% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/UM.suff.R \name{UM.suff} \alias{UM.suff} \title{Sufficient statistics for the Unconstrained-Multinomial model} \usage{ UM.suff(X, popId) } \arguments{ \item{X}{Genotype adata. Either a \code{N x 4} matrix with \code{NA}'s indicating duplicates or a \code{N x 5} column data.frame with the first column being the \code{popId}.} \item{popId}{grouping variable for \code{X}. Must be supplied if \code{X} has 4 columns.} } \value{ A list with elements: \itemize{ \item \code{A}: Vector of unique alleles names. The allele numbers in the following quantities correspond to the indices of \code{A}. \item \code{G}: 4-column matrix of unique genotype combinations. The presence of 0's indicates that less than four alleles were amplified indicating that a given genotype either has less than 4 distinct alleles or that some alleles are duplicated. \item \code{tab}: Observed data in a simplified numerical format. This is a contingency table with rows given by the unique elements of \code{popId} and columns given by each row of \code{G}. } } \description{ Converts a matrix or data.frame of genotype data into the sufficient statistics required to fit a Dirichlet-Multinomial hierarchical model. } \examples{ # sufficient statistics in 3 lakes X <- fish215[fish215$Lake \%in\% c("Hogan", "Manitou", "Simcoe"),] suff <- UM.suff(X) suff$A # allele names suff$G # unique genotypes suff$tab # contingency table }