% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/differential_expression.R \name{FindConservedMarkers} \alias{FindConservedMarkers} \title{Finds markers that are conserved between the groups} \usage{ FindConservedMarkers( object, ident.1, ident.2 = NULL, grouping.var, assay = "RNA", slot = "data", min.cells.group = 3, meta.method = metap::minimump, verbose = TRUE, ... ) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object} \item{ident.1}{Identity class to define markers for} \item{ident.2}{A second identity class for comparison. If NULL (default) - use all other cells for comparison.} \item{grouping.var}{grouping variable} \item{assay}{of assay to fetch data for (default is RNA)} \item{slot}{Slot to pull data from; note that if \code{test.use} is "negbinom", "poisson", or "DESeq2", \code{slot} will be set to "counts"} \item{min.cells.group}{Minimum number of cells in one of the groups} \item{meta.method}{method for combining p-values. Should be a function from the metap package (NOTE: pass the function, not a string)} \item{verbose}{Print a progress bar once expression testing begins} \item{\dots}{parameters to pass to FindMarkers} } \value{ data.frame containing a ranked list of putative conserved markers, and associated statistics (p-values within each group and a combined p-value (such as Fishers combined p-value or others from the metap package), percentage of cells expressing the marker, average differences). Name of group is appended to each associated output column (e.g. CTRL_p_val). If only one group is tested in the grouping.var, max and combined p-values are not returned. } \description{ Finds markers that are conserved between the groups } \examples{ \dontrun{ data("pbmc_small") pbmc_small # Create a simulated grouping variable pbmc_small[['groups']] <- sample(x = c('g1', 'g2'), size = ncol(x = pbmc_small), replace = TRUE) FindConservedMarkers(pbmc_small, ident.1 = 0, ident.2 = 1, grouping.var = "groups") } } \concept{differential_expression}