Raw File
\title{ Dominating Sets}
   find maximum dominating sets in (di)graphs.
dominate(g, method = "greedy")
  \item{g}{ an adjacency matrix.}
  \item{method}{ one of "greedy","random","byRadius".}
   \code{dominate} is the main program which calls the others,
	as indicated by \code{method}. Greedy is the greedy dominating
	algorithm.  In the greedy method ties are broken by first index (a la 
	The byRadius method uses the radii to break ties while
	the random routine breaks ties randomly.
  a vector of vertices corresponding to the dominating set.
  Note: just like the vertex labels in igraph, these are 0-based.
T.W. Haynes, S.T. Hedetniemi and P.J. Slater,
Fundamentals of Domination in Graphs,
Marcel Dekker,
\author{ David J. Marchette david.marchette@navy.mil}


x <- matrix(runif(100),ncol=2)
y <- matrix(runif(100,-2,2),ncol=2)
G <- cccd(x,y)
D <- dominate(G)

\keyword{ graphs }
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