import numpy import scipy import matplotlib.pyplot # import pyximport # pyximport.install(setup_args={'include_dirs': numpy.get_include()}) dtype = numpy.complex64 import scipy.linalg def tailor_fftn(X): # X = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.fftn(numpy.fft.fftshift((X)))) X = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.fftn(numpy.fft.fftshift((X)))) return X def tailor_ifftn(X): # X = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.ifftn(numpy.fft.ifftshift(X))) X = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.ifftn(numpy.fft.ifftshift(X))) return X import scipy.sparse.linalg def myeig(g): ''' access lapack's cggev which should be faster than scipy's eig() ''' # w,wr,vl ,v, info= scipy.linalg.lapack.sgeev(g ,compute_vl= 0,compute_vr = 1, overwrite_a=1) w,v, info= scipy.linalg.lapack.ssyev(g , overwrite_a=1) # Lapack's ssyev routine for # symmetric eigenproblem (20% faster #than complex cgeev and 100% faster than #zgeev) # w,v = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(g ,1, which='LM') # Lapack's ssyev routine for # # symmetric eigenproblem (20% faster # #than complex cgeev and 100% faster than # #zgeev) return w,v def create_fake_coils(N, n_coil): xx,yy = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(0,N),numpy.arange(0,N)) # # ZZ= numpy.exp(-((xx-128)/32)**2-((yy-128)/32)**2) coil_sensitivity = [] image_sense = () r = N phase_factor = 0 for nn in range(0,n_coil): tmp_angle = nn*2*numpy.pi/n_coil shift_r = int(N) shift_x= (numpy.cos(tmp_angle)*shift_r).astype(dtype) shift_y= (numpy.sin(tmp_angle)*shift_r).astype(dtype) # ZZ= numpy.exp(-((xx-N/2-shift_x)/r)**2-((yy-N/2-shift_y)/r)**2).astype(numpy.complex64) ZZ= numpy.exp(1.0j * numpy.random.randn()*0)* numpy.exp(-phase_factor *1.0j*((xx-N/2-shift_x)/N + (yy-N/2-shift_y)/N))* numpy.exp(-((xx-N/2-shift_x)/r)**2-((yy-N/2-shift_y)/r)**2).astype(numpy.complex64) # coil_sensitivity +=(numpy.roll(numpy.roll(ZZ,shift_x,axis=0),shift_y,axis=1),) coil_sensitivity +=[ZZ,] # if n_coil > 1: # coil_sensitivity[0] = coil_sensitivity[0] + coil_sensitivity[1] return coil_sensitivity def apply_coil_sensitivities(input_image, coil_sensitivity, noise_level=0.02): # shape = input_image.shape # print(shape, shape[0], shape[1]) output_image = () # coil_sensitivity n_coil = len(coil_sensitivity) shape = input_image[0].shape print(shape[0]) threshold =numpy.max( input_image[...])*noise_level for pp in range(n_coil): output_image += (input_image*coil_sensitivity[pp]+ threshold*(numpy.random.randn(shape[0],shape[0]) + 1j*numpy.random.randn(shape[0],shape[0])),) # matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(output_image[pp].real, # return output_image def fft_multi_image(input_image): n_coil = len(input_image) multi_kspace=() for pp in range(n_coil): multi_kspace += (tailor_fftn(input_image[pp]), ) return multi_kspace def crop_kspace(single_kspace, shift_x, shift_y, dim_x, dim_y): # numpy.ndarray return calibration_colume def build_A(multi_kspace, reps_acs, mysize): # tuple # building calibration matrix A half_size = int(mysize/2) # half length of one side of the square Nx = multi_kspace[0].shape[0] # size of Nx Ny = multi_kspace[0].shape[1] # size of Ny reps_dimx = int(reps_acs**0.5) reps_dimy = int(reps_acs/reps_dimx) nx_min = int( Nx/2 - half_size - reps_dimx) nx_max = int(Nx/2 + half_size - reps_dimx) ny_min =int(Ny/2 - half_size - reps_dimy) ny_max = int(Ny/2 + half_size - reps_dimy) n_coil = len(multi_kspace) # now allocation A matrix row = mysize**2, colume= reps_acs * n_coil counter = 0 A = numpy.empty( (mysize**2, reps_acs * n_coil), dtype = dtype) for nn in range(0,n_coil): for jjx in range(0, reps_dimx): for jjy in range(0, reps_dimy): A[:,counter]=multi_kspace[nn][nx_min + jjx: nx_max+jjx, ny_min+jjy:ny_max+jjy].reshape((int(mysize**2),),order='F') counter += 1 return A def build_V_KN(V, reps_acs, mysize, K, shape_of_image): V_parallel = V[:,0:60] n_coils = int(V.shape[0]/(reps_acs)) half_size = int(mysize/2) # half length of one side of the square reps_dimx = int(reps_acs**0.5) reps_dimy = int(reps_acs/reps_dimx) tmp_filter = numpy.zeros( shape_of_image, dtype=dtype) x0 = int(shape_of_image[0]/2) y0 = int(shape_of_image[0]/2) dx = int(reps_dimx/2) dy = int(reps_dimy/2) prod_image_shape = # V_KN = () V_KN = numpy.zeros((K,n_coils, prod_image_shape),dtype=dtype) for kk in range(K): for nn in range(n_coils): tmp_vec = V[ nn*reps_acs: (nn+1)*reps_acs , kk] x_min = x0 - dx x_max = x0 + dx y_min = y0 - dy y_max = y0 + dy ''' Note: flipped ''' tmp_filter[x_max:x_min:-1, y_max:y_min:-1] = tmp_vec.reshape( (reps_dimx, reps_dimy),order='F').T # print(tmp_filter.shape) # tmp_vkn += (tailor_ifftn(tmp_filter).reshape(prod_image_shape,order='F'), ) V_KN[kk,nn,:]=tailor_ifftn(tmp_filter).reshape(prod_image_shape,order='F') # V_KN += (tmp_vkn, ) # [K][n_coil][shape_of_image] # if nn == 6: # print(kk, nn) # matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(tailor_ifftn(tmp_filter).imag) # # Gq = numpy.empty((K, N), dtype=dtype) return tuple(V_KN) # [K][n_coil][ ] def V_KN_to_Gq(V_KN2, Gq, K, n_coil ,jj): # for kk in range(0,K): # for nn in range(0,n_coil): # Gq[kk, nn] = V_KN[kk][nn][jj] # g= Gq.conj() g = V_KN2[...,jj][...,jj].conj()) return g def build_maps(V_KN, shape_of_image): result_coil_sensitivity = () K = len(V_KN) n_coil = len(V_KN[0]) print(K,n_coil) prod_image_shape = # fortran order Gq = numpy.empty((K, n_coil),dtype=dtype) g=numpy.empty((n_coil, n_coil),dtype=dtype) C = numpy.ones( (n_coil, prod_image_shape ) ,dtype=dtype ) V_KN2 = numpy.array(V_KN) print(numpy.shape(V_KN2)) for jj in range(prod_image_shape): # for kk in range(0,K): # for nn in range(0,n_coil): # # V_KN[kk][nn][jj] # Gq[kk, nn] = V_KN[kk][nn][jj] # g[:,:]= Gq.conj() g=V_KN_to_Gq(V_KN2, Gq, K, n_coil ,jj) # w, v = numpy.linalg.eig(g) w, v = myeig(g.real) ind = numpy.argmax(numpy.abs(w)) # find the maximum eigenvalue C[:,jj] = v[:,ind] # import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot # pyplot.imshow(g.real) # C= C/numpy.exp( 1.0j* numpy.angle(C)) # C = numpy.ones_like(C) # print(C.shape, K, shape_of_image) C = C.reshape((n_coil,)+ shape_of_image,order='F') C= tuple(C) return C #result_coil_sensitivity def build_maps1(V_KN, shape_of_image): result_coil_sensitivity = () K = len(V_KN) n_coil = len(V_KN[0]) print(K,n_coil) prod_image_shape = # fortran order # Gq = numpy.empty((K, n_coil),dtype=dtype) # g=numpy.empty((n_coil, n_coil),dtype=dtype) C = numpy.ones( (n_coil, prod_image_shape ), numpy.complex64) V_KN2 = numpy.array(V_KN) # print([0,0,:],V_KN2[1,0,:])) # V_KN3 = V_KN2.conj().copy() vmat0 = numpy.transpose(V_KN2,(2,1,0)) vmat1 = numpy.transpose(V_KN2,(2,0,1)).copy() vmat2 = numpy.matmul(vmat0.conj(), vmat1) V_KN4 = numpy.transpose(vmat2, (1,2,0)) # print('KN4 = ',V_KN4.shape) # print('iter = ', 0) for pp in range(0, 300): """ Power iteration """ v1 = numpy.einsum('ijk,jk->ik',V_KN4, C) v1_norm_2 = numpy.tile(numpy.sum( v1*v1.conj(), 0), (n_coil,1)) # v1_norm_2 = numpy.sum( v1*v1.conj()[...]) # print(v1_norm_2.shape) # C = v1 C = v1/v1_norm_2 # print('iter = ', pp) # for jj in range(prod_image_shape): # # # for kk in range(0,K): # # for nn in range(0,n_coil): # # # V_KN[kk][nn][jj] # # Gq[kk, nn] = V_KN[kk][nn][jj] # # g[:,:]= Gq.conj() # g=V_KN_to_Gq(V_KN2, Gq, K, n_coil ,jj) # # w, v = numpy.linalg.eig(g) # w, v = myeig(g.real) # ind = numpy.argmax(numpy.abs(w)) # find the maximum eigenvalue # # C[:,jj] = v[:,ind] # import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot # pyplot.imshow(g.real) # # C= C/numpy.exp( 1.0j* numpy.angle(C)) # print(C.shape, K, shape_of_image) v1 = numpy.einsum('ijk,jk->ik',V_KN4, C) # print('v1shape',v1.shape) v1_norm_2 = numpy.tile(numpy.sum( C*C.conj(), 0), (n_coil,1)) mu = numpy.abs(v1 * C.conj() / v1_norm_2) mu = mu / numpy.max(mu) # ind = (mu > 0.1) # C2 = numpy.ones_like(C) # C2[ind] = C[ind] C = C*mu C = C.reshape((n_coil,)+ shape_of_image,order='F') C= tuple(C) return C #result_coil_sensitivity def image2coilprofile(multi_image): multi_image = remove_low_frequency_phase(multi_image) multi_kspace = fft_multi_image(multi_image) # tuple N = multi_image[0].shape[0] reps_acs = 16 # number of adjacent squares for SVD mysize = 16 # length of one side of the square print('Using ESPIRIT coil decomposition method') A= build_A(multi_kspace, reps_acs, mysize) # build a 2-D calibration matrix # print('215') U,S,Vh = numpy.linalg.svd(A) # print('216') V = Vh.conj().T # import matplotlib # matplotlib.pyplot.plot(S) # # print('217') ind = S > 0.1*S[0] print(ind[-1]) K = len(S[ind]) shape_of_image=(N, N) # print('222') V_KN = build_V_KN(V, reps_acs, mysize, K, shape_of_image) # print('224') # # print("V_KN", numpy.shape(V_KN) ) result_coil_sensitivity = build_maps1(V_KN, shape_of_image) # print('228') return result_coil_sensitivity def remove_low_frequency_phase( stack_image_input): print('Removing low-frequency phase') import scipy.ndimage.filters Nc = len(stack_image_input) stack_image_output = () shape = stack_image_input[0].shape gauss_rad = 1 for nc in range(0, Nc): gfilter = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(stack_image_input[nc].real, gauss_rad) + scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(stack_image_input[nc].imag, gauss_rad) * 1.0j # import matplotlib.pyplot low_pass_phase = (gfilter+1e-7) / numpy.abs(gfilter+1e-7) stack_image_output += ((gfilter+1e-7)/(low_pass_phase+1e-7), ) # matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(gfilter.real) # return stack_image_output def image2coilprofile3(multi_image): print('Using exponent of sos') multi_image = remove_low_frequency_phase(multi_image) Nc = len(multi_image) import scipy.ndimage.filters result_coil_sensitivity = () sos_image = numpy.zeros_like(multi_image[0]) low_reso_image = () gauss_rad = 0.1 for nc in range(0, Nc): gfilter = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(multi_image[nc].real, gauss_rad) + scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(multi_image[nc].imag, gauss_rad) * 1.0j low_reso_image += (gfilter, ) # import matplotlib.pyplot sos_image += gfilter**2 sos_image = sos_image**0.5 # thr = 0.01* numpy.max(sos_image[...]) for nc in range(0, Nc): result_coil_sensitivity += ( numpy.exp(low_reso_image[nc] )/numpy.exp(sos_image ) ,) return result_coil_sensitivity def image2coilprofile2(multi_image): """ image divided by the root sum of squares """ print("coil profile by image/sos") # multi_image = remove_low_frequency_phase(multi_image) Nc = len(multi_image) import scipy.ndimage.filters result_coil_sensitivity = () sos_image = numpy.zeros_like(multi_image[0]) low_reso_image = () gauss_rad = 1 for nc in range(0, Nc): gfilter_real = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(multi_image[nc].real, gauss_rad) gfilter_imag = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(multi_image[nc].imag, gauss_rad) low_reso_image += (gfilter_real + gfilter_imag*1.0j, ) # import matplotlib.pyplot sos_image_real = numpy.hypot( sos_image.real, gfilter_real) sos_image_imag= numpy.hypot( sos_image.imag, gfilter_imag) sos_image = numpy.hypot( sos_image_real, sos_image_imag) # sos_image = sos_image**0.5 thr = 0.1* numpy.max(sos_image[...]) gauss_rad = 120 for nc in range(0, Nc): result_coil_sensitivity += ( scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter( (low_reso_image[nc]+thr).real/(sos_image+thr), gauss_rad)+ 1.0j*scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter( (low_reso_image[nc]+thr).imag/(sos_image+thr), gauss_rad),) """ A final Espirit process """ # result_coil_sensitivity = image2coilprofile(result_coil_sensitivity) return result_coil_sensitivity def test_solver_cpu(): ''' Test the coil decomposition method ''' import phantom N = 256 a = phantom.phantom(N).astype(numpy.complex64) # a += numpy.random.randn(256,256) + 1j*numpy.random.randn(256,256) # a = scipy.misc.ascent() n_coil = 8 coil_sensitivity = create_fake_coils(N, n_coil) # tuple multi_image = apply_coil_sensitivities(a, coil_sensitivity) # tuple # multi_image = remove_low_frequency_phase(multi_image) result_coil_sensitivity =image2coilprofile(multi_image) print(type(result_coil_sensitivity)) # A = svd_coil_sense(multi_image) for pp in range(0,n_coil): matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(6,4,pp+1) matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(result_coil_sensitivity[pp][...].real, matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(6,4,pp+9) matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(multi_image[pp][...].real, matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(6,4,pp+17) matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(coil_sensitivity[pp][...].real, def test_tensor(): ''' Test the coil decomposition method ''' import phantom N = 256 a = phantom.phantom(N).astype(numpy.complex64) # a += numpy.random.randn(256,256) + 1j*numpy.random.randn(256,256) # a = scipy.misc.ascent() n_coil = 8 coil_sensitivity = create_fake_coils(N, n_coil) # tuple multi_image = apply_coil_sensitivities(a, coil_sensitivity) # tuple import Nd_tensor coil_array = numpy.empty((N, N, n_coil), dtype = numpy.complex) for pp in range(0, n_coil): coil_array[:,:,pp] = multi_image[pp] # multi_image = remove_low_frequency_phase(multi_image) # result_coil_sensitivity =image2coilprofile2(multi_image) sos = numpy.sum(coil_array**2, 2)**0.5 for pp in range(0, n_coil): coil_array[:,:,pp] /= sos H = Nd_tensor.htensor() H.factorise(coil_array, (5,5, n_coil)) core = core[numpy.abs(core)< 0.5 ] = 0 recovered = H.adjoint(core) # sos = numpy.sum(recovered**2, 2) result_coil_sensitivity = () for pp in range(0, n_coil): result_coil_sensitivity += (recovered [:,:,pp] ,) print(type(result_coil_sensitivity)) # A = svd_coil_sense(multi_image) for pp in range(0,n_coil): matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(6,4,pp+1) matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(result_coil_sensitivity[pp][...].real, matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(6,4,pp+9) matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(multi_image[pp][...].real, matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(6,4,pp+17) matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(coil_sensitivity[pp][...].real, # def test_solver_gpu(): # ''' # Test the soil decomposition method # ''' # # import phantom # N = 128 # a = phantom.phantom(N).astype(numpy.complex64) # # n_coil = 8 # coil_sensitivity = create_fake_coils(N, n_coil) # tuple # multi_image = apply_coil_sensitivities(a, coil_sensitivity) # tuple # # multi_kspace = fft_multi_image(multi_image) # tuple # reps_acs = 16 # number of adjacent squares for SVD # mysize = 20 # length of one side of the square # A= build_A(multi_kspace, reps_acs, mysize) # build a 2-D calibration matrix # # U,S,Vh = numpy.linalg.svd(A) # V = Vh.conj().T # # K = 30 # shape_of_image=(N, N) # V_KN = build_V_KN(V, reps_acs, mysize, K, shape_of_image) # print("V_KN.shape", V_KN.shape) # # # result_coil_sensitivity = build_maps(V_KN, shape_of_image) # print(type(result_coil_sensitivity)) # # # A = svd_coil_sense(multi_image) # for pp in range(0,n_coil): # matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(6,4,pp+1) # matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(result_coil_sensitivity[pp][...].real, # matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(6,4,pp+9) # matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(multi_image[pp][...].real, # matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(6,4,pp+17) # matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(coil_sensitivity[pp][...].real, # if __name__ == "__main__": # test() import cProfile'test_solver_cpu()') # test_tensor() # remove_low_frequency_phase( )