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Tip revision: 4201397494d9af8b687117e8ff4d85a8944f5c5a authored by Software Heritage on 11 June 2019, 10:15:02 UTC
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Tip revision: 4201397
/* fflas/fflas_bounds.inl
 * Copyright (C) 2008 Clement Pernet
 * Written by Clement Pernet <>
 *            Brice Boyer (briceboyer) <>
 * ========LICENCE========
 * This file is part of the library FFLAS-FFPACK.
 * FFLAS-FFPACK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the  GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * ========LICENCE========

#ifndef __FFLASFFPACK_fflas_bounds_INL
#define __FFLASFFPACK_fflas_bounds_INL

#define FFLAS_INT_TYPE uint64_t

#include "fflas-ffpack/fflas-ffpack-config.h"
#include "fflas-ffpack/utils/flimits.h"

#include <givaro/udl.h>
#include <givaro/modular.h>
#include <givaro/modular-balanced.h>

namespace FFLAS { namespace Protected {

    template <class Field>
    inline double computeFactorClassic (const Field& F)
        //FFLAS_INT_TYPE p=0;
        Givaro::Integer p=0;
        return (double) (p-1);

     * Specializations for ModularPositive and ModularBalanced over double and float
    template <>
    inline double computeFactorClassic (const Givaro::ModularBalanced<double>& F)
        //FFLAS_INT_TYPE p;
        Givaro::Integer p;
        return double((p-1) >> 1);

    //BB: ajout, pourquoi pas ?
    template <>
    inline double computeFactorClassic (const Givaro::ModularBalanced<float>& F)
        //FFLAS_INT_TYPE p;
        Givaro::Integer p;
        return double((p-1) >> 1);

    template <class Field>
    inline size_t DotProdBoundClassic (const Field& F,
                                       const typename Field::Element& beta

        //FFLAS_INT_TYPE p=0;
        Givaro::Integer p=0;

        //unsigned long mantissa = Protected::Mantissa<typename Field::Element>();

        if (p == 0)
            return std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();

        double kmax;

            double c = computeFactorClassic(F);

            double cplt=0;
            if (!F.isZero (beta)){
                if (F.isOne (beta) || F.areEqual (beta, F.mOne)) cplt = c;
                    double be;
                    F.convert(be, beta);
                    cplt = fabs(be)*c;
            kmax = floor ( (double (double(limits<typename Field::Element>::max()) + 1 - cplt)) / (c*c));
            if (kmax  <= 1) return 1;

        //kmax--; // we computed a strict upper bound
        return  (size_t) std::min ((uint64_t)kmax, 1_ui64 << 31);

} // FFLAS
} // Protected

namespace FFLAS {

    inline Givaro::Integer
    InfNorm (const size_t M, const size_t N, const Givaro::Integer* A, const size_t lda){
        Givaro::Integer max = 0;
        size_t log=0;
        for (size_t i=0; i<M; ++i)
            for (size_t j=0; j<N; ++j){
                const Givaro::Integer & x(A[i*lda+j]);
                if ((x.bitsize() >= log) && (abs(x) > max)){
                    max = abs(x);
                    // 					max = x;
                    log = x.bitsize();
        return max;

    namespace Protected {

         * TRSMBound
         * \brief  computes the maximal size for delaying the modular reduction
         *         in a triangular system resolution
         * This is the default version over an arbitrary field.
         * It is currently never used (the recursive algorithm is run until n=1 in this case)
         * \param F Finite Field/Ring of the computation
        template <class Field>
        inline size_t TRSMBound (const Field&)
            return 1;

        // /**
        //  * Specialization for positive modular representation over double
        //  * Computes nmax s.t. (p-1)/2*(p^{nmax-1} + (p-2)^{nmax-1}) < 2^53
        //  * See [Dumas Giorgi Pernet 06, arXiv:cs/0601133]
        //  */
        // template<>
        // inline size_t TRSMBound (const Givaro::Modular<double>& F)
        // {

        // 	FFLAS_INT_TYPE pi;
        // 	F.characteristic(pi);
        // 	unsigned long p = pi;
        // 	unsigned long long p1(1), p2(1);
        // 	size_t nmax = 0;
        // 	unsigned long long max = ( (1 << (DBL_MANT_DIG + 1) ) / ((unsigned long long)(p - 1)));
        // 	while ( (p1 + p2) < max ){
        // 		p1*=p;
        // 		p2*=p-2;
        // 		nmax++;
        // 	}
        // 	return nmax;
        // }

         * Specialization for positive modular representation over float.
         * Computes nmax s.t. (p-1)/2*(p^{nmax-1} + (p-2)^{nmax-1}) < 2^24
         * @pbi
         * See [Dumas Giorgi Pernet 06, arXiv:cs/0601133]
        template<class Element>
        inline size_t TRSMBound (const Givaro::Modular<Element>& F)

            FFLAS_INT_TYPE pi;
            double p = pi;
            double p1 = 1.0, p2 = 1.0;
            double pm1 = (p - 1) / 2;
            size_t nmax = 0;
            unsigned long long max = limits<Element>::max();
            while ( (p1 + p2)*pm1 <= max ){
            return std::max((size_t)1,nmax);

         * Specialization for balanced modular representation over double.
         * Computes nmax s.t. (p-1)/2*(((p+1)/2)^{nmax-1}) < 2^53
         * @bib
         * - Dumas Giorgi Pernet 06, arXiv:cs/0601133
        template<class Element>
        inline size_t TRSMBound (const Givaro::ModularBalanced<Element>& F)

            FFLAS_INT_TYPE pi;
            F.characteristic (pi);
            double pp1 = (pi + 1) / 2;
            double pm1 = (pi - 1) / 2;
            double p1 = 1.0;
            size_t nmax = 0;
            double max = limits<Element>::max();
            while (pm1*p1 <= max){
                p1 *= pp1;
            return std::max((size_t) 1,nmax);

        // /**
        //  * Specialization for balanced modular representation over float
        //  * Computes nmax s.t. (p-1)/2*(((p+1)/2)^{nmax-1}) < 2^24
        //  * See [Dumas Giorgi Pernet 06, arXiv:cs/0601133]
        //  */
        // template<>
        // inline size_t TRSMBound (const Givaro::ModularBalanced<float>& F)
        // {

        // 	FFLAS_INT_TYPE pi;
        // 	F.characteristic (pi);
        // 	unsigned long p = (pi + 1) / 2;
        // 	unsigned long long p1(1);
        // 	size_t nmax = 0;
        // 	unsigned long long max = (1 << (FLT_MANT_DIG + 1)) ;
        // 	while ((pi-1)*p1 < max){
        // 		p1 *= p;
        // 		nmax++;
        // 	}
        // 	return nmax;

        // }
    } // Protected
} // FFLAS

#endif // __FFLASFFPACK_fflas_bounds_INL
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