb8c6d8d authored by Software Heritage on 03 September 2018, 13:40:43 UTC
hal: Deposit 174 in collection hal
Tip revision: c812045
#open "graphics";;

(* Simple turtle graphics *)

type turtle_state =
  { mutable x : float;
    mutable y : float;
    mutable heading : float };;

let t = { x = 0.0; y = 0.0; heading = 0.0 };;

let pi180 = 4.0 *. atan 1.0 /. 180.0;;

let round x =
  if x >=. 0.0 then int_of_float(x +. 0.5) else -(int_of_float(0.5 -. x));;

let reset() =
  t.x <- float_of_int(size_x() / 2);
  t.y <- float_of_int(size_y() / 2);
  t.heading <- 0.0;
  moveto (round t.x) (round t.y)

let forward d =
  t.x <- t.x +. cos(t.heading) *. d;
  t.y <- t.y +. sin(t.heading) *. d;
  lineto (round t.x) (round t.y)

let turn a =
  t.heading <- t.heading +. a *. pi180

(* A table of flashy colors *)

let colors =
  [| 0xff0000; 0xff6000; 0xffc000; 0xdeff00;
     0x7eff00; 0x1eff00; 0x1eff00; 0x00ff42;
     0x00ffa2; 0x00fcff; 0x009cff; 0x003cff;
     0x2400ff; 0x8400ff; 0xe400ff; 0xff00ba |];;

(* The main drawing function *)

let rec spir dist angle angle_incr color =
  if key_pressed() then () else begin
    set_color colors.(color);
    forward dist;
    turn angle;
    spir dist (angle +. angle_incr) angle_incr ((color + 1) land 15)
(* The interaction loop *)

let message s =
  let (x, y) = current_point() in
  draw_string s;
  let (_, height) = text_size s in
  moveto x (y + height)

let format f =
  format_float "%6.2f" f

let rec loop dist angle_incr =
  set_color foreground;
  moveto 0 0;
  message "   -           d, D             to decrease";
  message "   +           i, I             to increase";
  message (format dist ^ "      " ^ format angle_incr);
  message "Distance    Angle increment     'q' to quit";
  spir dist 0.0 angle_incr 0;
  match read_key() with
    `-` -> loop (dist -. 2.0) angle_incr
  | `+` -> loop (dist +. 2.0) angle_incr
  | `d` -> loop dist (angle_incr -. 0.05)
  | `D` -> loop dist (angle_incr -. 5.0)
  | `i` -> loop dist (angle_incr +. 0.05)
  | `I` -> loop dist (angle_incr +. 5.0)
  | `q` -> ()
  | _ -> loop dist angle_incr

let spir () =
  open_graph "";
  loop 5.0 1.9;

if sys__interactive then () else begin spir(); exit 0 end;;
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